Jekyll and Hyde - Need Crew

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Level 4
Apr 24, 2009
Hi everyone,

I am looking to start a new Hide and Seek type map ala Werewolf, Vampirism, Against the Darkness, etc. I have some unique ideas and hope to make a really fun map with high replay value. However, I have not made a map in a few years and would like some help. I could use some help in the following:

Triggers (1-2):
- JASS or GUI as long as its leakless. I am not great at this :p

Terrain (1):
- I will be doing a lot of this but may need some help. Link to photos of past work please.

Testers (10+):
- Will not need for about a month when ALPHA is out, but will need lots of help with this later.

Modeler (1):
- Only need a few custom models, may be able to just find them on this site :)

If you are interested in working on this project please post a short application below. Include:

Position Desired
Hours/Week Available
Number of maps worked on
Small work sample if possible
And anything else you like

Hope to get a solid response and get this map going. I have a rough outline of the basic mechanics if anyone is interested, just PM me. Questions are also welcome in this thread.
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Level 4
Apr 24, 2009

Terrain work is officially underway as our system triggers. Still looking for a person or two to help get this to alpha if anyone is interested.
Level 4
Apr 24, 2009

1 class almost complete, terrain 50% done, and big triggers underway. I could still use a hand in the following areas if anyone is willing:

Terrain - Once finished, I would like someone who is good at terrain to touch it up and make it look nicer than I can.

Code - Most of the code is handled, but it would be nice if someone could check it for leaks and optimize it when it is done.

- Lordrake
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