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just a simple question

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Level 25
May 11, 2007
Ysera was in her dreamworld, dreaming around.
Malygos is mad.
Nozdromu likes to sleep and collect things.
Deathwing is evil.
Alexstrasza had her children enslaved by the orcs in the second war, I'm not sure if she would like to help them so much.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Dragons are simply insane and sometimes lazy for no reason. Took them quite some time to bother to save Alextraza but I guess end of the world was boring as they already did that 10.000 years ago.

To be honest I never really liked existence of Dragon Aspects, especially the aspect of time-travel nonsense.
While the Dragonflights are/were deemed/charged as guardians by the Titans, each of the separate dragon aspects/flights have their own ways/agendas (if you wanna call it that) that may or may not correspond with those of their fellow aspects/flights.

Hence the slow response that VeljkoM was mentioning among other things. To be honest they're just too divided by their own thinking/acting to even have an instant reply/response/action towards Azeroth's current/past/future doings/happenings. (Time-travel, yuck)

So shortly they were licking their wounds or/and pursued their perspectives disregarding mortal affairs like Scourge/Legion Invasion during the 3rd war and beyond.

A bunch of sleazy/fat bags, that's what I'd say.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
To be fair Malygos was really insane duo to the loss of large part of blue dragon flight. He was not aware of what goes around the world and wouldn't really care. Ironically when he was cured of insanity in WoW he made a logical conclusion to kill everyone who used magic.

Nozdromu is simply not capable of focusing on current time as his mind is spread out from past to the future. So he doesn't care about the present. In WoW by looking far enough in the future he came to conclusion again that everyone must die to prevent even worse future.

Alextraza is the only one that cares about mortals since she guards life. It is odd for her to miss out third war.

Ysera sleeps. That is pretty much it for her she just sleeps. I expect her too to come to conclusion to destroy everything because of a Nightmare.

Deathwing in third war most likely was hiding after all of his second war era plans failed. Last we know is that he was chased by all other dragons at that time. Also he is was the first one to decide that best thing to is kill everyone.

So conclusion: Dragons are insane, surprisingly incapable of understanding world around them and they seem all to be predestined to become maniacs and try to kill everyone.
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