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- Jul 14, 2011
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Hi! I'm trying to create some "Charge Field" where units are created and moves towards the caster, but I'm having problems to set the "Polar Offset towards the Caster" I wonder if this would work...
local unit Caster = GetEnumUnit()
local real CasterX = GetUnitX(Caster)
local real CasterY = GetUnitY(Caster)
local unit BeamCharge
local real x = CasterX + 500 * Cos(GetRandomReal(0, 360) * bj_DEGTORAD)
local real y = CasterY + 500 * Cos(GetRandomReal(0, 360) * bj_DEGTORAD)
local group g = CreateGroup()
local real Radians
if GetUnitCurrentOrder(u) == OrderId("channeling") then
set BeamCharge = CreateUnit(p, 'h000', x, y, bj_UNIT_FACING)
call UnitApplyTimedLife(BeamCharge, 'BTLF', 1)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, CasterX, CasterY, 500, null)
set BeamCharge = FirstOfGroup(g)
exitwhen BeamCharge == null
if (GetUnitTypeId(BeamCharge) == 'h000') then
set Radians = Atan2(CasterY-GetUnitY(BeamCharge), CasterX-GetUnitX(BeamCharge))
call SetUnitX(BeamCharge, CasterX+Cos(Radians)*25)
call SetUnitY(BeamCharge, CasterY+Cos(Radians)*25)
call GroupRemoveUnit(g,BeamCharge)
call DestroyGroup(g)
set Caster = null
set BeamCharge = null