Is there any way to do a single animation transfer? D:

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Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
Well, im trying to do single anims tranfers, but this is really a problem. Most of single anims transfer doesnt works, i rename the bones and helpers but still doesnt work. I used Guesst's and Yobgul's File converters but anyone works good with this such of things. I suposse that this is a problem of Oinkerwinkle's Animation Transfer, so i wondering...

Is there any other way to do a single animation transfer? (that arent manually, please.)

If anyone can have me more info about this things, or can make a tool that can do this good, i will +rep him. :)

Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
Oinkerwinkle´s animation transferer actually works with single anims, but:
1. You have to convert your model after each transfer.
2 .You will also have to rename each of the bones/helpers so they match the ones of the other model
3. The bones/helpers also have to be in the right order.

Oh and always have a backup of your model when you do it :Y
Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
O shi! i think i deleted they. I will see if i can find them and will post. -.-"

EDIT: i found them! hopefully there was in my recicle bin ^^"

In the file you will found a proudmoore with the bones renamed to fit archemonde, a file of archemonde without particles and a archemonde with all the anims of proudmoore.
I just want to give the death and dissipate anims (only) from proudmoore to archemonde. i do the transfer, but when i convert it back to mdx it gives me a error both in yobgul's and guesst's. D:


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Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
So, the interpolation type matters? OMFG! If I had known that before!
Thanks you a lot, guys. Now i will can make single anim transfer! :D
You two are the best modeler helpers of the Hive, Cookie for you! (o shit. I need to spread some rep before give you. >.< )

Cya! x3

EDIT: Err... Houston, we have a problem here. D:

Well, i tryed to make a single anim transfer for the warlock but some anims from the Satyr, and i had the same problem.
But, when i changed the interpolation type from hermite to linear of each bone of the satyr in Magos', i destroyed the animations. I dunno why. :(
So how can i change the animation type to linear keeping the animations?
I attached the destroyed model.


  • Satyr_Linear.mdx
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