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Intro to an intended metalcore song

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Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
me and my mates are in the process of writing songs and hopefully in the process of recording a demo tape

anyway we started working on a certain song which is somewhat heavier than the usual songs that we were making

well its not exactlty metalcore.. not yet.. it still hasn't taken shape

the lead guitar is somewhat overamplified and might hurt your ears
oh and its totally incomplete

edit:holy fuck! I just found out theres already a band with the name "The Third-Wave" oh well gotta find a new name again


  • Decadence.mp3
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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Ok... um... what the fuck is your drummer doing? Is he really just hitting the cymbal randomly? Might want to tell him to make some kind of rolling drum part to put over that which would be nice.

Another thing, well you might want to make it more organized, that's all. And try playing the thing acoustically with an echo effect, it would sound really awesome and metallica-ish.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
sound quality sucks..
anyway we did try it acoustically, kinda liked it, but then again the song is just in the early stages(this intro's not even done)..

as for the drums we kinda wanted to try the effect of the cymbals starting out somewhat silent and slowly getting louder, clearly it doesn't sound good

anyway thanks for suggestions, I'm definitely taking note of the drums part
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