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Item drops after respawning

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Level 2
Dec 27, 2010
Hi everybody I have got a problem with the item drops.
In my map there is a Monster Respawning System.
I added the item tables with a chance of 100% drop.
First time the monster dropped the item but the second try wasn't a miracle :D
So is it possible to add item tables to respawned units ?

Waiting for Smart Advices :)

The itempool natives...

well my IDS allows dynamic handling meaning, you can dynamically add/remove items from the item pool of a unit or unitypeid in-game allowing the creation of spells which makes units drop certain items or change the item drops based on how far you are on the storyline etc... (after looking at ItemPool natives, seems like it does this too)

and it also allows the setting of drop chance bonuses for units which the native certainly doesn't support...

and you can set the item pool for either specific units or a certain UnitTypeId (so that all units of that UnitType will have that table), while the native only allows creation of item pools per unit... and also you can have both (per unit and per unittypeid )on a single unit...

another thing is that you can specify how many items from the pool can a unit drop upon its death...
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Level 13
May 11, 2008
and it also allows the setting of drop chance bonuses for units which the native certainly doesn't support...
i'm not sure what you mean
and you can set the item pool for either specific units or a certain UnitTypeId (so that all units of that UnitType will have that table), while the native only allows creation of item pools per unit... and also you can have both (per unit and per unittypeid )on a single unit...
yeah...i've been using GT in my tag map and it works ok. i haven't examined your system but if it's nice and easy to implement this feature, more power to you.
another thing is that you can specify how many items from the pool can a unit drop upon its death...
that is very simple to implement. just run a loop, np.
I mean a certain unit can have more chance to obtain an item than other units...

well for basics of implementation, its something like ItemPool, you register a unit (or a UnitTypeId) (for itempool you create a pool), then add items to its drop pool. and everything is explained on the How To part...

what's GT?

btw, I think its getting a bit off-topic...
Level 13
May 11, 2008
I mean a certain unit can have more chance to obtain an item than other units...

well for basics of implementation, its something like ItemPool, you register a unit (or a UnitTypeId) (for itempool you create a pool), then add items to its drop pool. and everything is explained on the How To part...

what's GT?

still not sure what you mean. how can a unit influence the drop chance if you mean by obtaining the item...? is this taking into consideration the unit that killed the unit that should drop items?

gt is a library with a lot of crazy events to use...and you can use unit type id dies event type, which seems pretty useful to me.

//~~ GT ~~ GTrigger ~~ By Jesus4Lyf ~~ Version 1.05 ~~
// What is GTrigger?
// - GTrigger is an event system that replaces the cumbersome WC3
// event system.
// - GTrigger only launches the necessary threads instead of x threads,
// where x is the number of times the event type occurs in the map.
// =Pros=
// - Instead of having 16 events (for "16" players) per use of an,
// event type, you have 0 per use and 16 total for that event type.
// - If you have 100 events of one type in your map, instead of firing
// 100 triggers each time any spell is cast, you fire only what's needed.
// - GTrigger is faster to code with, more efficient to execute, and just
// better programming practises and nicer code all round.
// =Cons=
// - If a trigger with a GTrigger event is destroyed, it must have its
// event unregistered first or it will leak an event (slows firing down).
// - Shouldn't use "wait" actions anywhere in the triggers.
// Functions:
// // General
// - GT_UnregisterTriggeringEvent()
// // Ability events
// - GT_RegisterStartsEffectEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterBeginsChanellingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterBeginsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterStopsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterFinishesCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterLearnsAbilityEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
// - GT_RegisterTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterPointOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterNoTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Item events
// - GT_RegisterItemUsedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterItemAcquiredEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_RegisterItemDroppedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Unit events
// - GT_RegisterUnitDiesEvent(trigger, unittypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Ability Events
// - GT_UnregisterSpellEffectEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterBeginsChanellingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterBeginsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterStopsCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterFinishesCastingEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterLearnsAbilityEvent(trigger, abilityid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
// - GT_UnregisterTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterPointOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterNoTargetOrderEvent(trigger, orderid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Item events
// - GT_UnregisterItemUsedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterItemAcquiredEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// - GT_UnregisterItemDroppedEvent(trigger, itemtypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// // Unit events
// - GT_UnregisterUnitDiesEvent(trigger, unittypeid) (returns the trigger passed in)
// Alternative interface (not recommended):
// If you aren't familiar with how this works, you shouldn't use it.
// All funcs must return false. (That is the only reason it isn't recommended.)
// // General
// - GT_RemoveTriggeringAction() // Use this to remove actions.
// // Ability Events
// - GT_AddStartsEffectAction(func, abilityid)
// - GT_AddBeginsChanellingActon(func, abilityid)
// - GT_AddBeginsCastingAction(func, abilityid)
// - GT_AddStopsCastingAction(func, abilityid)
// - GT_AddFinishesCastingAction(func, abilityid)
// - GT_AddLearnsAbilityAction(func, abilityid)
// // Order events // (can use String2OrderIdBJ("OrderString") for orderid
// - GT_AddTargetOrderAction(func, orderid)
// - GT_AddPointOrderAction(func, orderid)
// - GT_AddNoTargetOrderAction(func, orderid)
// // Item events
// - GT_AddItemUsedAction(func, itemtypeid)
// - GT_AddItemAcquiredAction(func, itemtypeid)
// - GT_AddItemDroppedAction(func, itemtypeid)
// // Unit events
// - GT_AddUnitDiesAction(func, unittypeid)
// Details:
// - Due to the storage method, only 8191 GTrigger events are possible at any one time.
// Thanks:
// - Daxtreme: For voluntarily testing this system and the UnitDies event idea.
// - kenny!: For the Order and Learns Ability event ideas.
// How to import:
// - Create a trigger named GT.
// - Convert it to custom text and replace the whole trigger text with this.
library GT initializer Init
// Pointers //
// Assigned to abilities, and point to trigger grouping linked lists.
// Use:
// GetPointer --> int (pointer)
// FreePointer(int (pointer))
// set PointerTarget[int (pointer)]=int (list link)
// PointerTarget[int (pointer)] --> int (list link)
// Pointer
private integer array PointerTarget
private integer PointerMax=0
// Spare Pointer Stack
private integer array NextPointer
private integer NextPointerMaxPlusOne=1

private function GetPointer takes nothing returns integer
if NextPointerMaxPlusOne==1 then
set PointerMax=PointerMax+1
return PointerMax
set NextPointerMaxPlusOne=NextPointerMaxPlusOne-1
return NextPointer[NextPointerMaxPlusOne]
private function FreePointer takes integer pointer returns nothing
set PointerTarget[pointer]=0
set NextPointer[NextPointerMaxPlusOne]=pointer
set NextPointerMaxPlusOne=NextPointerMaxPlusOne+1

// Trigger Grouping Linked Lists //
// Contains a chain of triggers to be executed together.
// Use:
// GetMem() --> int (mem)
// FreeMem(int (mem))
// Link(int (pointer), int (mem))
// Unlink(int (pointer), int (mem))
// Spare Link Stack
private integer array NextMem
private integer NextMemMaxPlusOne=1
// Linked list
private trigger array Trig
private integer array Next
private integer array Prev
private integer TrigMax=0

private function GetMem takes nothing returns integer
if NextMemMaxPlusOne==1 then
set TrigMax=TrigMax+1
return TrigMax
set NextMemMaxPlusOne=NextMemMaxPlusOne-1
return NextMem[NextMemMaxPlusOne]
private function FreeMem takes integer i returns nothing
set Trig=null
set NextMem[NextMemMaxPlusOne]=i
set NextMemMaxPlusOne=NextMemMaxPlusOne+1

// Linked list functionality
// NOTE: This means "Next" must be loaded BEFORE executing the trigger, which could delete the current link.
private function Link takes integer pointer, integer new returns nothing
set Prev[new]=0
set Next[new]=PointerTarget[pointer]
set Prev[PointerTarget[pointer]]=new
set PointerTarget[pointer]=new
private function Unlink takes integer pointer, integer rem returns nothing
if Prev[rem]==0 then
set PointerTarget[pointer]=Next[rem]
set Prev[Next[rem]]=0
set Next[Prev[rem]]=Next[rem]
set Prev[Next[rem]]=Prev[rem]

// GTrigger General //
// Only contains the UnregisterTriggeringEvent action for public use.
boolean UnregisterLastEvent=false
public function UnregisterTriggeringEvent takes nothing returns nothing
set UnregisterLastEvent=true

// GTrigger Ability Implementation //
// The nasty textmacro implementation of special "All Players" events.
//! textmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent takes NAME, EVENT, GETSPECIAL
private trigger $NAME$Trigger=CreateTrigger()
// Extendable arrays
private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdA
private integer array $NAME$ListPointerA
private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdB
private integer array $NAME$ListPointerB
private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdC
private integer array $NAME$ListPointerC
private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdD
private integer array $NAME$ListPointerD
private integer array $NAME$AbilityIdE
private integer array $NAME$ListPointerE

private integer GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed
private function GetOrCreate$NAME$ListPointer takes integer abil returns integer
set GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed=abil-(abil/8191)*8191
if $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
set $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
if $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
set $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
if $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
set $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
if $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
set $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
if $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=abil
set $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]=GetPointer()
return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetOrCreateListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
call BJDebugMsg("GTrigger Error: Ran out of storage locations for pointers on object "+GetObjectName(abil)+"!")
set PointerTarget[0]=0
return 0

private integer GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed
private function Get$NAME$ListPointer takes integer abil returns integer
set GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed=abil-(abil/8191)*8191
if $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdA[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
return 0
if $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdB[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
return 0
if $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdC[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
return 0
if $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdD[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
return 0
if $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]==abil then // Correct
return $NAME$ListPointerE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]
elseif $NAME$AbilityIdE[GetListPointer$NAME$AbilHashed]<1 then // Empty
set PointerTarget[0]=0 // Make sure.
return 0
call BJDebugMsg("GTrigger Error: Ran out of storage locations for pointers at ability "+GetObjectName(abil)+"!")
set PointerTarget[0]=0
return 0

private integer Register$NAME$Mem
public function Register$NAME$Event takes trigger t, integer abil returns trigger
set Register$NAME$Mem=GetMem()
set Trig[Register$NAME$Mem]=t
call Link(GetOrCreate$NAME$ListPointer(abil),Register$NAME$Mem)
return t

private integer Unregister$NAME$Pointer
private integer Unregister$NAME$Mem
public function Unregister$NAME$Event takes trigger t, integer abil returns trigger
set Unregister$NAME$Pointer=Get$NAME$ListPointer(abil)
set Unregister$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[Unregister$NAME$Pointer]
exitwhen Trig[Unregister$NAME$Mem]==t
if Unregister$NAME$Mem==0 then
return t // Not found.
set Unregister$NAME$Mem=Next[Unregister$NAME$Mem]
call Unlink(Unregister$NAME$Pointer,Unregister$NAME$Mem)
call FreeMem(Unregister$NAME$Mem)
return t

private function Trigger$NAME$Event takes nothing returns boolean
local integer Trigger$NAME$Pointer=Get$NAME$ListPointer($GETSPECIAL$)
local integer Trigger$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[Trigger$NAME$Pointer]
local integer Trigger$NAME$NextMem
set UnregisterLastEvent=false
exitwhen Trigger$NAME$Mem<1
set Trigger$NAME$NextMem=Next[Trigger$NAME$Mem]
if TriggerEvaluate(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem]) then
call TriggerExecute(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem])
if UnregisterLastEvent then
set UnregisterLastEvent=false
call Unlink(Trigger$NAME$Pointer,Trigger$NAME$Mem)
call FreeMem(Trigger$NAME$Mem)
set Trigger$NAME$Mem=Trigger$NAME$NextMem
return false

private function Init$NAME$ takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerAddCondition($NAME$Trigger,Condition(function Trigger$NAME$Event))
set i=i-1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent($NAME$Trigger,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_$EVENT$,null)
exitwhen i==0
//! endtextmacro

//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("StartsEffect", "UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT", "GetSpellAbilityId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("BeginsChanelling", "UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL", "GetSpellAbilityId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("BeginsCasting", "UNIT_SPELL_CAST", "GetSpellAbilityId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("StopsCasting", "UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST", "GetSpellAbilityId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("FinishesCasting", "UNIT_SPELL_FINISH", "GetSpellAbilityId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("TargetOrder", "UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER", "GetIssuedOrderId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("PointOrder", "UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER", "GetIssuedOrderId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("NoTargetOrder", "UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER", "GetIssuedOrderId()")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("ItemUsed", "UNIT_USE_ITEM", "GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("ItemAcquired", "UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM", "GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("ItemDropped", "UNIT_DROP_ITEM", "GetItemTypeId(GetManipulatedItem())")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("UnitDies", "UNIT_DEATH", "GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())")
//! runtextmacro SetupSpecialAllPlayersEvent("LearnsAbility", "HERO_SKILL", "GetLearnedSkill()")
// Note to self: Remember to update the Init function.

// GTrigger All Players Implementation //
// The textmacro implementation of other "All Players" events.
//! textmacro SetupAllPlayersEvent takes NAME, EVENT
private trigger $NAME$Trigger=CreateTrigger()
private integer $NAME$ListPointer=0

private integer Register$NAME$Mem
public function Register$NAME$Event takes trigger t returns trigger
set Register$NAME$Mem=GetMem()
set Trig[Register$NAME$Mem]=t
call Link($NAME$ListPointer,Register$NAME$Mem)
return t

private integer Unregister$NAME$Pointer
private integer Unregister$NAME$Mem
public function Unregister$NAME$Event takes trigger t returns trigger
set Unregister$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[$NAME$ListPointer]
exitwhen Trig[Unregister$NAME$Mem]==t
if Unregister$NAME$Mem==0 then
return t // Not found.
set Unregister$NAME$Mem=Next[Unregister$NAME$Mem]
call Unlink($NAME$ListPointer,Unregister$NAME$Mem)
call FreeMem(Unregister$NAME$Mem)
return t

private function Trigger$NAME$Event takes nothing returns boolean
local integer Trigger$NAME$Mem=PointerTarget[$NAME$ListPointer]
local integer Trigger$NAME$NextMem
set UnregisterLastEvent=false
exitwhen Trigger$NAME$Mem<1
set Trigger$NAME$NextMem=Next[Trigger$NAME$Mem]
if TriggerEvaluate(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem]) then
call TriggerExecute(Trig[Trigger$NAME$Mem])
if UnregisterLastEvent then
set UnregisterLastEvent=false
call Unlink($NAME$ListPointer,Trigger$NAME$Mem)
call FreeMem(Trigger$NAME$Mem)
set Trigger$NAME$Mem=Trigger$NAME$NextMem
return false

private function Init$NAME$ takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i=bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerAddCondition($NAME$Trigger,Condition(function Trigger$NAME$Event))
set i=i-1
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent($NAME$Trigger,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_$EVENT$,null)
exitwhen i==0
// Initialise the pointer.
set $NAME$ListPointer=GetPointer()
//! endtextmacro

// Old: //! runtextmacro SetupAllPlayersEvent("AnyUnitDies", "DEATH")

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
// Ability events
call InitStartsEffect()
call InitBeginsChanelling()
call InitBeginsCasting()
call InitStopsCasting()
call InitFinishesCasting()
call InitLearnsAbility()
// Order events
call InitTargetOrder()
call InitPointOrder()
call InitNoTargetOrder()
// Item events
call InitItemUsed()
call InitItemAcquired()
call InitItemDropped()
// Unit events
call InitUnitDies()

// Wrappers //
// Wraps it up, for those who really want this interface.

// General
public function RemoveTriggeringAction takes nothing returns nothing
call UnregisterTriggeringEvent()
call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())

// Special All Player Events
//! textmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper takes EVENT
public function Add$EVENT$Action takes code func, integer special returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(Register$EVENT$Event(CreateTrigger(),special),Condition(func))
//! endtextmacro
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("StartsEffect")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("BeginsChanelling")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("BeginsCasting")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("StopsCasting")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("FinishesCasting")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("TargetOrder")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("PointOrder")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("NoTargetOrder")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("ItemUsed")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("ItemAcquired")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("ItemDropped")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("UnitDies")
//! runtextmacro AddSpecialAllPlayersWrapper("LearnsAbility")
// Note to self: Remember to update the Init function.

// All Player Events
//! textmacro AddAllPlayersWrapper takes EVENT
public function Add$EVENT$Action takes code func returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(Register$EVENT$Event(CreateTrigger()),Condition(func))
//! endtextmacro
//// runtextmacro AddAllPlayersWrapper("UnitSell")
// Old: //! runtextmacro AddAllPlayersWrapper("AnyUnitDies")
ahhh... I see a system by J4L, never saw that until now... ^_^

Yup, the system takes into consideration the unit that kills the triggering unit... You can register units to have drop chance bonuses (either multiplier or direct value), and the system considers those values when determining if an item would be dropped or not...
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