Watchman's Music

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Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
I decided to create a thread share my music with everyone. I record using a mix of real and virtual instruments, so the quality is lacking in some places, but I'm trying to improve it.

"Song" is a... song... I recorded some time ago to test the sound quality I get by recording with my microphone. I plan to add some vocals to it in the future. It's a bit messy, but it was done in a rush so I guess that explains it. The drums were made in Acoustica Beatcraft and I recorded the guitars with Adobe Audition 3.

Psychobien Sessions is a project I started with my friend, obie.

"Cow" is a song about... you guessed it, a cow. Why? We don't know, it was sponatenous. I'm particularly proud of the blues-y solo in this one. I recorded the guitars, the drums were made in Acoustica Beatcraft and both me and obie recorded the vocals (We did one lyric each, my voice is the one that comes in first). The beggining is in Romanian. It roughly translates to "Dude! It's singing!".

"Low sitar in the transmutated power of sparkles" is a rap song also done by me and obie. Obie made the beat (piano, bass, drums and strings) in FL Studio. He recorded the acoustic guitar solo near the end, and I recorded the (crappy) final electric guitar solo. For this song, we also did one lyric each - obie's voice is the first that comes in.

"Soundtrack 1" is a soundtrack I made for bloody_Mage's map. It's dungeon themed (or at least I hope it is). I made the drums in Acoustica Beatcraft, I recorded the guitars and the bass is actually a heavily downtuned acoustic guitar (also made by me).

"Soundtrack 2" is another soundtrack made for bloody_Mage's map, also dungeon themed.

"Smoke" is a song I recorded while I was very tired. I just made some simple drums and a simple bass line and added some string instruments for feeling. After that I just soloed 'till the end of the song. I slipped two dead notes there, but they don't sound too bad so I didn't bother redoing it.

"The Ghost Haunts After Midnight" is an acoustic piece. It's 100% improv. I was thinking about how it would feel if you were just sitting in a comfy chair or in your bed after midnight and then a ghost would just suddenly come and scare you while you were relaxed or sleeping.

"Metal Symphony" is exactly what the name says. It's a metal song played with orchestral arrangements only. No guitars, no electric bass.

"spleen" is a song obie wrote. He asked me to post it on this thread, so I'll post his description of it: A little something I made in 5 minutes while staring outside on a rainy day. Spleen (mood) - the way poets call the melancholy. I am studying this at school and I thought it would be interesting to get a musical view on this subject.

"Riffage" is a song I made in half an hour out of boredom. It's another song where I just solo the entire song, this time using some simple guitar riffs as rhythm, not stringed instruments, hence the name.

"Arabesque Rage" is just something I came up with while practicing some oriental scales. It's another 100% acoustic improv.

"Give Love a Try" is a cover after... well, I'm not gonna say after who it is, hehe. It's a simple acoustic riff, but it sounds awesome.

"Horror ElectroJazz" started out as a jazzy song. We then added some synths and some weird guitar effects and it ended up sounding like the soundtrack to a horror movie. Hence the name.

"Seasons in the Abyss" is an acoustic Slayer cover. The vocals suck big ass, but I can't do any better.

Enjoy. All criticism, as long as it's politely formulated, is accepted.


  • Song.mp3
    3.9 MB · Views: 157
  • Psychobien Sessions - Cow.mp3
    2 MB · Views: 166
  • Psychobien Sessions - Low sitar in the transmutated power of sparkles.mp3
    1.4 MB · Views: 131
  • Soundtrack 1.mp3
    3 MB · Views: 168
  • Soundtrack 2.mp3
    2.7 MB · Views: 163
  • Smoke.mp3
    2.9 MB · Views: 157
  • The Ghost Haunts After Midnight.mp3
    2.1 MB · Views: 126
  • Metal Symphony.mp3
    2 MB · Views: 140
  • obie - spleen.mp3
    1.1 MB · Views: 141
  • Riffage.mp3
    3.7 MB · Views: 140
  • Arabesque Rage.mp3
    2 MB · Views: 149
  • Give Love a Try (cover).mp3
    1.3 MB · Views: 120
  • Seasons in the Abyss (Slayer cover).mp3
    4.8 MB · Views: 127
  • Psychobien Sessions - HorrorElectroJazz.mp3
    4.5 MB · Views: 131
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009

Checked your stuff. Here's a review:

Song: Definitely needs a voice :D. Uhm I think the distorsion enters kind of quick or something. You have speed dude, wow, how much do you practice ? I kill my fingers if I try to do that. Some parts the electric guitar is off grid (the solo part needs more tuning). If you could equalize the song with some program say like sound forge, to make the bass more soft because it kills the other sounds.

Cow: The starting chords seem very familiar. The voices, dude :) a chicken and a cow singing ? :)) Hilarious at some point.
Why mixture Romanian and English, I don't like songs with million languages, like the singer can't decide or forgets words in one language and puts them in another. The band name fits the style :)).

Low sitar in the transmutated power of sparkles: I don't really understand what you're saying there but some words that I can heart make me believe something. I always like a solo guitar on a hip-hop/rap song.

Soundtrack 1: Hm, i think a sewer rat's place would do :D, not very sure of underground tunnels. There are a lot of should not be there sounds (like popcorn).
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Level 10
Sep 29, 2007
We used mixed Romanian and English because the lyrics were done 100% randomly. In Psychobien Sessions we don't write lyrics, we just sing whatever comes to our minds. And "Song" is a bit messy. But it's hard to record properly with a computer microphone. Also, I practice about an hour a day, but I really need to improve my solos. Tbh, the only solo I've done how it should be done is the one from "Cow" - the others are kinda random.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
We used mixed Romanian and English because the lyrics were done 100% randomly. In Psychobien Sessions we don't write lyrics, we just sing whatever comes to our minds. And "Song" is a bit messy. But it's hard to record properly with a computer microphone. Also, I practice about an hour a day, but I really need to improve my solos. Tbh, the only solo I've done how it should be done is the one from "Cow" - the others are kinda random.

I call it improvisation not aleatory.
Soundtrack 2
Let me guess - you used FL on soundtrack 2?
Your lines could use some mixing (not sure the extent of mixing FL has but try mixing the guitar with high overdrive and then setting the middle frequencies way down and then setting the highs up high and the bass somewhere around the middle - should get you a more metal type sound from the guitar). It could definitely use some more bass. The guitar solo sounds a bit more realistic, you record that and speed it up?

Soundtrack 1
The last note in the chord at 18 seconds seems a bit out of tune. Overall this song seems to clash a bit in sound - sorry it's just the sound of your recorded guitar over those drum sounds just seem to clash. Also I know your comps not the best for recording and you can really tell when you hear it - the recording quality is causing your lines to lack precision and lower frequencies and it just overall sounds a bit meh (I hate that feeling as I get the same thing when recording actual instruments). Also that 1 part towards the beginning after the drumless acoustic intro just sounds messy and chaotic, done right chaos sounds good but it could use some work here as the parts don't seem to line up often.

Hmmm what did you do while recording Song? It seems to all sound like the recording quality is better in comparison to your other songs - maybe it's just the dominating clean acoustic sounds that make it sound better. Then again once the distorted guitar comes in the sound becomes a bit more sloppy and fuzzy - you should try to get a heavy sound without losing the clarity of sound and tone, really some mixing could probably fix this.
Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
Just wanted to comment to take the chance when I was just hearing the pieces:
Song: Nice, you really seem very familiar with the guitar. In the middle part, the solo does not fit the chords (I think deepblade already pointed that out) and sounds a little weird. Vocals wouldn't be bad, of course.
Cow: Really weird, but funny. Well, it's not a serious piece, is it? A great hidden track for your first album. :wink:
Low sitar in the transmutated power of sparkles: Round thing, although very short. You could maybe extend this a little.
Soundtrack 1: The piece may be not bad, but the recording is, I think. Although the sound quality may be due to your limited equipment, your timing definitely can be better, you proved this at song one. Here it is sometimes so much out of time, that I can barely get the meter. The fact that you use the base drum on the off-beats does not make it easier to listen to. I'd say this needs some work, but it may become nice. :wink:
Soundtrack 2: Wherewolf is right, the rhythm guitar in the part beginning at 1:04 may take profit of a more metal-like sound. Anyway, this is really much better than Soundtrack 1 and I'd say the best of your pieces posted here until now. You're developing! :thumbs_up:

You definitely have some nice creations here. Keep up making music! :goblin_good_job:
Level 10
Jul 14, 2004
Smoke: You sometimes have major thirds in your strings part, but minor thirds against it in the bass which makes it sound very unstable and a little weird. I think there will be VERY few possibilities where this may sound good. If you combine major and minor thirds in the same chord, you better put the minor third in the highest part of a D7 chord, which will actually make the b3 a #9 (if you have questions about this theoretical stuff, just feel free to ask and I'll explain it a little further). This results in an interesting, jazzy voicing which still is stable.
And yes, you sometimes loose your connection to the chords within your solo, but you already noticed that yourself. :wink:
The Ghost Haunts After Midnight: again quite weird voicings here sometimes. I get the impression that you don't really think about the theoretics behind what you are doing when you make music. This is principally good, but maybe also yourself might hear that e.g. a special chord in your piece sounds unstable and then theoretics may help you to find the reason for that. Again, I don't know how much you know about theoretics, at the moment especially chord structure; but if you are not sure that you want everything (every single note in your voicing as well as the voicing as a whole!) exactly the way it sounds, you might take profit from a closer look at music's theoretics.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009

Metal Symphony: I didn't really get the music out of this one. All I found interesting was the speeding notes (like a bee swarm).

Spleen: This would do good in piano version. The end is abrupt :D. I'd put some pinching and one by one chord note tweaking.

Riffage: I never heard of such a word in English, but hey composers' don't limit on music. It gives a feeling of adrenaline :D. Stimulating.
Level 4
Jan 12, 2010
Thank you for your feedback, deepblade. It was something spontaneous so it can be improved. I'd love to play it on a piano. By the way, your entry for the desert-themed contest was great :)
A Jonas Brother's cover that isn't contrasting the original suck with death metal? I am disappoint hehe - very smooth playing though, nice and relaxing.

Arabesque - very latin sounding - it's almost as if you got a Flanco spanish guitarist to cover Smoke on the Water but he forgot what he was covering halfway through the song and just started playing whatever it is he wanted to.

Well I can see you've been enjoying the acoustic lately


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Horror Electro-Jazz: I don't hear the jazz there :)). I don't feel the horror either :p. I liky a lot though, it's a kind of slow psychedelic tune :D. Some creative/abstract lyrics would fit amazingly. You might want to think a bridge or something for it (some different 4 chords).

Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss (Watchman cover): I wanted an electric sound :(. That voice need improvement :D.

Oh yeah, and thanks for bringing us more music !
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Hi. Haven't listened through it all, but I like your guitar play. Fast, though could sometimes use a few more takes and tuning, if you know what I mean. Overall (I heard), good style, good ideas, good playing, I like trashy, but this is a bit too random-trashy for my tastes. There are definitely moments, though. Keep it up :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Apr 3, 2009
Hey, very nice man. :goblin_yeah:

Soundtrack 1: A little messy, imo. I guess the drums are to high, and it seems out of harmony... but the music is good. Maybe the problem is the recording...

Soundtrack 2: I loved it ! Maybe the lead could sound a bit more metal, but thisi s very nice, the rythm guitar is awesome. You could put the end a little less abrupt, and more likely the beggining of the song, so it could loop well in a map, for example.

The Ghost Haunts After Midnight : I liked it too, but some of the transitions didn't fit very well, but overall a good piece, too.

Nice work man, and keep the good job. The devil in your signature made me check the thread, so I guess he is doing his job...
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Simply awesome. I was listening to these while mulittasking, so any songs with lyrics I kinda missed the context, but the context I did hear was rather hilarious.

Song- Liked. Reminded me a lot of some Metallica songs where they start with some acoustic measures and then go straight into metal. The drums sound obviously like samples, but still get the beat down in a clean way. Got to listen to it with headphones later.

Cow- Very Bluegrassy in the beginning. Like the playful guitar licks. Then the guitar sorta kicks in and I really like the way it squeals a really bluesy solo. Very great.

Low Sitar in the Transmuted Power of Sparkles- Not exactly my favorite. Basically sounded like a generic hip hop song.

Soundtrack 1- Not bad. The recording quality is noticeably lower. The bass (which you secretly made out of a acoustic guitar) sounds cool because it has the "twang" (that duh-woo sound) of an acoustic guitar in certain parts which is different. Seems sorta like a giant freestyle session with coordinated sections.

Do these have all the metadata attached to the file? (Artist, Album, etc.)
I'm thinking of adding these to my mp3 player, but it gets under my skin if the metadata is not there and it gets put under unknown artist. Anyway, if not I'll just add it myself later.
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