Item disabled for a duration when attacked, like DotA blinkdagger

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Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
Alright, so what i cant create is a blinkdagger alike item that will disabled for 4 seconds when attacked.

Please i need some1 more skilled than me to help me out with this :)

You can name the item in the trigger as x, y or just whatever you want. Just tell me what they stand for!

Thanks, if u are able to help me!
(+rep for the helping guys)
Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
i see your point, but i tried to make it but coudlnt.

I guess u need to know how to make hashtables, which i dont.

U dont happen to be skilled enough to make me the trigger? or atleast tell me exactly how to do it?

Level 7
Nov 19, 2007
Well you can try do it other way.. Unit is attacked, attacked unit has dagger = true, disable bink(dagger) for owner of attacked unit. And another trigger timer ends, enable blin(dagger) for that player. something like that..
Level 17
Jun 28, 2008
Ill do it for you.

It is in JASS, but easy to use.

Just create 2 items, one of em must be the active item and the other a "dummy" item. Just a normal item that has no activated ability and that can't be dropped or pawned. Then get each of those items raw code. To get this just click on the item in the object editor and press Ctrl + D. This will show raw values. Get the for Letter Raw code. (Some thing like I001) Do this for both items. Then go to the trigger editor and change the values of the two local variables named NormalItem and DisabledItem. Remember that the raw code must be in ' '.

If you need any other help just send me a VM


  • [System]Disable Items.w3x
    34.5 KB · Views: 99
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Level 4
Jul 18, 2008
thanks man! Very nice of you to hand out those instructions etc, very helpful and it works ALMOST perfect.
There is just one thing missing.
If u are hit it will start a timer of 4 seconds, the problem is that this u created will not refresh if ur hit once again during those seconds, and therefor it will turn on/off in combat all the time.

Is there just some simple lines i can put into it to make it refresh everytime ur attacked? thanks :)
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