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Item Drop Table, Pet System

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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
- Drop System -

Hey I am wondering if anyone knows of a good Drop Table Per Unit system, that can drop multiple items, Possible Jass

I have tried the only 2 I found on Hive, issues with both

1. Has Drop Table but not % chance to drop, or double item drop

2. Has drop table with % chance, doesn’t drop multiple items, and the Required Lib, Alloc has errors compiling.

- Pet System -

Buyable pets that follow you and attack what you attack or what attacks you, uncontrolled, locust but can die, limit 1 a time.

- Question -

Now for side question so I don’t have to make new thread, is it possible to show enemy name not player name?

Example, Neutral Hostile, show the name per unit. But I want Player 12 to show name per unit, not “Player 12”

I can’t make them neutral hostile, as I got respawn trigger and I don’t want them respawning after so long

but any NH that dies Auto adds to the respawn trigger.

but player 12 is bosses I don’t want added to respawn trigger
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Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
It’s my understanding that the player name is set for all units owned by that player. Thus you could change the name of player 12 to just 12. Or make them owned by another player and change color to brown in addition to making its name 12 too.

You could also add those units of NH you don’t want to respawn to a unit group and check if a unit is in that group before respawning it. Or give in-respawnable units a hidden ability that does nothing (and check for that ability). Or set their custom value if you’re not using that already.

As far as drop tables are concerned, you want to use various itempools: Unitpools Tutorial - Wc3C.net


Warcraft Moderator
Level 71
Aug 10, 2018
I attached a map with a Drop System I threw together, it's nothing special but it seems to get the job done (hopefully bug free).

Also, I threw in a Pet System that should lead you in the right direction. It's very VERY basic and I didn't address everything you wanted but I'm all triggered out for the day. Maybe I'll work on it later.

If you have any questions on how to use something feel free to ask.


  • Item Drop System Uncle v.1.w3x
    28.3 KB · Views: 38
Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
I attached a map with a Drop System I threw together, it's nothing special but it seems to get the job done (hopefully bug free).

Also, I threw in a Pet System that should lead you in the right direction. It's very VERY basic and I didn't address everything you wanted but I'm all triggered out for the day. Maybe I'll work on it later.

If you have any questions on how to use something feel free to ask.

Ty for help. however few questions.

the item drop system, is it possible to set different drops per unit type, and can it set to unit type, as the bosses dont spawn in till you enter the dungeon, so cant select unit specifically

and pet one, nice, the pet wouldnt follow me, half the time, and how i make it so it pet u buy from a shop not a unit already on the map.
Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
I again say: use itempools. This is literally what they’re designed for and nobody uses them.

I like how Uncles system is, and for use itempools, i would if i know what i was doing, i can edit a made system add items, units ect, but i have no clue what i am doing putting one together from snippets
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
These are the only functions for itempools, they are very simple:
native CreateItemPool           takes nothing returns itempool
native DestroyItemPool          takes itempool whichItemPool returns nothing
native ItemPoolAddItemType      takes itempool whichItemPool, integer itemId, real weight returns nothing
native ItemPoolRemoveItemType   takes itempool whichItemPool, integer itemId returns nothing
native PlaceRandomItem          takes itempool whichItemPool, real x, real y returns item
  1. Create an itempool using CreateItemPool
  2. Add any number of items to the pool, each with their own weight as desired
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for each different pool of items you want to have (different bosses, different mobs, etc.)
  4. When you want to randomize an item, place an item from the appropriate pool
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
Alright, I got excited about making this work easily and I came up with a simple system (will clean up with more comments and a demo map and submit later). AFAIK currently the unit-specific drop tables can bug out if you try to use it on a handle ID higher than 8191, but that should be resolved soon.
library ItemPoolsEx initializer init requires Table

  private TableArray DropData
  private constant boolean CLEAR_ON_UNIT_DEATH  = true  //when true, unit-specific drop table associations will be cleared for non-heroes when they die (since regular units can't be revived this should probably always be true)
  private constant boolean CLEAR_ON_HERO_DEATH  = false //when true, unit-specific drop table associations will be cleared for heroes when they die (you might want this to be false if heroes can be revived and you want to keep their drop table associations)
  private constant boolean CLEAR_ON_UNIT_REMOVE = true  //when true, unit-specific drop table associations will be cleared when a unit is removed via RemoveUnit()
  constant         integer NULL_ITEM = 'ZZZZ'           //this item corresponds to an 'empty' drop slot. it should be an item id that NO item in your map has, or if you feel maniacal make it a junk item

  //just system config variables, don't need to touch these
  private constant integer KEY_COUNT = -1
  private constant integer KEY_MIN = 1
  private constant integer KEY_MAX = 2
  private constant integer SIZE = 3  

  public trigger DropOnDeath = null //you can disable this to disable dropping temporarily

struct DropTable
  private itempool p = null
  private group ex = null
  method add takes integer itemID, real weight returns nothing
    call ItemPoolAddItemType(.p, itemID, weight)
  method remove takes integer itemID returns nothing
    call ItemPoolRemoveItemType(.p, itemID)
  method place takes real x, real y returns item
    return PlaceRandomItem(.p, x, y)
  method placeN takes real x, real y, integer count returns nothing
      exitwhen count <= 0
      call .place(x, y)
      set count = count-1

  method excludeUnit takes unit u, boolean flag returns nothing
    if flag then
      call GroupAddUnit(.ex, u)
      call GroupRemoveUnit(.ex, u)
  method excludes takes unit u returns boolean
    return IsUnitInGroup(u, .ex)
  method clearExclusions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u
      set u = FirstOfGroup(.ex)
      exitwhen u == null
      call GroupRemoveUnit(.ex, u)
    set u = null
  method typeDrop takes integer unitID, integer minDrops, integer maxDrops returns nothing
    local integer dcount = DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT]
    set DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE]           = this
    set DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE + KEY_MIN] = minDrops
    set DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE + KEY_MAX] = maxDrops
    set DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT] = dcount+1

  method unitDrop takes unit whichUnit, integer minDrops, integer maxDrops returns nothing
    call .typeDrop(GetHandleId(whichUnit), minDrops, maxDrops)
  method stopTypeDrop takes integer unitID, boolean all returns nothing
    local integer dcount = DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT]
    local integer i = 0
      exitwhen i >= dcount
      if DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE] == this then
        set DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE]           = DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE]
        set DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MIN] = DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE + KEY_MIN]
        set DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MAX] = DropData[unitID].integer[dcount*SIZE + KEY_MAX]
        set i = i-1
        set dcount = dcount-1
        set DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT] = dcount
        exitwhen not all
      set i = i+1
  method stopUnitDrop takes unit whichUnit, boolean all returns nothing
    call .stopTypeDrop(GetHandleId(whichUnit), all)
  static method create takes nothing returns thistype
    local thistype t = thistype.allocate()
    set t.p = CreateItemPool()
    set t.ex = CreateGroup()
    return t
  method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
    call DestroyItemPool(.p)
    call DestroyGroup(.ex)

private function onRemove takes unit u returns nothing
  local integer unitID
  static if CLEAR_ON_UNIT_REMOVE then
    set unitID = GetHandleId(u)
    call DropData[unitID].flush()
    call DropData[unitID].destroy()

hook RemoveUnit onRemove

private function onDeath takes nothing returns boolean
  local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
  local integer unitID
  local integer dcount
  local real x = GetUnitX(u)
  local real y = GetUnitY(u)
  local integer i = 0
  local boolean h
  set unitID = GetUnitTypeId(u)
  set dcount = DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT]
    exitwhen i >= dcount
    if not DropTable(DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE]).excludes(u) then
      call DropTable(DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE]).placeN(x, y, GetRandomInt(DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MIN], DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MAX]))
    set i = i+1
  set h = IsHeroUnitId(unitID)
  set unitID = GetHandleId(u)
  set dcount = DropData[unitID].integer[KEY_COUNT]
    exitwhen i >= dcount
    call DropTable(DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE]).placeN(x, y, GetRandomInt(DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MIN], DropData[unitID].integer[i*SIZE + KEY_MAX]))
    set i = i+1
  if (dcount > 0) and ((h and CLEAR_ON_HERO_DEATH) or (not h and CLEAR_ON_UNIT_DEATH)) then
    call DropData[unitID].flush()
    call DropData[unitID].destroy()
  set u = null
  return false

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
  set DropData = TableArray[0x2000]
  set DropOnDeath = CreateTrigger()
  call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(DropOnDeath, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
  call TriggerAddCondition(DropOnDeath, Condition(function onDeath))
Here's an example of how to use it:
library DropTableExample initializer init requires ItemPoolsEx

  DropTable OrbTable
  DropTable PendantTable
  DropTable GemTable
  DropTable GenericTable

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
  set PendantTable = DropTable.create() //Create a new droptable, this one is different types of pendants
  call PendantTable.add('prvt', 1)      //Add periapt of vitality with weight 1
  call PendantTable.add('penr', 1)      //Add pendant of energy with weight 1
  call PendantTable.add('pmna', 4)      //Add pendant of mana with weight 4
                                        //on average every 6 drops there will be:
                                        //  1 vitality
                                        //  1 energy
                                        //  4 mana
                                        //now we associate the table with various unit types:
  call PendantTable.typeDrop('nmrl', 0, 1) //tiderunners drop 0 or 1 of these pendants
  call PendantTable.typeDrop('nmmr', 1, 3) //huntsmen drop 1-3 of them
  call PendantTable.typeDrop('nmmm', 4, 4) //nightcrawlers always drop 4

  set OrbTable = DropTable.create()    //Create a new drop table, this one has orbs on it
  call OrbTable.add('odef', 1)         //Add orb of darkness with weight 1
  call OrbTable.add('ofro', 1)         //Add orb of frost with weight 1
  call OrbTable.add('ocor', 1)         //Add orb of corruption with weight 1
  call OrbTable.add('ofir', 0.1)       //Add orb of fire with weight 0.1
                                       //on average every 31 drops there will be:
                                       // 10 darkness
                                       // 10 frost
                                       // 10 corruption
                                       //  1 fire
                                       //now associate with a unit type
  call OrbTable.typeDrop('hpea', 0, 3) //peasants drop between 0 and 3 orbs
  set GemTable = DropTable.create() //Create a new droptable, this one has gems and null items (null items are a 'ghost' drop that doesn't exist)
  call GemTable.add('gemt', 1)      //Add gem of true sight with weight 1
  call GemTable.add(NULL_ITEM, 2)   //Add null item with weight 2
                                    //on average every 3 drops there will be:
                                    // 1 gem of true sight
                                    // 2 null/ghost items that don't exist
                                    //now associate with a unit type:
  call GemTable.unitDrop(gg_unit_hdhw_0057, 5, 5) //this particular unit will always drop 5 items from the gem table
  call OrbTable.unitDrop(gg_unit_hdhw_0057, 1, 3) //it also drops between 1 and 3 items from the orb table
  set GenericTable = DropTable.create() //create a new table
  call GenericTable.add('phea', 5)      //healing potion (very common)
  call GenericTable.add('pinv', 1)      //invisibility potion (rare)
  call GenericTable.add('shas', 3.5)    //scroll of haste (pretty common)
  call GenericTable.add('rat6', 1)      //claws +6 (rare)
  call GenericTable.add('clfm', 0.25)   //cloak of flames (very rare)
  call GenericTable.typeDrop('ncea', 0, 1) //these centaurs all have a chance to drop 0 or 1 items from the generic table
  call GenericTable.typeDrop('ncer', 0, 1)
  call GenericTable.typeDrop('ncim', 0, 1)
  call GenericTable.typeDrop('ncen', 0, 1)
  call GenericTable.excludeUnit(gg_unit_ncen_0013, true) //but these two particular centaurs will never drop anything
  call GenericTable.excludeUnit(gg_unit_ncim_0029, true) //excluded as above
  call GenericTable.clearExclusions() //jk those two units aren't excluded after all!
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 71
Aug 10, 2018
Ty for help. however few questions.

the item drop system, is it possible to set different drops per unit type, and can it set to unit type, as the bosses dont spawn in till you enter the dungeon, so cant select unit specifically

and pet one, nice, the pet wouldnt follow me, half the time, and how i make it so it pet u buy from a shop not a unit already on the map.

Instead of selecting the unit from the map, just use "Last created unit" to reference the boss after creating it. You can also Pick every Unit of Type and add them to the system.
Or you could even do something like "A unit Enters the Entire Map -> Unit Type of Entering Unit equal to Footman -> Add (Entering Unit) to ds_UnitGroup, etc..."
  • Boss Example
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 DUNGEON BOSS for Neutral Hostile at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit Group - Add (Last created unit) to ds_UnitGroup
      • -------- - --------
      • -------- - --------
      • -------- Item Settings --------
      • -------- Set the total number of Items in this Item Table --------
      • Set ds_TotalItems = 3
      • -------- MultiDropOn = More than 1 Item can drop. This overrides AlwaysDropOn when set to True. --------
      • Set ds_MultiDropOn = False
      • -------- AlwaysDropOn = This guarantees that 1 of the Items will always drop. The % Chances of the Items need to add up to exactly 100%. --------
      • Set ds_AlwaysDropOn = False
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[1] = Boots of Speed
      • Set ds_Chance[1] = 25.00
      • Set ds_Charges[1] = 0
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[2] = Gloves of Haste
      • Set ds_Chance[2] = 25.00
      • Set ds_Charges[2] = 5
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[3] = Claws of Attack +6
      • Set ds_Chance[3] = 50.00
      • Set ds_Charges[3] = 10
      • -------- - --------
      • Custom script: call ds_CreateItemTable()
  • Units of Type
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units of type Footman) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to ds_UnitGroup
      • -------- - --------
      • -------- - --------
      • -------- Item Settings --------
      • -------- Set the total number of Items in this Item Table --------
      • Set ds_TotalItems = 3
      • -------- MultiDropOn = More than 1 Item can drop. This overrides AlwaysDropOn when set to True. --------
      • Set ds_MultiDropOn = False
      • -------- AlwaysDropOn = This guarantees that 1 of the Items will always drop. The % Chances of the Items need to add up to exactly 100%. --------
      • Set ds_AlwaysDropOn = False
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[1] = Boots of Speed
      • Set ds_Chance[1] = 25.00
      • Set ds_Charges[1] = 0
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[2] = Gloves of Haste
      • Set ds_Chance[2] = 25.00
      • Set ds_Charges[2] = 5
      • -------- - --------
      • Set ds_Item[3] = Claws of Attack +6
      • Set ds_Chance[3] = 50.00
      • Set ds_Charges[3] = 10
      • -------- - --------
      • Custom script: call ds_CreateItemTable()

I attached a new version with some Pet System changes. I also changed how the Item Drop System works slightly. I added a new Boolean called "AlwaysDropOn" and changed the name of "MultiItemsOn" to MultiDropOn. I also fixed some bugs so I recommend replacing the old system with this new one IF you don't plan on using Pyrogasm's system. Another note, in order for your Gold/Lumber to be properly Refunded when you try to buy a second Pet, I had to use the Gold Bounty Base and Lumber Bounty Base values. So you need to set your Pet's Gold Bounty Base and Lumber Bounty Base to match it's Gold Cost and Lumber Cost.

So Gold Bounty Awarded - Base = Gold Cost, and Lumber Bounty Awarded - Base = Lumber Cost. This is a workaround fix until Blizzard adds a way to get a unit's Gold Cost/Lumber Cost.

Anyway, I'm mostly doing this for fun/learning, so with that being said I think you should try to get Pyrogasm's suggested system to work. It looks a lot better and a lot more versatile than mine.
@Pyrogasm It would be nice if the items drop with X number of Charges. 0 = none, 1+ = that many charges. Probably wouldn't be too difficult to add it to that system.

Edit: Uploaded v.3. Small tweaks. Fixed a minor bug.


  • Item Drop System Uncle v.3.w3x
    37.4 KB · Views: 38
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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
@Uncle - Thanks for the help, and i did try pyrogasm drop system, but gets errors.

@Pyrogasm - when i copied code to map it pasted 5 chinese smybols instead, however, copying bit at a time and that worked, However when compiling i get this error

Line 2430: ItemPoolsEx__DropData[unitID] is not of type that allows . syntax

and yes i do have Table required Lib

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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
There are no compile errors. It saves fine on my machine. This is the Table I used: [Snippet] New Table

fair enough, thing is if I disable Table and put in NewTable wont half my triggers stop working? As they use original table

EDIT: As i thought, if i put both on, it gets error, if i disable original table, and onyl use the new table then it gets 3 errors

i got this table

library Table
//* Table object 3.0
//* ------------
//*   set t=Table.create() - instanceates a new table object
//*   call t.destroy()     - destroys it
//*   t[1234567]           - Get value for key 1234567
//*                          (zero if not assigned previously)
//*   set t[12341]=32      - Assigning it.
//*   call t.flush(12341)  - Flushes the stored value, so it
//*                          doesn't use any more memory
//*   t.exists(32)         - Was key 32 assigned? Notice
//*                          that flush() unassigns values.
//*   call t.reset()       - Flushes the whole contents of the
//*                          Table.
//*   call t.destroy()     - Does reset() and also recycles the id.
//*   If you use HandleTable instead of Table, it is the same
//* but it uses handles as keys, the same with StringTable.
//*  You can use Table on structs' onInit  if the struct is
//* placed in a library that requires Table or outside a library.
//*  You can also do 2D array syntax if you want to touch
//* mission keys directly, however, since this is shared space
//* you may want to prefix your mission keys accordingly:
//*  set Table["thisstring"][ 7 ] = 2
//*  set Table["thisstring"][ 5 ] = Table["thisstring"][7]

        private constant integer MAX_INSTANCES=8100 //400000
        //Feel free to change max instances if necessary, it will only affect allocation
        //speed which shouldn't matter that much.

        private hashtable ht

    private struct GTable[MAX_INSTANCES]

        method reset takes nothing returns nothing
            call FlushChildHashtable(ht, integer(this) )

        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            call this.reset()

        // initialize it all.
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set ht = InitHashtable()


    //Hey: Don't instanciate other people's textmacros that you are not supposed to, thanks.
    //! textmacro Table__make takes name, type, key
    struct $name$ extends GTable

        method operator [] takes $type$ key returns integer
            return LoadInteger(ht, integer(this), $key$)

        method operator []= takes $type$ key, integer value returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(ht,  integer(this)  ,$key$, value)

        method flush takes $type$ key returns nothing
            call RemoveSavedInteger(ht, integer(this), $key$)

        method exists takes $type$ key returns boolean
            return HaveSavedInteger( ht,  integer(this)  ,$key$)

        static method flush2D takes string firstkey returns nothing
            call $name$(- StringHash(firstkey)).reset()

        static method operator [] takes string firstkey returns $name$
            return $name$(- StringHash(firstkey) )

    //! endtextmacro

    //! runtextmacro Table__make("Table","integer","key" )
    //! runtextmacro Table__make("StringTable","string", "StringHash(key)" )
    //! runtextmacro Table__make("HandleTable","handle","GetHandleId(key)" )


So cant use only original, as itempool doesnt work, cant use table you use, as 3 of my triggers dont work

so i to figure out what it is table i use is missing from table you use, and put it on the one i use.

EDIT2: must be something wrong with my map, as i have tried all 3 DropPools by Adiktus Item Drop System 1.20

And all 3 of them save without errors so thats nice, but units dont drop anything in game, i even placed the original units on the trigger on the map to test, non of them drop anything

i also tested the drop map, and they work perfectly, so must be something wrong with my map.

EDIT3: @Uncle so as Jass Tables are not working for me, your drop system to try now, however, how do i set multiple tables one of each boss, and for pet system, is nice, but only works for player 1 not all ingame players. and one thing i will try at some point, is so only 2 specific heros can get pets. but for now jsut having pet system workign for all 5 players would be nice

EDIT4: Yup something wrong with my map, Even Uncle's Drop Table doesnt work, it saves with no issue, but again the units drop nothing

EDIT5: i cant even get the pet system working either, you can buy a pet but ti doesnt follow you and it is controllable

I would say issue is as i use Reforged WE, however all the original triggers and stuff from old W3 work perfectly still in W3

also i loaded the maps in Reforged WE, and clicked test there, and they still work do original test maps

only issue in Reforged WE, is the druid forms dont work, they dont turn into what is set on the trigger.
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Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
only issue in Reforged WE, is the druid forms dont work, they dont turn into what is set on the trigger.
This is a bug with Reforged right now and will eventually be fixed. If you are trying things to see if they work with Reforged you need to open the map and save it before testing it so it’s actually recompiled using Reforged. That being said the NewTable snippet includes backwards compatibility for old Vex Table code so it should be easy to replace. You likely can’t just copy some of the code over from one system to another and hope it will work.
Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
This is a bug with Reforged right now and will eventually be fixed. If you are trying things to see if they work with Reforged you need to open the map and save it before testing it so it’s actually recompiled using Reforged. That being said the NewTable snippet includes backwards compatibility for old Vex Table code so it should be easy to replace. You likely can’t just copy some of the code over from one system to another and hope it will work.

yeah i know druid forms is a bug with Refogred, but i was just saying everything else works in it, so the drop table not working has nothing to do with reforged. so any ideas how to fix?

EDIT: Sorted, got system working, and given Credit on map, Thanx for The Help Pyrogasm

Now to Sort out a Pet System
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