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Kinda big project: Alterac Valley

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Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
So i just got an idea few days ago when i was looking for some maps for wc3. I searched map named Alterac Valley at various wc3 map sites but found only 1. Then i started to think should i make another one? I was bored and started to make Frostwolf Village, but noticed soon that there isn´t much stuff to make up own orc village. Took some models from THW :3 and continued work.
Then i needed heroes.
And realized that i need lots of spells for them too.
And heroes need items too.
And i gotta make those AV quests too (example: collect Coldtooth mine supplies.)
And after that i realized i need shitloads of triggers for my map (examples: cave capturing, unit spawning, boss fights.)
So now im wondering is it really worth it to continue my project even when i dont have eny experience at skinning, modelling or JASS? Or is there eny1 who would like to join this project?


So far i have done this:
Frostwolf village and almost all at south side of Field of Strife.
Frostwolf Hall (Drek´Thar´s room).
Coldtooth Mine.
Stonehearth outpost.
Horde hero selection.
Horde hero selection triggers.
8 (8 classes)Horde heroes(without spells[only druid has his Cat Form ^^]).

Heres few pictures:
Overwiew. still much terrain to do -.-
On the bottom left is Horde Boss Hall. Above it on the left is Coldtooth Mine
On the bottom right is horde hero selection area.
And whole unfinished part on top is alliance area -.-


Frostwolf village as seen from Tower Point.


Iceblood Garrison (Without Galvangar)


And heres Drek´Thar´s Hall

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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Gosh, I love this map already, keep up the great work!
I could help a bit in Grammar Checking, Beta Testing or Triggering (GUI) if you wouldn't mind.
Apart from that, this map looks really good, I hope it'll be a success:)
Here's a +Rep for your wonderful map!

PS: I'm kind of a person who always falls for Warcraft Lore related games, sorry... (Especially Huge Real-Time Strategy Ones)
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Wow thanks for pretty positive comments :D didn´t thought that this would look so good map... atleast when comparing to those at here in THW forums : /
Im kinda flattered that some1 actually wants to help witht his map :,)
I suck at making spells and im still trying to make the revival system at this map. Luckily theres a tutorial for making revival system for changing locations, but im still trying to figure out how to make it be work so that revival place changes depending on what gy´s your team has captured... -.-

Hmm... should i make new thread for Map development category, as this seems to be forming from idea to actual map?

btw heres some updated images:
Alterac Valley.jpg

Dun Baldar.jpg

Field of Strife.jpg

Frostwolf Hall.jpg

Frostwolf Towers.jpg
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Thanks everyone ^^ i really didn´t thought myself to be THAT good terrainer :S

and here´s some real information:
I didn´t even knew that there was thread about my map in Map development section, so i will not keep updating this thread. Follow this link to the "real" thread and please post your comments in that one too. I wouldn´t like to keep updating and following 2 threads for only 1 project :s
But dont except me to update it soon, working on chanan12´s map.
Level 6
Feb 23, 2010
...Well from a terrainer's point of view its not bad for something where function is the main priority. May I suggests you focus on the gameplay and functionality/completion of the game and just ask for a terrainer here on the forums to make it look pretty.
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