Item Ability (Wind Walk) not working with Spellbook added

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Level 2
Feb 23, 2010
I'm having an issue with an item ability when used in conjunction with a spellbook.

The gist is that I'm using spellbooks to store passive item abilities (life per second, max life bonus, etc) and some items have a single active ability (speed burst via Wind Walk in this example) that I add to the item and not the spellbook. The active ability is at the top of the item's ability list.

When I add even an empty spellbook behind the ability, it won't fire. I'm using Wind Walk as the base ability. The same thing seems to happen with Mana Shield.

The ability works fine if it does not have a spellbook added to the item. The ability also works if I add it to a spellbook; however, I don't want the players to have to use the item to open the spellbook then use the spell then exit the spellbook. I just want them to use the item.

I tried disabling the spellbook on map init, it didn't help.

I'm using this method for other items (AoE item replenish, holy light, cyclone) and it works just fine...

Tried searching the forum but had no luck. Anybody have any idea whats up?

After some more testing, this seems like a bug. If I spam the hotkey for using the item, it'll very rarely actually cast the spell. If the hotkey is spammed enough times, the hero cannot cast spells or move but periodically the item will fire off. It seems like the orders are getting queued but are not properly processing.

Ok yep, definitely a bug. I figured out that if you cast a non-item spell/ability then immediately spam the hotkey for using the item, the item ability works every time. There is about a .5 second window where you can use the item. This happens for both Mana Shield and Wind Walk. I've submitted a bug report in hopes that someone will see it but I'm not hopeful.
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