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Jungling LC in pubs

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I've noticed that my jungling build for Legion Commander ouperforms mid/safelane/offlane build for her as far as winrate is concerned - and I believe I've realized why this is so. In pubs, people are more likely to gank a solo laner than they are to gank a jungler. Meanwhile, your team has 4 heroes farming instead of 3, and as there's little coordination and things are left up to chance, having level and gold advantage often translates into a won game. Also people forget you exist, so you just show up to duel an enemy at 50hp.

Jungling LC for me has a ridiculous ~95% winrate, while it drops to around 45-50% when going solo or dual lane, so I believe that in lower level pubs, which I am obviously a part of - jungling is actually a better choice if you want to increase your odds of winning. As a solo laner, you'll mostly be against a dual lane, often double ranged one, as a dual laner, you'll be teamed up with a support that wreckes your lane more than he helps you. So instead of being 2v2, you have a 1v3 lane and you're gonna lose it badly and not get much gold. I'm actually pretty decent with last hitting, and using OO is good to make it even better, so this is less of an issue.

However, when jungling, I know I can reliably get my armlet/boots/tp at around minute 9-10 depending on camps I get, and I am not the most efficient farmer with her either. Then I try to get kills all over the map and build a quick shadowblade or blink. Armlet rush is so that I can actually, reliably solo kill people, even semi-tanky mid heroes, since I am often the same level as them.

The downside to laning LC is that, while you can dominate a dual lane with your Q, it is actually less useful for dueling early on. Yes, OO is an amazing spell for lane control, but if you actually intend to focus on farming that damage up, having maxed out W and E by the time you hit level 8 or 9 is largely benefical, as you are sure you'll survive the ordeal, get max attack speed bonus to ensure you actually get a kill and in the end - farm damage up.

Against uncoordinated opponents I've had 400 bonus damage from my ult, and essentially I've just build silver edge, boots of travel, bkb, armlet and blademail. Silver Edge is pretty much used to stalk enemies and then disable annoying passives if they have one (that's how I killed PA even without MKB, blademail notwithstanding).

However, when I get a solo lane against two opponents, my farm is obviously going to be worse, I am actually going to acquire my key items way later, I am not going to have a skill build that's optimized for ganking, and in the end, they'll follow my item/farm progress more obviously since I am in the lane, not to remember - they'll be aware of my presence, which I do not like.

So, what are your thoughts? I can obviously see why in high mmr matches LC is doing good with a blink dagger instead of shadowblade (people actually put a lot of wards so you do not need to stalk enemies yourself, and people have good reflexes so they don't let you initiate on them just like that, and are more likely to go together against a LC), not to mention they actually buy and place detection, and I can see why running her mid is going to have more early presence, which can be crucial, but what are your thoughts for running her jungle/shadow blade/boots of travel for pubs? Also, according to Dotabuff, some of the top LC players actually use shadowblade/silver edge, but mostly coupled with a blink. I can see why this makes sense, though, as silver edge makes you an excellent anti-fucked-up-passives hero, so you can duel razor without bkb, and PA without fear of dying, or void, troll, slardar and sb without fear of being just bashed to death.

I often end games with ridiculous amounts of gold too, as I terrorize my enemies into being unable to farm alone, so they lack levels and gold, and I do not really need expensive items to kill them at that point, with BKB and Silver Edge being the most expensive ones (though I spend around 15 minutes of the match with boots of speed, not really building power treads, since I know I am better off with getting BoTs early on, so I can have practically global presence. Also, my favorite target is Nature's Prophet. Every single time somebody picks NP after I've picked LC, it puts a smile on my face. He's going to push the lane into a place where he's kind of uncomfortable, you just teleport to one creep wave behind, activate your sb, sneak up on him and just murder him for easy gold. If he's pretty fed and has desolator and mjollnir for example, you can stll kill him with blademail, since you'll have more survivability than even a medium-fed NP, just by stat gain alone.
Time to get out of the trench. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeah, seriously. This is ridiculous. I got calibrated @ 1300 when I started playing half a year ago. I still can't play ranked because a 800MMR riki just likes to go safelane, be invisible and neither farm nor harass heroes. If I don't pick support, nobody will (and if somebody magically picks lion or CM, they do not realize wards exist), and if I pick a support, we end up without a carry because a weaver spectre offlane just isn't very effective. I just don't really know what to do, aside from spamming some tactic to get out of here (which I would prefer NOT to do, but seems I will be forced to). I could spam LC because people are too stupid to deal with her, but then again, if I go jungle, my team might already lose the game before I leave it at around 10 minutes.

Still, I know things are different elsewhere, played an average 3200 MMR game as safelane Sven, I was in a defensive radiant trilane with WD and venge as my supports. Initially, I was gonna be venge, but the higher-mmr friend who wanted to give me a bit of boost wanted me to play position 1 carry so I see how it feels at this range. It was also my idea to pick Sven, because he's actually good against most of their heroes (aside from winter wyvern that has a wrecking bkb piercing disable that forced me to kill my own badly positioned invoker many times).

My MMR was 1400 (lowest in the match), the other guys were in 2.4k-3.6k range. I ended up carrying the game very well against AM and CK, because I actually had supports that did shit, and necrophos kinda owned their trilane. Their solo CK was pretty dead the moment he tried to get a last hit (we had plenty of CC, and even though he's pretty fast, he can't survive three stuns that easily). Essentially, all I had to do is participate in fights a little bit, farm a lot, and rightclick a lot once mid/lategame fights started. This was especially fine because their antimage was forced out of the game by our supports, not getting any items early, and he ended up completely useless. In most of my pos1 carry games, I get pinged to death because I am not contributing, and that is after my lane support messes up my farm, never tries to pull, I keep dying to their offlane dual lane, etc. Most guys also do not understand positions.

But in this match, we also had a couple of smoke ganks, things I haven't seen in my trench, we had a teamfight and push tactic, etc. Invoker did not max exort to spam sunstrike, he was actually semi-useful and he played an utility/disabler invoker instead of trying to carry (good god, is this heaven?), I got space to farm properly, and had PT-MoM-Blink-AC-BKB-Heart very quickly (I thought about getting daedalus, but aside from CK they were all squishy enough that they died in 2 seconds of stun either way, so push sustain was a better idea, especially since we had several arcane boots around, meaning I did not have to go to base at any point in the late game). Heart+AC also meant CK (the only one who could dish any damage relevant at that point, aside from winter wyvern forcing me to screw my own people) could do absolutely nothing to me, which was kinda important.

Still, the game was +42 and it was the easiest game I've played in months. Map all warded up, good timing for roshan, smoke ganks, good timing for pushing, mid that does not go 0-6 vs pudge, supports that don't just stand and sap XP while pushing the wave, people who understand weaknesses and benefits of a trilane, offlaner that actually managed to get a few kills instead of dying repeatedly (admittedly, this was partially because he kinda outplayed them), etc.

Sven is my favorite hero (kinda), and this was the first time that I've actually got really good space to farm and not get ganked to death or just get a lane crushed by my own support. I've seen some elements I keep watching in high/very high MMR matches, which kinda astounded me. I mean, granted, I could've played much better, my supports could've also stacked ancients for me, and we could've communicated and positioned better in fights, etc, but it was much better than my usual trench tier game.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
You can jungle with LC without getting bothered? Please show me where you're playing xD

Unless my team is fully dominating every lane, I've never been able to farm without someone messing with my jungling. Not even in ability draft xD

You should join the Hive group^^ we should play sometime.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Legion is my favorite strength hero and honestly I don't really feel he needs to jungle in early game. Creeps are more worthy than humble neutrals if you're good at last hitting (but her passive already favours last hitting) and you surely get attacked less by creeps so your HP is always high. My tactic with legion is harassing the enemy continuously. Every time they get nearby (even if they're ranged), I fend them off with some attacking and it seems to work. I level up much faster and I don't leave my lane mate to a 2v1.
I play legion in a way that others often call me "noob" (I don't get dagger for him, sometimes not even blademail). They keep shouting on my face in early game "Go woods you noob!" but when I get a score of 3-0 in the first minutes, they gotta shut up. Eventually I end up owning the game in several cases so I dare to say that legion does not necessarily need jungling in early game (which can end up really badly sometimes if your teammates aren't pros).
Well, laning is always better than jungling with LC, that's for sure, but I am talking about low level pubs where people also tend to pick 4 or even 5 cores, where nobody wards, and most importantly, nobody buys detection for shadowblade OR goes to gank the jungler.

Obviously, the higher you go, rules of the game change, you'll likely get smoke ganked at lvl 3, and get your pull and medium camps warded, etc. You will never get to complete that shadowblade anyway, and you should've farmed blink in first place.

I've also played LC support on one occasion, after a guy who randomed lion re-rolled at the last second and got faceless. I was pissed at the moment because I know void needs babysitting, and because it was obvious that spectre and lina are friends and wanted to go offlane together (first wtf at offlane spectre, second wtf at void and spectre in the same team). So what I did in the end was lane supporting void. It was actually very good, we were double melee against double ranged, and I managed to outharass vengeful spirit and drow lane very easily, and once void got lvl 6 (which was quick since I tried not to sap much xp and I pulled all the time) he brought up a chrono, and I had my press the attack at level 3, I buffed him so he killed BOTH OF THEM AT FULL HP in the chrono. Granted, he almost maxed out his bash and rushed MoM (full MoM before completing boots), since he was so safe in that lane, so he actually hit pretty hard, and the opponents were squishy either way, and both level 4, since we managed to kill venge once already, and drow had to go back a bit to heal. And, most importantly, this was a low level pub.
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