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Island Troll Tribes Tournament

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Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
Island Troll Tribes Tournament
= Indicates an update

The tournament has been canceled. See you next time for July's tournament!

Here's to the start of Gold Tournament, a realm based war for Island Troll Tribes. This is open to all freelancers, groups, and ITT clans willing to participate in the largest troll tribe tournament on battle.net! Remember who your competing with though, all those big named clans. Please make reservations ASAP (Go ahead and leave me a private message here if you have an account or do with another method for contacting me). :cwink:

This has been made quite ahead of time to give all clans and groups time to respond since the community is relatively small. The game times are listed below:

Azeroth Games will be played first, where Northrend comes last. There are 36 games for each realm, 73 in total. Since Lordaeron is relatively small for ITT players any clans/groups from the realm will be added to Northrend's side, since Azeroth is the biggest.

Dec 27 - Game #1 - #3 @ 6:46 AM BNET Azeroth (3 Games)
Dec 28 - Game #4 - #6 @ 10 AM BNET Azeroth (3 Games)
Dec 29 - Game #7 - #10 @ 7 AM BNET Azeroth (4 Games)
Dec 30 - Game #11 - #14 @ 5:20 AM BNET Azeroth (4 Games)
Dec 31 - Game #15 - #19 @ 7 AM BNET Azeroth (5 Games)
Jan 1 - Game #23 - #26 @ 6:30 AM BNET Azeroth (4 Games)
Jan 2 - Game #27 - #30 @ 11 AM BNET Azeroth (4 Games)
Jan 3 - Game #31 - #33 @ 9 AM BNET Azeroth (3 Games)
Jan 4 - Game #34 - #36 @ 11 PM BNET Northrend (3 Games)
Jan 5 - Game #37 - #40 @ 10:40 PM BNET Northrend (4 Games)
Jan 6 - Game #41 - #44 @ 9 PM BNET Northrend (3 Games)
Jan 7 - Game #45 - #47 @ 9 PM Northrend (3 Games)
Jan 8 - Game #48 - #51 @ 8 PM Northrend (4 Games)
Jan 9 - Game #52 - #56 @ 7 PM Northrend (5 Games)
Jan 10 - Game #57 - #58 @ 10:40 PM Northrend (2 Games)
Jan 11 - Game #59 - #63 @ 8 PM Northrend (5 Games)
Jan 12 - Game #64 - #68 @ 7:30 PM Northrend (5 Games)
Jan 13 - Game #69 - #73 @ 7:40 PM Azeroth (5 Games)

The games will be divided among four hosts and 2 backup hosts or referres, for each realm in case someone can't make it. All games will have 9 players, 4 for each tribe always NE vs SE with a referee on NW (referee being one of the four hosts or 2 backups). All tournament games will have mode -survival entered by the referee.

So far reservations are made for: DsTT, ITTP, TdiT, TLTT, PTT. Shamans and Chieftains please respond via battle.net on either Azeroth or Northrend EatShrooms. More information regarding clans and groups will be added later.

This thread will be bumped on December 8th, it will be constantly updated until then. please don't necropost this.

The rules and regulations of the tournament follows as posted on cheesemayhem. All are as applicable during the tournament as they are in any normal private game at Shroomery Private Games.

The prizes for winning the tournament are:
  1. Your clan or group recognized in both US East and Europe.
  2. Trophy of your clan or group's name engraved. (It's not a real trophy, just an image, sorry!)

The current layout for the tournament breakdown:

All clans and groups should make a reservation asap. Teams will be final on December 18. This means after that day you can no longer enter teams into the tournament.

The rest of the time the tournament will be worked out with the referees until the first game.

Information for Referees:
  • Add all referees to your friends list in your realm, anytime you finish a game please update the cutenews with a new article of the finish game. Copy and paste from the gametimes above if you need. Follow this format:

    Jan 7 - Game #45 - #47 @ 9 PM Northrend (3 Games), 2nd Game Finished
    *edit as needed for whichever game you've completed
  • You may host as many games in a day as you want.
  • If you suspect maphacking please e-mail me or swat_command3r (so we can upload it) the replay.
  • If a team is missing a player(s) and both of it's backups update the cutenews with which team number and realm is not able to play that day. If they end up getting their players back go ahead and host. Otherwise wait until the next day. That portion of the tournament will be behind then.
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Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
Creditability for your clan. And possibly a photoshop plank/trophy with your clan's name on it. I was thinking about a cash prize of $50 but not many people seem to have paypal. There's also the problem that it'd have to go to the Chieftain since I wouldn't be willing to give 50 to every winning clan member that played in the tournament, $200 for the 4 max participants in a group. I wouldn't want to split the money up evenly either because that's more of a hassle, and not really all that much money.
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
I'm not an ILT player but here are my views about prizes. I wouldn't mind if I win and I don't get any prize. It's the participation that counts and the satisfaction from these victories is already the biggest reward for me.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Island Troll Tribes is a boring and dull map, rather do a make like EotA, or even GoE2, both are amazing maps which need skill to go anywhere. They are also not a mindless animal killer for little reason. You really should consider GoE2, since that map really needs a lot of skill to play properly.
Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
It sounds like you've played a really older version of ITT. Maybe that turned you off. There's a lot more to the map nowadays. Games start off slow for newcomers usually, and have problems with keeping their stats. As the game progresses it's a lot easier to move around. You should play in Northrend if you want average 30 minute games.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Yes I played it last year, but I dought it has changed that much. Last time it was basically a map where killing animals to survive was important, and got old fast as you started from null each time and the aim was to make a revive building and as much good items as possiable to become strong enough to kill your oponents, it was heavily luck based. As for GoE2, that map is a highly advanced stratergy map that is well ballenced and overall fun to play. The number of public games goes to show that both maps are unpopular, but the main reason GoE2 is unpopular is its complex game play.
Level 1
Nov 21, 2007

So i am liking this idea and the fact u have increased the amount of games. basically all i have to say is good luck to all competing and don't bother offering any prices.

if u start to offer prices people will just play for the wanting of money/prize, instead of playing for fun and competition.

As always Clan Trol will be happy to participate, by orders of me :D tehe. Well ill talk to u in bnet at some point.

BTW island troll tribes has changed alot within the past year or so, so much so including many fixes, new items, new classes, reconstruction of islands and improvements. so honestly the game now involves more tactic and survival then just running roun killing elks

Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
All clans and groups should make a reservation asap. Teams will be final on December 18. This means after that day you can no longer enter teams into the tournament.

The rest of the time the tournament will be worked out with the referees until the first game.

edit: oops meant to edit the original post.
Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
Well, I'm going to be begging plox to make a version with observers enabled so that way referees can watch the game without interrupting, and make calls etc. 2.34 so far is the version that'll be used. 2.35 won't be since the anti-maphack has a problem, and lags badly for most people.
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