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Into The Darkness v1.10

「Into The Darkness」
By †SVP±Forever†

[TD] Gameplay [/TD]
The final battle with the Undead has come. The Undead has become strongest than ever that must be stopped or they will destroy the world. Races from all over the world has been united to defeat the Undead. It has been the greatest battle of all time.

[TD] Screenshots [/TD]







[TD] Features [/TD]
Hero Defense And Story Mode
Unique Bosses Battle
Custom Heroes and Items
Unique Save/Load System

[TD] Credits [/TD]
SuPa-, Illidan(Evil)X, dickxunder, -Grendel, HappyTauren, Kwaliti, Kitabatake, General Frank, Mr.Goblin, Darkfang, Blizzard Entertainment, Nightcrime, I3lackDeath, -Berz-, Paladon, D1000, Klingo, Squiggy, Amigurumi, tobe100x, giero202, bachtu, 3Qbadao, hiapheo, hiveworkshop, mjllonir, Tranquil, PeeKay, Callahan, sPy, Thrikodius, Daelin, Burning_Dragoon5, AceHart....

[TD] Latest Changelog [/TD]

v1.10 - 2/12/2017
-Reduced Lag
-Improved Save/Load System
-New Save/Load Hero (Legendary Guardian, Unlocked At 1000 Player Experiences)
-All Heroes Buffed, Some Changed Model And Name
*Agility No Longer Increases Attack Speed. You Can Buy Tome Of Attack Speed At Unknown Shop*
-Decreased Creeps Size
-Many Small Changes

[TD] Changelog [/TD]

v1.09i - 2/2/2017
-Reduced Lag
-Improved Save/Load System

v1.09g - 1/25/2017
-Save/Load System Reworked

v1.09f - 10/23/2016
-Just a Fixed version of few things

v1.09e - 6/16/2016
-Endless Mode: Creeps And Bosses In Endless Mode Will Reduce 33% Of Their Damage

v1.09d - 5/25/2016
-Endless Mode: Remade The Spawning System (Easier For You Guys To Get Player Experiences)

v1.09c - 5/21/2016
-Player Experience: Fixed Total Honor Points When Killing Bosses Showed Up +1 Instead Of +2
-Hell Hound: Removed Ultimate Ability (Freezing The Game :D)
-Endless Mode: Backup Bosses Now Will Show Up When Fury The House Of Life HP Dropped Down Under 25% Instead Of 20%, Added HP Potions To Random Shop 2, Small Terrain Changed, While Backup Bosses Are Fighting, Fury The House Of Life Will Invulnerable

v1.09b - 5/20/2016
-Fixed Player Experience (Function Reaching Gold And Honor Points Give Experiences Now Working)
-Bosses: Hell Hound (Fixed No Longer Removed Heroes Completely From The Map)

v1.09a - 5/20/2016
-Fixed Player Experience (Function Every X Kills Give Experiences Now Working)

v1.09 - 5/19/2016
*Added Player Experience System (Save/Load System)*, Player Experience Explanation Books Placed At Random Shop (Story Mode) And Supply Shop 2 (Endless Mode)
-Player Experience System: Added Hero Vital Heart (Unlocked At 150 Experiences), Added Hero Beowulf The Brave (Unlocked At 600 Experiences), Added Chest (Located At Dueling Area, Using For Receiving Items From Player Experience Code)
-Commands: Added -hints on/off (Show/Hide Hints, Host Only), -damage on/off (Show/Hide Damage Engine, Host Only), -playerexp (Show You How To Gain Experiences)
-Items: Added 2 Books Of Player Experiences (Explain About Player Experience System)
-Heroes: Earth Elemental (Changed Intelligence Power To Strength Power), Lightning Elemental (When Lightning Elemental Is Dead, All Avatar Of Storm Will Be Destroyed), Decreased All Heroes's Scale
-Blessings Of Gaia: The Damage Attribute Doubled For All Blessings
-Bosses: Decreased Some Bosses's Scale
-Many Small Changes

v1.08 - 4/23/2016
Heroes: Werewolf (Changed Name And Model Into Wolf Lord, Wolf Spirit and Hyper Jump Buffed), Prime Matron (Changed Name And Model Into Space Orc), Death Revenant (Lightning Power Nerfed), Lightning Elemental (Removed Lightning Down Hatred, Added Thunderwrath)
*From This Version Each Hero Will Have A Skill Book Instead Of Normal Agility/Intelligence/Strength Power*
*Increased All Attribute Spell Damage From x5 -> x6*
-Endless Mode: Added Backup Bosses For Your Team, Last For 30 Seconds
-Story Mode: Reduced Time That Kel'Thuzad's Army Coming From 9Mins -> 6Mins, Reduced Time For Each Wave In Grim Castle Zone
-Items: Remade HP Bonus System, Master Of Life - Tier 6 (Increased Life Steal Attack From 12% -> 16%), Removed Potion Of Healing/Mana (Endless Mode), Added Changing From Honor Point To Gold And Gold To Honor Point (Endless Mode)
-Hero Stats: Now 1 Intelligence = 11 Mana + 0.15 Mana Regeneration Instead Of 13 Mana + 0.17 Mana Regeneration, Every Hero Starter Agility/Intelligence/Strength Decreased, Increased Starter Damage, Every Melee Hero Increased Starter HP And Armor, Decreased Defense Bonus Per Agility Point From 0.5 -> 0.34
-Units: Reduced Some Units And Buildings Scale
-Some Small Changes[/COLOR]

Into, The ,Darkness, SVP, Legendary, War, Death, Deathly, Angel, Forever, Lich King, Hell Hound

Into The Darkness v1.10 (Map)

10:47, 4th Mar 2016 Ardenian: After the map submission rules, every icon needs a DISBTN version. I noticed the item 'Ring of The Creation' shows BTN instead of DISBTN. Please fix it. It would also be a lot more pleasent if the attack and armor...




10:47, 4th Mar 2016
Ardenian: After the map submission rules, every icon needs a DISBTN version. I noticed the item 'Ring of The Creation' shows BTN instead of DISBTN. Please fix it.
It would also be a lot more pleasent if the attack and armor types have the correct border types and passive abilties being passive ( Strength Power, e.g., has an active icon border, but is passive). The Button Manager allows you the creation of such.

I played the story mode up to Chapter 7.2 and a bit more. Overall it is a simple Hack'n'Slash, as known from maps like X Hero Siege, but Into The Darkness shows up some more ideas, like upgrades for spawned defenders, runes and some little secrets.
The heroes and their spells are an eye-candy. The terrain is average, designed with many little doodads, sometimes plain empty, especially blighted areas.

As playing myself, I would suggest, svpforever, that you add some more information regarding story and chapter introductions. Sometimes, for example for 'secret' bosses, one has to search a bit to progress. Pings could be one solution, as it was done for the frozen infernal boss, to help players orientate after/before and in between chapters.

10:10, 7th Mar 2016
Ardenian: Required changes made, approved
Level 5
Sep 21, 2012
Into The Darkness

This is my map. I create it by myself and about the screenshots I already add it. My English is not very well, sorry for that. If you are playing my map and find out what's wrong (just English writing, map's errors you can post it here) then PM me on my garena account. Name: Z.z_Blood_z.Z, ID: 57184331. Well, thanks for playing my map, have fun.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
The screenshots are working now and the description seems to match the rules so this now ready for reviewing.If any of my fellow reviewers want this,go.If nobody does,Ill take it xD
Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
I enjoyed the map alone, but it will be a lot to do after 20 mins, and you will be confused where to go etc. Making it way to hard for an single player to play it. I would recommend 2 people playing it, because there will be 1 defender and 1 attacker.

But i really enjoy the abilities and such.
The terrain is OK.
You need to check out something when a tip comes, like this: Archimondes ultimate ability got an cooldown of 19 seoncds.
You will see whats wrong.
When you are creating and hero and starting to defend the first castle, and when the scene with kel'thuzad comes, he says something i dont remember, but he said something about planets. You wrote "Plannets"
change it to planets.

Overall i think this map should be approved.
And my personal rating is: 4/5.
Good job!
Level 5
Sep 21, 2012
#DUTY OF RS: I'll fix them in the next version. My English isn't very good actually ^^ sorry about that. Thanks for the rating, I'm really appreciate that.

#Warseeker: Thanks!!

Recently, I'm really busy with school stuff.... so you know.....^^ I'll try my best to update this map once a week. Thanks for playing my map.




Could you please add more information to item abilities ?
For example, what does the ability Dark Faerie do ? This information should be available in the tooltip.
Level 1
Mar 8, 2016
Hey dude can you fix the recipe for Life Taken? It needs six items which makes it impossible to make, cause you can only have 5 items with the recipe in your inventory.
Also, this map is really great. It's very fun with a few friends to play with. The grammar on the cut scenes could use some work though.

Edit: Actually I found out that I was using the wrong item for the recipe. So never mind about Life Taken.
Last edited:




Magepowers, Life Taken does not require the recipe item itself, so it is possible to craft it ( just take the six ingredients into your inventory, without the recipe)
Level 1
Oct 21, 2015
Slight Bug

Hi, I've played your map which i have to say is a great one, i also played most of the heroes and i discovered something concerning Azure Dragon. When the path to Centaur King is opened and I fight him (Single Player) I open up using Q and when he gets knocked back he goes beyond the trees that are beside his throne and the only way to get him out is by using that skill again but that also has a chance of pushing him back further into the wall. So far that's the only thing i've found. Anyways, it's a great map I've played it with a few of my friends and it's really enjoyable, hope you make more maps like this!:goblin_good_job:
Level 5
Sep 21, 2012
Hi, I've played your map which i have to say is a great one, i also played most of the heroes and i discovered something concerning Azure Dragon. When the path to Centaur King is opened and I fight him (Single Player) I open up using Q and when he gets knocked back he goes beyond the trees that are beside his throne and the only way to get him out is by using that skill again but that also has a chance of pushing him back further into the wall. So far that's the only thing i've found. Anyways, it's a great map I've played it with a few of my friends and it's really enjoyable, hope you make more maps like this!:goblin_good_job:

Thanks for playing my map. I'm really appreciate it. I've planned to replace that skill (Massive Blast [Q]) with something else... Sorry for that inconvenient. Next version coming soon ^^
Level 1
Oct 21, 2015
not a huge inconvenience, a way to fully get him out is to use Massive blast at the corner of the velpal fortress where the teleporter is, but other players might find it annoying if they don't figure out how to get him out of there. Can't wait for the next version though
Level 5
Sep 21, 2012
Um, I chose Story Mode and I already killed the Infernal Lord and the Demon Gate appeared.

What do I do?

According to what you've said, the Demon Gate means Gate Keeper right ? If so then you must find the *entrances to the 2 secret bosses*. Well, have a nice day :grin:

-General Vezax (the entrance located at the third boss of the map zone - Skeleton Fire Warrior Mage.
-General Kel'Thuzad (the entrance located at the right bottom of the Ultimate War zone)
Level 1
Aug 18, 2014
Bug report : Transform skill of Fire Element , Tank destroyer , .... will make those heroes lost their default ability . hope u fix it asap
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
I played this map with a few friends and we had a good time!
The map is well decorated and there is a bunch of cool models and effects. I'm surprised you fit all this in under 8mbs! The recipes were pretty intuitive and easy to make, though there were some minor typos. The typos weren't anything big, you just wrote stuff like "creature instead" of "creature attack". We played story mode and had find looking around for secret bosses and coordinating the defense of multiple bases. I wish there was some place where you could read the difference between story mode and hero defense mode. The hero spells were really cool and very powerful, it felt very satisfying to murder a whole chunk of enemies with a single spell. I really enjoyed the map, but I have only one major complaint. The map was too easy, we glided through it with just auto attacks. The bosses looked menacing and strong, but they could usually be taken down by 1-2 players. We played hard difficulty since it was our first time and we destroyed everything way too easily. It's shame because the map was so well made, I wish we had to work harder and as a team in order to get further. Anyways I loved the map overall :)
Level 5
Sep 21, 2012
I played this map with a few friends and we had a good time!
The map is well decorated and there is a bunch of cool models and effects. I'm surprised you fit all this in under 8mbs! The recipes were pretty intuitive and easy to make, though there were some minor typos. The typos weren't anything big, you just wrote stuff like "creature instead" of "creature attack". We played story mode and had find looking around for secret bosses and coordinating the defense of multiple bases. I wish there was some place where you could read the difference between story mode and hero defense mode. The hero spells were really cool and very powerful, it felt very satisfying to murder a whole chunk of enemies with a single spell. I really enjoyed the map, but I have only one major complaint. The map was too easy, we glided through it with just auto attacks. The bosses looked menacing and strong, but they could usually be taken down by 1-2 players. We played hard difficulty since it was our first time and we destroyed everything way too easily. It's shame because the map was so well made, I wish we had to work harder and as a team in order to get further. Anyways I loved the map overall :)

Reading your post makes me really really happy :). Tks for playing my map, i'm really appreciate it. I was too busy for school and another map project that I don't have time to update this map... Once again tks u XD