
My Second Item model to be uploaded, loosing track of actual model count now...

this models based off of my ''ItemAnimalSkullStagV109'' because of the extensive work done on the animating and purifying of the bones, rather then basing this off of an in game item model and doing all that again. then I imported the Crab critters geoset, and rotated the legs up into a more ''dead crab'' position.

people may think it looks reminiscent of a certain set of clams squids lobsters and octopi that used to exist from another famous user, this is correct, I imitated the particle emitter, turns out it was the same particle emitter on ordinary items, but with virtually one texture change, ''Yellow_Star'' to ''Bubbles''

I also changed the original yellow ''Bundle of Lumber's'' Item Glow's texture from ''Yellow_Star_Dim'' and ''Yellow_Star'' to ''Blue_glow'' and ''Blue_Star2''

not an incredibly hard project, in fact, its one of my fastest ever, taking about 15 minutes, which is odd, because I had been thinking about making this model since about 2012.

any ways, give credits and what not, if you wish to make a different textured uv wrap from another crab texture, or alter it in any way, feel free to do so as long as you don't upload it any where and give me credits in ur map as a mur'loc labeled ''kellym0 god of the murlocs'' and give me your end results =D

Update 1: Added as the portrait file, another crab item variation, based off the original crab, uses the more grey creep texture instead of the red critter crab, not enough to warrant a second upload, and being it wasn't that hard to do, figured id update this and share it. -- updated screen shot

Update 2: Forgot to change the Internal names

Crab, Food, Item, Crusty, Ocean Bounty, Sunken Ruins, Regent, Crunchy, Delicous, All Hail the Mur'loc God!

ItemCrabRedV.014+ItemCrabGreyV.002 (Model)

ItemCrabRedV.014+ItemCrabGreyV.002 (Model)

12:15, 1st Mar 2015 MiniMage: I can has crab.
yea, but it does not really have much of a face to begin with though, so I didn't bother caring. for those who prefer the glow to be out of his face, simply un attach the plane bones from the rotation bone. then make them bigger or smaller. others may prefer to simply delete the glow and sparkles, its up to them really, I like it as it is.
Level 6
Mar 18, 2011
I like deez! So awesome for so much things :))) I'll give you 5/5 cuz if the usefulness and the uniqueness!