Jass Needed - Aghanim's Scepter(s)

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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
First of all, thanks for watching at this thread. What I need is an advanced script that will follow the lines listed down, a pretty much copy of the D.o.t.A.'s Aghanim Scepter. I need it for my project map, which is about to be released. Credits and reputation will be given, of course.

1. The Basics
There is one item Diane's Soul which will always be the same when created. If it is picked up by a certain hero class, it is replaced with a customized item for that hero.
Example: the Executor purchases the ingredients for DS. DS is automatically created in her inventory via my recipe triggers. The script removes the ordinary DS and creates DS (Executor) item in her inventory.
2. Shifting Diane and Trading Soul
When one hero picks up DS of other's hero, the item is changed to fit new hero's class item type.
Example: The Executor leaves, and has DS (Executor) in her inventory. Vestal Priestess comes by and takes DS (Executor) from her inventory. The script removes DS (Executor) from her inventory and adds a DS (Vestal). Later in the game, the Vestal leaves. Sin Slayer comes by and takes the DS (Vestal). Since his ultimate has no upgrades, the script replaces DS (Vestal) with the common DS item, avoiding the Sin Slayer possess special item effects that Vestal has.
Be careful to make it easy to add/remove heroes and specialized items - mostly because I am creating heroes quite fast.
3. Eyecandies
Whenever that special item is in inventory, the hero should gain an effect attached to weapon/hands/whatever, via the script. When the item is lost, the effects are lost as well - I don't want effects to stay on units after item trading.

Hoping for a script. Have a nice day!
  • Test
    • Evénements
      • Unité - A unit Acquiert un objet
    • Conditions
      • (Item-type of (Item being manipulated)) Egal Ã* DS
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • Si - Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Egal Ã* Archimage
        • Alors - Actions
          • Objet - Remove (Item being manipulated)
          • Héros - Create DS (Archimage) and give it to (Triggering unit)
        • Sinon - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • Si - Conditions
              • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Egal Ã* Paladin
            • Alors - Actions
              • Objet - Remove (Item being manipulated)
              • Héros - Create DS (Paladin) and give it to (Triggering unit)
            • Sinon - Actions
              • Etc...
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