Just Need Idea.

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Level 4
Feb 20, 2009
Strand of the Ancients [Added Screenshots]

Hya all. All i need is your word. way what u can, and u will be approved. NOT!!!
Ok, right to da point. :xxd:

I'm currently creating AoS type map called Strand of the Ancients.


- Towers, without hero it will not work. When u come near tower, u will enter it, and be abble to shot from it. It will be based of something like Sniper.

-Wheeles. Aka Tanks. Without Hero it will too not work. Each hero will have "Enter vechile" Ability, witch will mount u into car (tank, Siege engine, or wahat ever.. night elf.).

-The tileset will be IceCrown, Something like 4 part island, with forests and other ugly features.

-In map will be 4 capture points, when u holding atleast 1 point, every 20sec. u will get +25 Resources. When u holding 2 Points, every 20 sec. u will get +50 Resources, and Etc.

-Your point to gain 2000 Resources, and have a fun!

What do i asking for?

-I asking for hero ideas, and how do u like idea?

For Hero ideas:
-Hero must be something like Jungle like.
-hero must have custom abilitys, matching him look-like. (because in lots of map, lots of hero runing with abilitys something like: Death knight ability (Klywing atak. Daskription: PIT LORD Straiks with grejt energy! All abylyty meid bay my!)

Hero ideas u should writh like this:

Hero Name:
Hero Description:
Proper Name?:
1st - Description
2st - Description
3st - Description
U can writh more, if u whant ;D

And more that i need, that you rate, or approve, or piss on my idea. I Need to know is good or bad.



-Credits in Loading screen.
-Credits in Info, Aka Quest tab.
-Some Items or Heroes or Abilitys called your Nick.
-Permmision to edit.
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Level 5
Jan 21, 2008

Can you present the idea a little bit more clearly? All I got from that was that you need heros and that their looks should match their abilities.

What is the over all idea for the map?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
- Towers, without hero it will not work. When u come near tower, u will enter it, and be abble to shot from it. It will be based of something like Sniper.

They eithor will end up super rigged or uterly usless if you are not careful. If you give the towered hero a huge advantage, then you could get one side turteling down enemy heroes. If you make the tanks powerful enough, towers will become usless as you are basically a sitting duck in them.

Probably the best way to ballence them would be to give towers a huge defencive bonous like armor, spell reduction, evasion or additional HP for the stationed hero. Thus taking one of the heroes down should take quite some time but they do not really gain an offensive advantage. Tanks should add some defencive advantage like armor and spell reduction but also an offensive advantage like stronger attacks so that they are used as weapons more as defence.

Describing your map more clearly may help as some ideas are not clear.

Anyway, you should definatly have heroes like sharpshooter who's abilities enhance defence via towers and commanders who's abilities enhance tanks. You should also have one or two classes which are better off in neithor just to keep play style varied so it does not end up tanks V towers.
Level 4
Feb 20, 2009
They eithor will end up super rigged or uterly usless if you are not careful. If you give the towered hero a huge advantage, then you could get one side turteling down enemy heroes. If you make the tanks powerful enough, towers will become usless as you are basically a sitting duck in them.

Probably the best way to ballence them would be to give towers a huge defencive bonous like armor, spell reduction, evasion or additional HP for the stationed hero. Thus taking one of the heroes down should take quite some time but they do not really gain an offensive advantage. Tanks should add some defencive advantage like armor and spell reduction but also an offensive advantage like stronger attacks so that they are used as weapons more as defence.

Describing your map more clearly may help as some ideas are not clear.

Anyway, you should definatly have heroes like sharpshooter who's abilities enhance defence via towers and commanders who's abilities enhance tanks. You should also have one or two classes which are better off in neithor just to keep play style varied so it does not end up tanks V towers.

Heh. Okey, i will think about that... Thanks for commenting. Soon i will add screenshots (When i have a terrain). What u think about idea? U liked it? Or u think that this is old crap, like DotA?
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
It sounds rather fine, howevever, there might not be enough heroes to control a lot of towers so I assume the towers belong to no one? If it doesn't, that would be my suggestion, make it owned by Neutral Passive or something. That way, it would be more interesting.
Also, the vehicles must be bought correct? You might want to make the hero need to buy an item to use a vehicle (drivers licence :p). That way it would be more fun :S
Finally, I would like to suggest a hero.
Hero Name: Jungle Stalker
Hero Description: A beast that resides in the jungle but forced to fight when the bad guys attacked its home.
Proper Name: Jeun'ghul
Heavy Blow - Does damage to target unit, stuns and slows
Jump - Jumps to the target point, stunning and damaging units near it.
Stalk - Becomes invisible when near trees.
Battle Lust - Gains more attack speed and movement speed everything he attacks. Also grant +dmg.

Thats all.
Level 10
Jul 31, 2008
Hero Ideas;

Jungle Stalker

Model file = Some jungle wendigo
Proper name = Larian


Whenever Larian kills a unit (non-hero) the unit revives and changes team to the owner of Larian. Larian pays 25% of the killed unit to revive it. If Larians needs more mana to do this the unit will not revive.

Ancient Telling (Passive)
When Larian has learned this spell he has a 10% chance to entagling roots a target when he is attacking.

The Jungle Stalker uses his shrubbery arms to entagling root a target enemy unit. The roots deals 2% of the targets max life every 1 second. Lasts 15 seconds.

Enviormental Strike (Ultimate)
The Jungle stalker calls ancient jungle powers to himself. These powers decreases all heroes in a target areas, agility, strenght and inteligence by 25% of the max (For example, one target in the area has 100 agility, 10 str, and 1000 int. Now this spell will remove 25 agi, 2.5 str and 250 int, note this was only an example). The targets will regenerate their lost attribute points slowly. It takes 60 seconds for the targets to regain their full atributes.
Level 3
Mar 6, 2009
Hero Name: Monkey King

Model File= Unknown Some sort of monkey with a staff ( more human like)

Proper Name: Sun Wukong


Call of The Monkey: The Monkey King Screeches causing a Small AOE stun around him for a Few seconds and a Multitude of Monkeys leap from the trees to Pester the enemy, a 30% Chance of enemy missing the Aoe lasts 25 seconds and follows the monkey King around. ( Each level aoe Size Percentage and stun length Increase))

See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil (passive): The Monkey king is oblvious to all evil and Therefore does not notice when a allied unit dies, Causing him to fight recklessly like there is a army at his back when there is not, ( 10% dmg boost )( increases by 10% per level)

Monkey Strike: The Monkey King gives a dirty blow n the targeted unti Causing Double The Monkey kings normal Damage and 3 Second stun

Monkey Kings Gift (Ultimate): Transforms all allied units into Monkey Princes ( or aura) In a set distance, Increasing there damage armour to slightly less than that of the King him self, This lasts for 30 seconds.
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Level 4
Feb 20, 2009
Sounds Good.

It sounds rather fine, howevever, there might not be enough heroes to control a lot of towers so I assume the towers belong to no one? If it doesn't, that would be my suggestion, make it owned by Neutral Passive or something. That way, it would be more interesting.
Also, the vehicles must be bought correct? You might want to make the hero need to buy an item to use a vehicle (drivers licence :p). That way it would be more fun :S
Finally, I would like to suggest a hero.
Hero Name: Jungle Stalker
Hero Description: A beast that resides in the jungle but forced to fight when the bad guys attacked its home.
Proper Name: Jeun'ghul
Heavy Blow - Does damage to target unit, stuns and slows
Jump - Jumps to the target point, stunning and damaging units near it.
Stalk - Becomes invisible when near trees.
Battle Lust - Gains more attack speed and movement speed everything he attacks. Also grant +dmg.

Thats all.

Thanks, Zack1996. Yes, towers will belongs to no one. The tanks will be placed at your base, and to drive it, u need to have the "Field Commander Rank". Also it can carry more than 1 passanger. But drive will that, who have Field Commanders rank. That meens u need to have 10 or more kills of hero. BTW, realy nice idea of hero, i think i will use it. i Liked the "Stalk" ability, i will too add it to my map. Be sure, that u will get credits!.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2008
As made by Fulla;


Model: Troll Beserker
Primary Attribute: Agility
Attack Type: Ranged

Snare (Hero Ability 1)

Active Cast
Years of the hunt have honed Jol'keat's skills to an incredible level. By hurling a net towards target point he can immobilize a squad of enemy unit's hit in an area temporarily.

Level 1: Lasts 2.0 seconds, with a 175 AoE.
Level 2: Lasts 2.3 seconds, with a 225 AoE.
Level 3: Lasts 2.7 seconds, with a 275 AoE.
Level 4: Lasts 3.0 seconds, with a 325 AoE.

Range: 1000
Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
Mana Cost: 90

[hide="Old Snare"]Snare (Hero Ability 1)

Active Cast
Years of the hunt have honed Jol'keat's skills to an incredible level. With just a few seconds preparation he is able to lay a snare which springs when a enemy Hero strays to close, trapping all nearby enemy units. The traps go invisible after 2 seconds & last a maximum of 120 seconds.

Level 1: Requires 3.0 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 150 AoE for 2.0 seconds.
Level 2: Requires 2.5 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 175 AoE for 2.5 seconds.
Level 3: Requires 2.0 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 200 AoE for 3.0 seconds.
Level 4: Requires 1.5 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 225 AoE for 3.5 seconds.

Range: 100
Cooldown: 20[/hide]

Envenomed Spear (Hero Ability 2)

Active Cast
Jol'keat has become adapt in concocting lethal poisons to aid him in hunting even the most ferocious beasts. After a few moments of gathering his strength he launches a spear coated in deadly poisons, that slices through enemy units loosing 15% damage with each hit. (Unit's can Not be killed by this damage).

Level 1: Deals 150 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 2: Deals 225 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 3: Deals 300 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 4: Deals 425 damage over 15 seconds.

Range: 1500
Cast Time: 2
Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12
Mana Cost: 90 / 100 / 110 / 120

Camouflage (Hero Ability 3)

Using his adept synergy with nature, whenever nearby trees Jol'keat can meld into his surroundings, becoming invisible to the naked eye. Requires some time to take effect & must be outside 250 range of enemy units.

Level 1: Requires 3.0 sec, must be within 150 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 1.0 sec.
Level 2: Requires 2.5 sec, must be within 200 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 1.5 sec.
Level 3: Requires 2.0 sec, must be within 250 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 2.0 sec.
Level 4: Requires 1.5 sec, must be within 300 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 2.5 sec.

Ancestral Spirits (Hero Ultimate)

Calls upon the spirits of fallen tribal warriors to aid you in battle. The spirits look exactly the same, are invulnerable, cannot be targeted, deal 50% of your damage & automatically follow you closely around. Their attacks leech life, replenishing yours.

Level 1: Summons 2 Spirits with 10% life steal.
Level 2: Summons 3 Spirits with 15% life steal.
Level 3: Summons 4 Spirits with 20% life steal.

Cooldown: 90
Cooldown: 200
Level 4
Feb 20, 2009
As made by Fulla;


Model: Troll Beserker
Primary Attribute: Agility
Attack Type: Ranged

Snare (Hero Ability 1)

Active Cast
Years of the hunt have honed Jol'keat's skills to an incredible level. By hurling a net towards target point he can immobilize a squad of enemy unit's hit in an area temporarily.

Level 1: Lasts 2.0 seconds, with a 175 AoE.
Level 2: Lasts 2.3 seconds, with a 225 AoE.
Level 3: Lasts 2.7 seconds, with a 275 AoE.
Level 4: Lasts 3.0 seconds, with a 325 AoE.

Range: 1000
Cooldown: 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
Mana Cost: 90

[hide="Old Snare"]Snare (Hero Ability 1)

Active Cast
Years of the hunt have honed Jol'keat's skills to an incredible level. With just a few seconds preparation he is able to lay a snare which springs when a enemy Hero strays to close, trapping all nearby enemy units. The traps go invisible after 2 seconds & last a maximum of 120 seconds.

Level 1: Requires 3.0 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 150 AoE for 2.0 seconds.
Level 2: Requires 2.5 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 175 AoE for 2.5 seconds.
Level 3: Requires 2.0 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 200 AoE for 3.0 seconds.
Level 4: Requires 1.5 seconds preparation, disables movement in a 225 AoE for 3.5 seconds.

Range: 100
Cooldown: 20[/hide]

Envenomed Spear (Hero Ability 2)

Active Cast
Jol'keat has become adapt in concocting lethal poisons to aid him in hunting even the most ferocious beasts. After a few moments of gathering his strength he launches a spear coated in deadly poisons, that slices through enemy units loosing 15% damage with each hit. (Unit's can Not be killed by this damage).

Level 1: Deals 150 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 2: Deals 225 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 3: Deals 300 damage over 15 seconds.
Level 4: Deals 425 damage over 15 seconds.

Range: 1500
Cast Time: 2
Cooldown: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12
Mana Cost: 90 / 100 / 110 / 120

Camouflage (Hero Ability 3)

Using his adept synergy with nature, whenever nearby trees Jol'keat can meld into his surroundings, becoming invisible to the naked eye. Requires some time to take effect & must be outside 250 range of enemy units.

Level 1: Requires 3.0 sec, must be within 150 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 1.0 sec.
Level 2: Requires 2.5 sec, must be within 200 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 1.5 sec.
Level 3: Requires 2.0 sec, must be within 250 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 2.0 sec.
Level 4: Requires 1.5 sec, must be within 300 AoE of a tree, if exiting range fades after 2.5 sec.

Ancestral Spirits (Hero Ultimate)

Calls upon the spirits of fallen tribal warriors to aid you in battle. The spirits look exactly the same, are invulnerable, cannot be targeted, deal 50% of your damage & automatically follow you closely around. Their attacks leech life, replenishing yours.

Level 1: Summons 2 Spirits with 10% life steal.
Level 2: Summons 3 Spirits with 15% life steal.
Level 3: Summons 4 Spirits with 20% life steal.

Cooldown: 90
Cooldown: 200

WoW!!! With icons :grin:Thanks, very usefull, cool, and sounds good. I will use your Original hero. (With nick, all spells and spells description!). + Rep and credits!!!. :cool:
Level 4
Sep 30, 2007
Hero: Forest Keeper
Hero Name: Aroal

Model: Druid of the Talon (Night elf form)
Primary Attribute: Intilligence
Attack Type: Ranged (500)


Nature Trap (Active)
Traps a enemy unit in a giant circle of trees. The trapped unit can only move inside the trapped area, but is unable to cast spells. The trees will fall down after a short period of time, dealing damage to all nearby enemy unit of each tree. Damaging all units in the area exept the units in the middle of the trap.

Level 1 - 80 damage after 3 seconds.
Level 2 - 150 damage after 4 seconds.
Level 3 - 220 damage after 4 seconds.
Level 4 - 300 damage after 5 seconds.

Note: Good for surviving on low HP.

Thorns of Poison (Active, Summon)
Summons a Thorn bush in a area, the Thorn Bush will damage every one touching it. The Bush will grow and get larger every second and the damage will increase.

Level 1 - 25 damage, stays for 5 seconds.
Level 2 - 50 damage, stays for 6 seconds.
Level 1 - 75 damage, stays for 7 seconds.
Level 1 - 100 damage, stays for 8 seconds.

Note: Using this in the middle of a Tree Trap will deal damage to trapped units no matter what.

Nature Wave (Active)
Summons a wave of power, the power of the nature. The wave will strike forward and deal damage to all units it hits. The wave will summon trees on its path that blocks the way for a short period of time.

Level 1 - 60 damage, tree stays for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - 120 damage, tree stays for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - 180 damage, tree stays for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - 250 damage, tree stays for 5 seconds.

Note: This is a very good option for making a wall for the enemies when they hunt down a ally. And is very good for the ultimate.

Wispering Seeds (Active, Ultimate)
Will seed a Wispering Seed on the ground. When 2 seconds have passed, a tree will grow and ten wisps will come forth to. The tree will order the wisps to hover to the nearby 10 trees and make them attackable. The trees attacks nearby enemy units with the wisps on them once dealing damage.

Level 1 - 90 damage per wisp, lasts 20 sec.
Level 2 - 180 damage per wisp, lasts 30 sec.
Level 3 - 270 damage per wisp, lasts 40 sec.

Note: Using this after a nature wave will result that the summoned trees stays for the period of the time of this spells and makes them attackable.

I dont know if these spells is even possible to make.. but thats my idea :p

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