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Knowing if models use custom textures?

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Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Hey guys, I wanted to export some doodads from UTM into my map but I saw some blp's and tga in the import manager, do some of the doodads use custom texture? and which ones? I know they're only a few of them which uses custom textures.. but the paths kinda confuse me.. can you guys tell me which doodads needs a model PLUS a texture?
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
yes, some of them need a custom texture, usually they have the same name with the model, but some have different names.

this is some that i'm aware of :

Stormwindroof.blp = [framework]roof_brown shingles.mdx
Spanishroof.blp = [framework]roof_red shingles.mdx
Strawroof1.blp = [framework]roof_straw roof.mdx
duskwoodroof.blp & duskwoodroof2.blp = [framework]roof_green shingles.mdx
If you want to see what models use a custom texture get WarCraft3 viewer.
Extract all the models that you want to use with all the textures from the map in the same folder(a new folder that you may have to create).
Open WarCraft3 Viewer. Look at your Treeview windowand change the selected from MDX to Local drivers. If you made your folder under desktop (and you are using windows) it would be under the My Computer, C:, Users, 'YOUR USER NAME', Desktop. Then open your folder. select the model that you want to see if it uses an external file from Wc3. Look at your main WarCraft3 Viewer window. Click the pull down menu named 'Current File', then click show used texture names. if it shows up with textures than those are the textures that are required for the model. If it doesn't have any it probably doesn't use any external files from Wc3.
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