If anyone care to show me how, I've tried to read some tutorials, but I just can't.You do not need to know Jass to call a single function with 3 (I guess unit,state,value) arguments :/
Does not work.it can be done with GUI:
unit - set X hitpoints = X unit' hp + Y
where X is the unit, and Y is the amount of hp you want to increase
yeah thats the Unit - Set HP function, i think this is the Simplest way
But I want it as a lifesteal spell, but in AOE, sorry for the misunderstanding.
Crap, you're right. I suck at explaining, and I got my solution, thanks all.What the hell are you talking? please explain better or stop asking ~.~.
Well, if you want it like a heal you need to get the current life and add the life.