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Is laziness having the best on us?

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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
That's a good question I keep asking myself these days due to what's happening in people's lives. An example? When you have to study or do your homework but then say "Meh, I'll just study later, maybe tomorrow. Homework? And who cares?"
Share your thoughts and discuss this problem.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Basically, human will prefer to do what they like. That simple. Laziness is just a term to call people who don't like to spend much energies. While someone who has overload of energies they will prefer to go outside/do something/talk all the day/anything that expends their energies.

When you prefer to sleep more than doing homework, you are not lazy. That's simply because sleep pleases you more than doing homework. When you love sport and you prefer to do sport more than sleeping, you are not diligent as well. Because, you will prefer sleep more than sport when you are tired/sleepy. Face it.

Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Why do today what I can put off for tomorrow.

Gonna answer you with your same question but by inverting it "Why doing tomorrow what I can put off for today?"

Dalvengyr, I have a different definition for the term "lazy". In my opinion, it means that you don't want to spend your energies in something that you can do without problems. If you sleep instead of doing your homework, you are lazy. If you practise sport instead of solving your homework, you are dynamic and also, in some way, lazy. I guess that when I say "lazy", you imagine a fat guy taking a nap on a sofa or something similar. Nope, lazy can also be a very active and dynamic person. I have examples here in my school of such cases. Some guys prefer doing more sports instead of homework and I consider them "lazy" for not putting some efforts in simple homework. Face the reality.

Zombie, what the hell? You say that laziness made us develop??? Dude, if it wasn't for people not lazy, we would have never invented anything. If people were too lazy to try to discover new stuff and invent useful things, we would still be in the Stone Age...

Anyway, I am happy you shared your thoughts about this topic :thumbs_up:
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
if we were not lazy, we wouldnt need high level programming languages, so yes it made us develop.

Dont forget elevators :D

I think lazy should be defined in this way: "Lazy to do X", because lazy overall, as pointed out by Shadow Fury can mean something else than what most people think when they say lazy
In my opinion, lazeness is started because you don't know how much pain can come if you don't do the thing you are lazy to do. For example: I am first day in the first work, and second day I am lazy to go to the work, the boss fires me. In my next job, i am not lazy to get up to the work anymore because i know how much pain i create if i don't. So lazyness is started if the pain you sacrifice to do the thing is greater than concenquences when you dont do the thing. :)
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
SF said:
Dalvengyr, I have a different definition for the term "lazy". In my opinion, it means that you don't want to spend your energies in something that you can do without problems. If you sleep instead of doing your homework, you are lazy. If you practise sport instead of solving your homework, you are dynamic and also, in some way, lazy. I guess that when I say "lazy", you imagine a fat guy taking a nap on a sofa or something similar. Nope, lazy can also be a very active and dynamic person. I have examples here in my school of such cases. Some guys prefer doing more sports instead of homework and I consider them "lazy" for not putting some efforts in simple homework. Face the reality.

It all depends on how you interpret the English language's definition of lazy; or Google's, in this case. (Lazy Definition)

One of the definitions of lazy is, "unwilling to work or use energy." The key factor in this definition is that it states things in a very general manner. What you seem be saying is, that people are lazy if people do some other thing than being what much of modern society calls productive.

I could say the vise versa of your of one of your examples and it could have the same amount of capability as your original statement for it to be plausible. "If you do homework, but do not practice sports because you are lazy, you are lazy." You see, this quote, sprouted from the definition google gives, contradicts your definition.

SF said:
Zombie, what the hell? You say that laziness made us develop??? Dude, if it wasn't for people not lazy, we would have never invented anything. If people were too lazy to try to discover new stuff and invent useful things, we would still be in the Stone Age...
Theoretically speaking, laziness could be the a lead factor in the art of technological advancement. Many (all?) technological inventions are aimed at one thing, so we (or our offspring for other scenarios) can be lazier in the future.

Say humans were never lazy. Say we work our asses off every day for our whole lives. Honestly, I don't think we have the capability to do that yet, or we just can't afford to face the consequences of this.

Perhaps you mean that procrastination causes humans technological development to slow down? Well, I don't think I know enough about that subject.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
I don't think 'lazy' is a very useful word. I agree with Dalvengyr, you like some things and you don't like some other things, you analyse (perhaps subconsciously) the costs the benefits of each thing you do and you see if it's worth it or not to you. The value of each action is dependent of the value that the individual performing the action gives it. I disagree with Shadow Fury since there is no objective factor that determines that the action of 'doing homework' is somehow more relevant or meaningful than playing sports; the individual in question makes that judgement for himself.

It seems to me the term lazy is largely used in the context where an individual attempts to condition himself to accomplish particular tasks regardless of his liking for them. However, if he does not set this goal for himself can he be truly called lazy? If he isn't even trying to do his homework because to him his academic success is not important is still laze then?
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Laziness to others is expressed when a simple task can be solved quickly or done with a no-brainer.

e.g "I have to finish chapter 1 of XX but my friend/group mate is currently doing it, so yeah le me do the final touches tomorrow"
Level 12
May 9, 2009
Laziness to others is expressed when a simple task can be solved quickly or done with a no-brainer.

e.g "I have to finish chapter 1 of XX but my friend/group mate is currently doing it, so yeah le me do the final touches tomorrow"

Your example does not meet your definition accurately. 'I HAVE TO' this means that the task at hand is important in some way to the individual. The definition becomes absurd when taking into account any simple task regardless of its value such as touching your nose or running around in circles or hitting your head against the wall.

Your definition must include a reference to the value of the task defined by the individual to avoid absurdities such as 'you're lazy because you don't hit your head against the wall although it is a task that can be solved quickly or done with a no-brainer'.
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