First thing: this map is for fun, dont get all "it's sexist" and stuff cuz than you ruin peoples fun.
the idea is slightly based on the upcoming "Fat Princess" game for the PS3.
there are 2 teams (5 players each), each one has a base. there will be 5 classes wich you can switch between it a bulding build for that purpose anytime:
Warrior: the dude the other dudes dont want to meet cuz he'll kick their ass on melee.
Mage: got all kind of fireballs, sumonnings and other ranged heavy damage stuff.
Theif: the sneaky guy. steals reacorses and backstabing people.
Worker: constructing buildings, walls and machines, gathers reasorces and makes items.
Priest: supporive. blessing and cursing, healing and needs some more cool ideas.
. every will have a realy easy to understand role who will not leave noobs in question.
there will be need of a lot of team work between the players and classes to achive that goal.
The main goal of this game will be around a village in the center of the map where little girls are born and evenutaly come to age, at that point every team will need to get that woman and bring her to their base.
every class (expect from the holy priest) will have a diffrent way doing it. like the warrior just rolling a carpet around her and carring her around, the theif "Stealing" her heart and making her following him very fast, the mage puting a spell on her, allowing him to contol her but she'll be slow and the worker building a trebuchet to luanhce her quickly to base.
what do you do with the women? thats a thing i didnt diceide yet. will you need a certian number of them to win? will you need to later get them to your king (located somewhere else on the map) in order to win? need ideas.
also i ask myself other less major but importent non the less qeustions:
how will the advencment is being done? by levels or upgrades? will they stack between classes? will they stay after death?
what about upgrades, every player will have to spend some time as a worker to get his warrior a new sword (or that one worker will make stuff for everyone and wouldnt it be really boring?)? or will the upgrades be global?
what about the combat system? i thougt about making it more action paced by making attacks and defences like in "Archer wars". should it be like it?
also most buildings and machines will be nutural, making it that everyone around can use them (no more Trebuchets firing on their own without a oporetor!)
with all these ideas this map should be very uniqe in the end. not another one of the Dota like or just really indentical maps out there.
as you see alot of brain storming needs to be done, and if it will go well ill probebly gether a crew for it. what do you say?
every thing here is subject to change if there is a better idea
i myself can't do much. i'm can trigger but im pretty sure that if someone else will join me he'll do it better than me. but i still want this map done and having my name on it.
so i need a dude or 2 that can do everything this maps needs and this mainly includes triggers, ideas and brainstorming.
who's in?
First thing: this map is for fun, dont get all "it's sexist" and stuff cuz than you ruin peoples fun.
the idea is slightly based on the upcoming "Fat Princess" game for the PS3.
there are 2 teams (5 players each), each one has a base. there will be 5 classes wich you can switch between it a bulding build for that purpose anytime:
Warrior: the dude the other dudes dont want to meet cuz he'll kick their ass on melee.
Mage: got all kind of fireballs, sumonnings and other ranged heavy damage stuff.
Theif: the sneaky guy. steals reacorses and backstabing people.
Worker: constructing buildings, walls and machines, gathers reasorces and makes items.
Priest: supporive. blessing and cursing, healing and needs some more cool ideas.
. every will have a realy easy to understand role who will not leave noobs in question.
there will be need of a lot of team work between the players and classes to achive that goal.
The main goal of this game will be around a village in the center of the map where little girls are born and evenutaly come to age, at that point every team will need to get that woman and bring her to their base.
every class (expect from the holy priest) will have a diffrent way doing it. like the warrior just rolling a carpet around her and carring her around, the theif "Stealing" her heart and making her following him very fast, the mage puting a spell on her, allowing him to contol her but she'll be slow and the worker building a trebuchet to luanhce her quickly to base.
what do you do with the women? thats a thing i didnt diceide yet. will you need a certian number of them to win? will you need to later get them to your king (located somewhere else on the map) in order to win? need ideas.
also i ask myself other less major but importent non the less qeustions:
how will the advencment is being done? by levels or upgrades? will they stack between classes? will they stay after death?
what about upgrades, every player will have to spend some time as a worker to get his warrior a new sword (or that one worker will make stuff for everyone and wouldnt it be really boring?)? or will the upgrades be global?
what about the combat system? i thougt about making it more action paced by making attacks and defences like in "Archer wars". should it be like it?
also most buildings and machines will be nutural, making it that everyone around can use them (no more Trebuchets firing on their own without a oporetor!)
with all these ideas this map should be very uniqe in the end. not another one of the Dota like or just really indentical maps out there.
as you see alot of brain storming needs to be done, and if it will go well ill probebly gether a crew for it. what do you say?
every thing here is subject to change if there is a better idea
i myself can't do much. i'm can trigger but im pretty sure that if someone else will join me he'll do it better than me. but i still want this map done and having my name on it.
so i need a dude or 2 that can do everything this maps needs and this mainly includes triggers, ideas and brainstorming.
who's in?
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