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Item recipe system - a bit more complex

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Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
I know it might not be the right section to ask, or maybe it's not even good to ask because i am asking someone to do the work instead of me... ( i have no clue how to make a recipe system yet, because i have low to moderate experience in triggers and no experience in jass)
Yet please, if someone may help me i would be truly grateful.

I need an item recipe system (in GUI or JASS, as long as i can implement it into my map it's fine).
The things which i want it to do are:

-able to make recipes from 2 to 6 ingredients - the order of the items in the inventory should not matter

-able to be... "activated" when a player wants - basically i want a unit to have a button, and when it uses it (a spell that does nothing specific) it will activate the system and make the items in the units inventory to create another one (or more... depends on the recipe)

-able to restrict certain recipes to certain units - basically i will have some buildings in the map and i want players to need to use those buildings to make some items

If you don't understand precisely what i want, please do ask for clarification.
Also, i will give special credits to the person who makes this system.

NOTE: As far as i know...(i have searched the forums and links as best as i could) there is no recipe system that does what i want so that is why i am making a request for it. If maybe someone knows of an system that does what i want, then please send me a link and i will also add the person to credits.

Once again, thank you!
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
You make it really easy...

Event: A unit begins using an Ability
Condition: Ability being cast equal to Item Merge (or whatever)
Actions: If/Then/Else
-> If Triggering Unit has X item. (Post all the items needed to build the final item).
-> If Triggering Unit is where you want it to be (near to the building, in region, etc.)
Then do: The item.
ELSE -> If/Then Else
Repeat over and over the possible recipes inside the 'Else' bock.

Is not a 'System'.. but may work.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
No offence, yet spartapilo... how would that trigger of yours help me? It's mostly just like making my own recipe system, which would mean to make such a trigger for absolutely each item...

And, baassee, can you explain how should i modify this system? Because as far as i have seen... looks like diablo-dk's but it's a bit more in GUI.

As i stated before... i want it to be like a system, does the same thing for any recipe i make, i only add a line with the components and result (like it's done in diablo-dk's) - also i want it to do the other things i asked.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
You still don't bring me an answer... i said from the beggining that i don't know JASS, nor i am good in GUI, therefore i can't really modify a system anyway i want... that's why i posted this request, so that maybe someone can make a system (or modify one) for me...

If i am wrong, and i shouldn't ask such a thing... then please say.
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
You can... but I think most users will tell you that you should learn the ways to do it yourself with others help. Asking help is a lot better than asking someone to do something for you, just because you cant/don't want to learn a bit to do it yourself.

The easy part of my first suggestion was the 'Uses an ability'. Is a lot easier than using 'Acquires an item' and else... Anyway, using the system bassee suggested is more efficient. Use that, read the information. You don't have to "DO JASS" or something... just follow instructions carefully. The system itself tells you what, how much, when, and where you can manipulate a value to achieve what you want.
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
Thanks a lot for the advice, as i said in the previous post... i didn't really knew if this was the best place to post such a request... I thought about putting it in that section... but i saw in it's description that there you need to post if you need fixings to your triggers... not if you want someone to do them for you...

Anyway, i will give it a try.
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