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Item with acitve ability and spellbook

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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
[Solved] Item with acitve ability and spellbook

Is there any way to make item hold one active abiliity and spellbook as well? Problem is - using immolation and few other skills, which doesn't interrupt unit's channeling, isn't allowed if spellbook included. Game tries to open spellbook, not to toggle immolation.

Spellbook required to put 4+ abilities into item

Im aware of method "add abilties manually on pickup", but I'd rather ask for workaround first.
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Level 26
Sep 26, 2009
How should the game determine what is your intention with the item? When you click it how should it know whether you want to use immolation or spellbook? Hence why you shouldn't use multiple active abilities on one item.

So an answer to your question is no, there is not way - At least none that I am aware of.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
I think the game considers only the top-of-the-list active abilities before the rest, so, Make Immolation be in the first place.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
BlinD-HuNTeR said:
Here is your solution:


Explanation: Every ability object has an orderid field. But when abilities get added to items, their order ids get changed to 852008-852013. And as you may know, if a unit has 2 abilities with the same orderid, only the last one will be casted.

But for items, there's another problem: if an item has 2 active abilities, only the first will be displayed on the ui. So if spellbook is the first, it will open spellbook. But if Berserk is the first, it will attempt to cast Berserk, and since Berserk and spellbook have the same id, it will try to cast spellbook instead (and fail).

Therefore, the solution is to make the Berserk ability be the first AND the last simultaneously ;)

Obs. Immolation doesn't really work on items. You can toggle it on, but clicking again won't deactivate it.

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