My Question is simple. How do I, a Crusader, hold aggro when this berserker is doing more than 400dps on the boss? And hes not using his skills... also hes only a one handed berserker...
Ok lets be more specific. One handed zerk with a shield (cause he was dying too fast), doing an average 450dps (cause he know what he was doing)
Ok lets be more specific. One handed zerk with a shield (cause he was dying too fast), doing an average 450dps (cause he know what he was doing). I was at the time a full leadership crusader with guardian angel, taunt, heroic presence and crucify. Doing an average 100dps... not counting abilites. When taunt and gaurdian angel were on cd for those seconds, he easily pulled off me. Even when i engaged first and got a good combo of skills off before he finally engaged. The fact that he was able to pull off of me so easily is what im questioning. And after doing all the number crunching, i concluded one thing. He as a berserker actually did dmg. he actually was fullfilling his role and did dps. the mere fact that everyone else hardly does dmg, makes crusader abilities legit in action. but compared to that of high dps (constant high dps not just ability burst dmg), he was able to pull aggro because of that.
And since crusaders cant do much dps cause they need more tanking capability. Makes crusaders very well useless in holding aggro compared to high dps sustainers.
So, seeing your guys' replies. I must say, you dont know what you are talking about.
So, seeing your guys' replies. I must say, you dont know what you are talking about.
My sader holds aggro at bosses just fine. Maybe you should use your spells properly and tell that zerk not to activate heroic presence.
And if he wasn't using heroic presence... that means you lost aggro to a 1h zerk with a shield. Queue the laughter.
View attachment 130517 <---click it for hero and boss data
I did some tests , the results as below :
if any wrong , please correct me
My one-hand zerk (with talent Vigor)
Attack power (with full berserker Rage) => 62+114= 176
Str = 59 + 34 = 93
Critical Damage (attack) =176%
Revenge(physical)= atp*5 =176*5=880
Cirt => 880*176%=1549
Hateful Stike(physical)= atp*1.5=176*1.5 =264
Crit => 264*176%= 465
Shield Slam(physical)=str*2 = 93*2 =186
Crit => 186*176% =327
Gaping wound(physical)= atp*(0.5+2) = 176*2.5 =440
Crit=> 440*176%=774
my dps on HG:
Normal attack:176 - 75(hg's armor) +51(arp) =152
Cirt: 152*176%=275
my dps on Gazrow:
Normal attack: 176 - 65(gaz's armor) +51(arp) =162
Cirt: 162*176% =285
let me calculate :
Critical Damage (attack)
= 1.5 +[ Str / (base str) - 1 ]*0.15
= 1.5 + [93/(59) - 1 ] * 0.15
= 1.5 + [1.57 - 1 ] * 0.15
= 1.5 + [0.57 ] * 0.15
= 1.5 + 0.085
= 1.585 (what ? do i calculate wrong!?)
= 1.5 +[ Str / (base str) - 1 ]*0.15
= 1.5 + [93/(59 - 1) ] * 0.15
= 1.5 + [ 1.6 ] * 0.15
= 1.5 + 0.24
= 1.74 ( still not the answer 1.76)
Leadership Crusader? Tell me you at least re-stat to full int + celestial zeal. 2 hand berserk will generate more threat than any crusader true, but if 1 hand one did that... you don't know what you're doing, sorry. Leadership talent is trash compared to Virtue and it's not a matter of opinion.
While we're at it, let's talk about how bad 1 hand Berserkers are. Sure you can play your characters however you want, more power to you if you want to be special, but you won't be able to use 2 of your best spells. Assuming they went Vigor talent, they will get some bonuses to tanking and damage. In comparison at the start of the fight a Virtue Crusader will have more damage, more hit points and skill cooldown reset while berserker will have... more evasion. Lol. Sure Berseker Rage will eventually make him deal more pure damage, but it's not enough to generate more threat than 2 consecutive Crucify/Revenge/Guardian Angel.
Nice troll though. ^_^
My sader holds aggro at bosses just fine. Maybe you should use your spells properly and tell that zerk not to activate heroic presence.
And if he wasn't using heroic presence... that means you lost aggro to a 1h zerk with a shield. Queue the laughter.
And you sir are stupid. I respec into a leadership sader for the sole purpose of holding aggro for this guy but to no avail. he was just doing alot of dmg, and since he was attacking faster and stronger than i ever could he will pull off of me. and im talking about every boss. with the exceptions of the ones where he took out the mobs and he was mainly aoeing.
with the exceptions of the ones where he took out the mobs and he was mainly aoeing.
And it doesn't work, what a shocker. That's why leadership talent is shit and you experienced it yourself first-hand. Perhaps you should just make a different char, like a monk who can generate more threat than any berserker though knowing how incompetent you are he might "steal" it as well. But please by all means insist it is us who are wrong and provide us with a replay of this 1 hand berserker. No? Thought so.
PS: This post was clearly not sarcasm . lmfaoI am truly sorry for ever going against TooMuch's word. He is clearly a God at Gaia's Retaliation. He duos Shade, D3, HG and Alch with his zerk friend! That's like, unbelievable! Let's all bow down to the best player Gaia has ever seen. TooMuch, we salute you. You are our inspiration.
PS: This post was clearly not sarcasm.
PPS: Not like it's possible to solo Shade, HG and Alch. Or duo BM.
For Christ's sake, someone please close this gonna-be endless thread. I myself play a Virtue Crusader, and have no problem in tanking and holding aggro against Berserkers, Assassins, etc. Game mechanics work perfectly well.
TooMuch, it's your word against the whole community's opinion as regards aggro holding and spell CD management. There is obviously something you're doing wrong. I would be pleased if this thread could at least see a replay in which you can't hold aggro on a boss fight, and consecuently, bring this thread to an end.
Im not doing anything wrong. I see the cds and spell combo involved. my main point im trying to make is why is it harder to hold aggro against some damage dealer that is actually doing alot of dmg? i mean, whats the point of the leadership spec anyways if everyone thinks it sucks?
why not incraese threat generation on damage dealers, so that the leaderships spec will actually be worthwhile. if in those other guys words, "the leadership talent is shit"
come on, you guys think you know what you are doing. but you all think one way about build and specs. So whats the point of variety if the other selections suck overall? thats what i call patheticness. im done now with this thread, but be warned. im not done proving you guys wrong, and showing you your stupidity.
its really one hand with a trophy doing 400 dps (basic attack ) no skill used what so ever I have 2 hand with needed.
here is just basic attack no skills used
here is just basic attack no skills used
Berserker's rage isn't even activated? Lmao. You're either delusional or think the rest of us are as stupid as that poor soul who made this thread.
You poor delusional fool. Stop decieving yourself. you beleive that only your way works. He obviuosly redded out his stats so that you cant copy them. He wants his unique build to himself. also, none of his abilites have been used. So how could he aoe when he never used it? he doesnt even have lightning blade? and if this dps was on d3 heroic creeps. than how much of a difference would it be on a world boss? minusing 50 or more dmg because of armor, prolly down to 350-400 dps.
The real trick is that more dmg, hence berserkers rage, doesnt necesarily mean more dps. you need fast attack as well. and well, this guy pretty much has a fast attack to accomadate his base dmg. have you ever thought of that? or have you liked a dumb fool i know that you are, just looked at the dmg and considered nothing else.
im surprised at how stupid you are. so very stupid...
Oh you're a special snowflake, I see.
1. You have yet to provide a replay.
2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and hiding your stats further lowers your credibility.
3. You won't magically gain 100-150 more dps just by putting a few more points into agility.
1 agility point equals to 2% attack speed increase from base att.sp.. Seeing as this zerk only has ~400 hp (bullshit that you tank with this) we can safely assume you put shitload of points into agility, if not all of them and spare to str. Dps means damage per second, you understand that much right? And you do know that berserker's rage also increases attack speed not just damage? You would need >190 damage and 0.4s attack speed to reach 400dps on hg and in his picture he has nearly 600dps without rage? l o l.
Hey, maybe you're not lying! Maybe you're exploiting some obscure bug that enhances your attack speed/damage in some weird way, wouldn't be the first time.
oh i see now. you are very stupid. you have to remember a little thing called crit. but ofc you dont account that. but yet crit allows many things to be. like proving how stupid you are. also, remember this. "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups!" -Undersiege Dark Territory.
Disregard 90% of the post, nitpick 1 part lol. Even if you account for crits it still doesn't push you towards ~400 average dps much less to 600. Honestly cut your bullshit none of us are having it, go enjoy your special ed. classes.
Also shitty quote from a shitty movie. ^^