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King's Men: Bring Me Women - Under Construction

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Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
King's Men: Bring Me Women - Is posted for adopation

:wgrin:King's Men: Bring Me Women:wgrin:
(former known as Harvest Of Women)
Under Construction.

and as i said before. this thing is for fun, so dont get offended and say stuff about it being sexist cuz its not aiming there.

Im opening this thread for servel reasons: i'm bored, i need some crew for this project and i want to hear what you think. None of this is final and everything is subject to change.
so "Take your time, look around"

(me)DocDude - Founder, Triggerer, idea maker.
Destroyer95 - Jasser.
Azul (thinking about quitting from wc3) - Terrein.
if you think you can help us and join we will be most happy to hear you.

this map uses alot of models and stuff, the makers deserve credits and will get it once we're done and we will be able to take a clean look.

so this is the map plan, a nice document i wrote with all the ideas and thoughts for this map (and will have pics once we'll have some). read it and tell me what you think, ill edit it when the need rises.

General Idea

The map is a competition between two teams. Each team starts at an opposite corner of the map. In the middle of the map there is a village where girls are born and grow to women, each team's goal is to take the women to their base because their king said so. Players will vote for game length and number of women. In the game's end there will be a cinematic Text of the result, which is what actually the king wanted the women for. Each time it will be something else random and funny like the king wanting to send the women to university while their stupid, old school parents did not allow. Or that the women of that village are the only humans strong enough to lift up the king's car and changing its tiers.
The game is based heavily on strategy, player skills and team work. You will be able to steal women and resources from the enemy, build defenses to your base and craft equipment to you and your allies.

General Stuff
Combat: should we keep the standard combat system or make a more action oriented one (like that of Archer Wars)?

Map size: how big should the map be?

Colors and names: I named the teams "Blue team" and "Red team". I don’t know if it will be effective to have the different players in each team having different levels of these colors instead of the unmatching colors warcraft usually has. Also players should have their classes in their name like DocDude(Spy) and possibly float above their head (maybe only for same team or when visible).

Resources: all the reasources (wood, iron, etc) in this map are items that you will carry in your inventory.


There is a village in the center of the map. People are born and live there. Sometimes little girls will be born, after a while they will come of age and than all players will get a massage saying that.
Some Twists: Better Women can be born, like princesses or stuff. They're worth more and maybe there will be a message when they are born as little girls.

Alien women: will crush down to earth with the infernal effect.
Men Women: only after you get them you realize that they are useless men!
Ugly-Beautiful-Average Women: giving quality for women?


Should men be a resource (food)? You will get them from buying them at natural buildings and maybe even the women will make them.
We can use them to make some more action on the screen, but every player shouldn’t have more than 5 of them. They should be weaker than heroes all around but not to weak, maybe they will be able to level up?
The thing is that if it will be done there will be a little problem with the action combat system.

Men at the village will also protect the women

Buildings in the map will always be natural. When you build a building you don’t own it, and every one who have access to it can use it. That means that a clever spy can wait for all the enemy team to go out of the base and them lock them out of their own walls. That a watch tower can be manned by each team and that the spy can steal from your storage room (if it's unprotected and he knows the password).

We will use an equipment system that allows you to use only 1 main hand item, 1 helmet etc (also supports 2h weapons). the various items the heroes will carry will have weight, means that carrying them will give a penalty to agility (which now also affects movment speed) but strength will also determine how big the penalty will be (so strong heroes will find it better to wear heavy armor). Should all classes be able to use all the items (but every item will have bonuses that makes it very clear who is best to wear it)? Or they will be class-based? And can we make it that the items will make hero abilities work better?

Workers will be able to build building like the blacksmith and the wood workshop where they will be able to create weapons, shields, armor, helmets and other items. A worker will need to stand next to the building and the building will have general item buttons like "sword" or "helmet", when the button is pressed the building will search for resources and will start making a item of that type from them, like iron sword or black wood bow. There will be simple recopies in the building but also some secret ones you'll have to experiment to find out.
Maybe what crafting is possible dependes on the level of the building and the maker.

Class idea: Should the classes have a lot of options as to where to get them (like Defensive Mage, Warrior Archer, Evil Priest, Assassin spy and blacksmith worker) with many different abilities. If that's the case there should be bonuses for sticking in one path (like having 3 evil priest abilities will make each one a bit stronger)
or we should lock them up and just have few very specific abilities?
Classes unique items: there should be some items only certain classes can use (or they just use them better) like bomb planting for spy and some more ideas.


The naked classes, using the many animations villager model, the custom skins made by me.


The classes once they got geared up. and as i said before, makers of the models dont worry, you'll get your credits.

General Idea: Gather resources, builds stuff. Is pretty quick, does light damage and with average life. Good damage vs buildings. Should get xp from doing his job.
Paths: should have choises of what buildings he'll be able to build, what items to make and the like.

Women Interaction: Trebuchet: Cab Build a trebuchet to launch women to his base (or some other place), can build a house for them to live in (than the enemies have to destroy the house to steal the women)?

Gathers Resources (All are items):
Lumber – from trees.
Stone – from rock chunks.
Iron – from Iron Chunks?
Chrome – from chrome chuncks? (chrome + iron = steel)
Mithril – from Mithril Chunks? Or should it be a recipe like the steel?

Can Build:
Class Changer = a building where you can change your class.
Watch Tower = Tower that can shoot arrows if unit are garrisoned in it.
Walls And Gates = can be made out of different materials for varying hardiness.
Blacksmith = the place where the worker is making weapons and other metal stuff.
Storage house = a place where items can be stored and possibly defended. When it is used the player will have to insert a password which will appear as floating text and allow spies to hack them.
Woman house = captured women can live there and be better defended?
Trebuchet = can hurl rocks to hurt enemies, specially buildings. Can throw women (they don’t die from the fall).
Magic Foundry(?): Can make equipment magical with help of mage and/or priest?
A Training building for every class? Probably if we'll have a lot of abilities to choose from.
Can Craft:
Weapons, armor, stuff.


General Idea: Master of combat. lock him as melee tank with lots of damage? else we can allow him to be archer, shield-wpn, 2 wpns, 2h wpn, tanker, damage dealer or what the fucking ever he wants.

Women Interaction: Kidnap: Takes a woman to his inventory, carrying her around in a Carpet(?), it should make him slow.

Sprint/Charge: you run at great speed (and maybe cause a lot of damage to target?), good to catching running prey.

General Idea: Ranged Attacker? Fire balls and ice stuff. Maybe can even summon things.
Women Interaction: Charm: Totally controls woman but she's slow.

Gathers Resources (All are items)?
Used to make magical items and do cool rituals?

Fire Energy?
Ice energy?
Electric Energy?
Blood energy?

Can make a woman look like some other thing. Can make some other thing look like woman.
Have some classic offensive area targeting spells like fireballs.

General Idea: pretty much like the mage but will focus on supportive stuff. And if he got options they will be Darkness Vs Light style, and/or Different Gods style (like god of war will have a blessing adding damage while god of Life will have healing). The priest can worship many gods, but the more he have of one the one's abilities are stronger.
Should he be an all-a-rounder average with decent armor and weapons so he will be able to support in a fight?
We should be very courfel with the priest, we don’t want him and the mage being the same.

Women Interaction: None? Maybe can sacrifice them in dark rituals.
Gathers Resources (All are items)?
Used to make divine items and cool rituals?

Prayers for each god?
Dark and Light Energy
Resurrection VS undead Summon
Heal VS Life leech

Mainly Generic buffs, curses and auras?

General Idea: Sneaky. Steals and assassinates and also spying of course.

Women Interaction: Steal Heart: the woman follows him around, but is doing it pretty quick.

Should be able to steal resources and items from enemy heroes, buildings and store houses.

Wind walk like ability with bonus backstabbing damage.

Disguise, preferably similar to the one that can look like woman/woman can look like them. Maybe changing teams?

------------end of map plan--------------

so what's with the progress (these are only the close goals our narrow mindes allow us to see)?

Women Intaraction - :thumbs_up: but maybe someone will remake it cuz its not perfect
equipment system :thumbs_up:
Items - there are pretty much alot of them right now.
building system - almost :thumbs_up:
crafting system - :thumbs_up:
Terrein - almost done
Getting Woman to base stuff -
Wood and Rocks spawn -

anyway this project is not too big, and we're only at the start.

so start tallking.

Well people i'm sorry, but for the very long last time i just dont feel like working on the map (or any other). that sucks and all, but i upload what i have now so you can continue it if you want to.
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Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
becouse of the lack of opproprite models in the hive, and so that he will not be to similar to the mage he will be a paladini-priest.
Level 2
Aug 11, 2009
It is really nice. but can you make more? like a hole new? and the mage hat? it had wrong color :eek: but i like the ideé it was really nice.

Check it out !
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
i know, the hat is totaly out of place and will not be in the map.

making new models is a job for a modeler, and im not a one, nor do i have one on the team.
Make another class
A hunter
His armored form would be indiana jones. But with bow and arrow instead
His face would have charcoal marks (camouflage xD)

General idea: Range support, main killer, maybe a healer? ( cause he hunt food)
Women Interaction: Capture: Ensnares a woman. (you know the ensnare effect on air? Its different on land ensnare and air ensnare) The hunter would carry the ensnared woman. (slowed)

Gather Resources:
He will kill a critter and will get the meat. (only hunter can do this. If someone killed a critter, no meat will drop)

Critical strike: For killing guards etc.
Pet hunting: Makes a target critter yours (for style :D)
Sneak: became invisible but with lower movement speed
Luring arrow: Fires an arrow to make any guards or enemies follow it.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
that's a nice idea. the thing is i think 5 classes are a good number, also the hunter you suggested will be a bit like the spy in some cases (like the invisiblilty and coumofluge). but the hunter has a more solid and distinct role then that of the priest...
also the mage is soppuse to be the ranged damage dealer, and its pretty hard for me to think about what i can do with the meat...
ill need to think about it XD
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
i'm not looking to have milion class choices, i just need a small amount of classic classes with very clear role and gamestyle.
and i just got an idea:

the priest will walk around the village and convert men, sending them to his team's base where they will wait for a team member to train and equip them, at that point they will become an assistent (same class as thier master but segnificly weaker). i just hope that even some more units to control will not be overwhelming.

or i can do some other thing with the converted men (like they go praying in your base and gives you bonuses and auras and stuff).

anyway, as i said before, if you have an idea for another class it should fit perfecly with the other and have a role and thing that new players will understand just by the class name.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
he just earns it without doing anything?
and i ask myself, will this calss make the game more fun?
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
the creeps will probebly be the men at the village that will protect the women, and maybe some animals. not many, the focus is on pvp.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
The spy sneaks, steals and assasinates.
The worker gathers reasorces and builds.
The warrior fights toe to toe.
The mage is more ranged and will have interesting abilites.
so what about the priest? he'll just be a copy of the mage?
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
maybe its just me, but isnt playing a supportive hero is just boring?

running around looking for people to heal and get into your aura...

priest must have heals, buffs and auras, thats just what they do, but they need somthing to make them more diffrent and fun...

maybe something about converting villigares, scraficing people, animating dead, summoning creatures from alters. cool stuff.

and the priest will have the path of good vs the path of evil. which means he can (and should) have opposite abilites and stuff.
yeah i said acolyte coz he's neutral

when he chose dark, he will become necromancer
when he chose light, he will become priest

Death coil
Unholy Shield (gives 10 armor on target, any enemy who are near the target will be damage by 3 per second)
Summon Specters (purple wisps)
When he reached a specific amount of level, he can transform into a Death Knight
Interaction with women => the specters will fuse with the woman

Holy Light
Holy Shield (gives 10 armor on target, any ally who are near the target will be healed by 3 per second)
Summon spirits (light yellow wisps)
When he reached a specific amount of level, he can transform into a Paladin
Interaction with women => the spirits will fuse with the woman
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
"Priest" can be a priest of an good or evil religion, and its a generic word that is used alot in video games so people know it better then "acolyte".

i didnt get the spirits thing, what do the spirits do?

maybe an undead making spell for the evil priest and somekind of ressurecting spell for the good one is better?

and maybe both should be able to convert male villagers instead of the womem interaction? XD
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
priest ability sounds evil XD

but what do the spirits do? just fly around and attack people? i rather undead guys doing it XD
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
i thing that wisps are pretty boring XD
and possesing a woman is pretty similar to charming her (like the mage ability).

converted/ressurected men or undead dont have to be able to interect with women, and if they will be able to they should be not very good at it.
i can imagne a group of undead surrondering a woman and leading her to the base while protecting her, but it will be as slow as hell, cuz i think it would be better that the heros will run around and mess with women.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
if we'll have good ideas for mods afcourse we'll have them XD

maybe it will end up just being "King's Men".
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
- bump -

i want to make a tactical importence to what weapon you use agienst what armor, any ideas how it can be done?
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
well i can't, there is no trigger or anything that allows to change attack and defence types when a hero equips armor or weapon, so thats not really an option.
Level 6
Jul 8, 2008
Lol. This map sounds epic.

I'd be glad to help.

I can code in GUI or vJASS.
I can terrain a bit. I recently got good. :)

I'm also very creative.
Can also create loading screen/minimap preview if you'd like.

I'm currently working on my own project though, so it may take some time for me to complete your request.

I'd also be glad to beta test.
Spy sounds retard, how about rogue, thief, assassin, ruffian, corsair, bandit. (the last 3 xD)
And those eyeglasses made the spy nerd xD rofl
Also we need archerz (hunterz), many players like classes that uses bows.
Also me thinks worker should not be included (me thinks) (I vote for its REMOVAL!)
Also, the skin of the priest should be given to the warrior
I can also improve the skin of the spy
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
Spy sounds retard, how about rogue, thief, assassin, ruffian, corsair, bandit. (the last 3 xD)
And those eyeglasses made the spy nerd xD rofl
Also we need archerz (hunterz), many players like classes that uses bows.
Also me thinks worker should not be included (me thinks) (I vote for its REMOVAL!)
Also, the skin of the priest should be given to the warrior
I can also improve the skin of the spy

well spy is the best name for the job of the class, the other names just wont be right.
these glasses doubles his vision! you wont care even if they were pink! :D
yeah, every game these days has an archer, but the mage is the ranged class in this one so there is no need for it.
the worker is the most importent class in the game and will not be removed.
there will probebly be a reskin of all classes once i'll have a decent skinner :D
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
mhhm.. currontly i can use a loading screen and a preview map.
and maybe a skin for an acolyte that will make him look human and with cloths that play with the colors black and white (something like the priest).

and i think thats it for now.
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
mhmm yeah, you necromancer! :O
(the project is still active but this thread is kinnda dead :p)
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
Well people i'm sorry, but for the very long last time i just dont feel like working on the map (or any other). that sucks and all, but i upload what i have now so you can continue it if you want to.


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