13:14, 20th May 2014
Orcnet: Map approved, can be acceptable
Orcnet: Map approved, can be acceptable
(11 ratings)
Map Info
After a huge storm, the ship you are riding crashed in an island used by pirates to hide their treasure. With only a few survivors, your goal is to leave the island. Do have what it takes to leave the island or just live here for the rest of your life?
How to Play:
- Team work is a necessity and avoid conflicts
- Gather as much resources as you can
- Get a ship escape the island
There are also some ways to have some fun play this simple map
but it's up to you how.
- Building structures
- Gathering resources
- Random weather events
- Ally killing enabled in case of conflicts (^_^) hehehe
Change Log:
- v1.0: All the basic features \
- v1.1:
- Sharks!!
- Pirate attacks
- Hidden pirate treasure
- v1.2:
- Added a building
- Replaced survivor model
- Added in-game tips
- Added a Loading Screen
- Added screenshots at map description
- Added Minimap Preview image
- v1.3:
- Shortened Building time and Building cost
- Delayed arrival time of pirates
- Increased damage of Pirate snipers and Pirate Cannoners (This is because getting hit by a bullet or cannons is very fatal.)
- v1.4:
- Restored damage rate of Pirate Snipers
- Pirates Patrol together
- Improved Pirate arrival rate
- Added a cave
- Added corals at bay
- Added Crafting tips in the Hut
- Reduced Fish speed for catching ease
- v1.5:
- Improved water extraction system
- Changed icons for pointed rock & spear
- Rocks and Pointed Rock as direct obtainable items
- Added resources for Crabs
- Fire Pit VS Rain Events changed (Fire Pits don't die anymore in rains. All you need to do is relight it.
- Removed Hermit Crabs (at the moment)
- Hydrated Icon Fixed
- Added Pirate Leader Hidden Event (Not Quest)
- Fixed pirate arrival
- Added pirate arrival warning
- v1.6:
- Fixed Wet Fire Pit Item
- Added Learn-able Ability: "Dig"
- Changed Building Inventory Skill
- Changed Hidden Treasure system
- Victory Condition Triggers changed
- v1.7:
- Tips are moved to the Quest Info
- Added simple Difficulty Levels
- Longer hunger interval
- Changed Hidden Treasure location
- Bundle of lumbers are use directly when acquired
- Fire pit system changed
- Unused player slots or Computer Controlled Survivors are removed
- Stick Crafting changed
Icon credits:
Model credits:
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Mr. Goblin
- darkdeathknight
- Ergius
- lelyanra
- Blood Raven
- Olofmoleman: Shark Model
Special Thanks to
the following:
- IamFootman061 - For reviewing this map
- -Kobas- - For Map Description Tutorial
- Aesthetics - For Simple Loading Screen Tutorial
- Darg - For minimap image tutorial
- Locrito - For v1.5 improvement help
- Shadow Fury - For Fire Pit VS Rain Effect Idea
Author's notes
I'm just an amateur map maker so this is just a simple map.
Please post your comments, suggestions, or any violent reactions.
Accept or Reject, I know that I provide a little fun to those who play this map with friends.
Thank you.
Island Survivors Review
Review by IamFootman061
Good Things:
Gameplay. Gameplay is great especially for your 1st map.
Terrain. Terrain is great to me too.
Fair Things:
Units and buildings. I think you need to add some buildings and units. Especially buildings, there are only 5 buildings? ( If I am correct ).
Realization. Your making a realistic game, right? But the animation of the villager was unreal. Villager punching trees? and it will cut off?
Bad Things:
Tips. I think you need to add some tips like a in game text and in quest log.
Design. No preview and loading screen? It makes your game sucks because preview and loading screen can attract players to play your game.
You need to add a tips for the player.
You need to put a preview and loading screen to attract the players.
Make the game more realistic. Remember that your making a realistic game.
i love the terrain and i love holliday islands.
reviewThis is a nice strategy map but few things should be done:
1. Put all your tips in the Quest as Map Info. There are many of them to remember.
2. Add difficulties for players.
3. Life is diminishing very fast. Can you make it slower?
4. Lumber should be used automatically. It is very much time consuming if you have to click it to use.
I think you can do all these. For now, let all these be fixed.
Needs Fix: 2/5
The Hive Workshop Official |
Map Reviewer: eubz Map Name: Island Survivors Map Author: Guramax Map Uploader: Guramax OriginalityThis map is likely to be original and I like it that way.Score: 75/100 PresentationThe description is nice. I like how you do the description dude.Score: 65/100 TerrainTerrain is just good enough for this kind of game, and the size just fits the survival theme. The tile fits with the island.Score: 65/100 Triggers1. Your Dig Effect 1 - 3 aren't MUI. This is a 3-playered map so you have to make it MUI. Other abilities to be casted here should also be MUI. As I have seen, they are not MUI. If you wanted this to be none-MUI spells, better make this map into a single player map.2. Other than what I have mention above, I like how you organize your triggers. That's a OK. Score: 35/100 Object DataObject data is just fine, you did well here.Score: 70/100 Gameplay1. Fish pens can't catch any fish. Do something about this.2. Cook and Relight share the same base ability. Use other base ability to any of the two. 3. Wet fire pit should not be carried because it cannot be dropped once carried. Score: 38/100 In your victory condition, you can use the trigger below so that everything about victory can be just in a single trigger:
Or maybe you just change your victory condition to be a timer. When the time set is met, the player/players win the game. This is because the game is a survival time. If your victory condition is the one above, Make the Lumber cost of the shipyard higher than what you have now, and the ships have higher cost than what it has now also. This is to test the player how he can survive the island. Another is that, you must tell the player that there is a place/area where he can go to win the game. Let the place be secret so players will look for it. I also have a link here to triggers and scripts for you to learn about MUI spells. This is a really nice map, so KEEP ON WORKING. Need help with triggers/memory leaks? Make a thread in the Triggers & Scripts Section. Final Score: 58.000/100 2/5 Vote for Needs some Fix Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers) |
So i found the treasure and escaped the island, and now i have some code on my hands. What now good sir xD.
The map was fairly entertaining, doesn't use much effort to survive xD. I was the only one who got away because the 2 people with me died, one with the sharks and the other.... threatend to kill me or something so the first one to strike wins xD.