Island Troll Tribes is a Survival PvP Arena game in which you and your tribe build up a base, hunt for meat and gather items to make gear. The ultimate goal is to fight with and defeat the opposing tribe(s).
Hey Guys,
We would like to invite everyone to our Island Troll Tribes Tournament.
Clan TwGB@USEast is hosting a 3v3 Round Robin Seeding Into Double Elimination Playoff. Total prize pool is 225$ + 25% of donations. You can choose your own team or be assigned a team at the start of the group stage.
2 Matches are assigned weekly and are scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays at 4 pm EST. However, this does not mean that you have to play your match on this day. If you are able to agree on another time with your opponent, you can change the match date. Each team will be assigned 10 matches total over the course of the group stage.
The group stage will consist of best of 3 matches. You will be awarded 1 point for each game win and 2 points for each match win (i.e. a 2-1 results in 4 points for the winning team, 1 for the losing team). The teams with the most points at the end of the group stage will be seeded highest into the playoff bracket. Format for playoffs will be announced towards the end of the group stage.
Modes will be as follows:
-fd 3600
Group Stage Begins this Saturday 2nd December 2017! It will run for approximately 6 weeks, you may join in any time during the group stage, so still plenty of time to get organized and participate. If you are still looking for a team follow the link below:
Keep an eye out there for all Island Troll Tribes News and join our Discord, we play daily and have multiple Hostbots.
Hope to see you guys there.
Island Troll Tribes Dev team.
Thanks to Quantum@USEast for this tutorial video.
Assigned moderator: @Naze
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