Against zoo, this hasn't lost as of yet. It either dominates it by turn 5 or kills it in the long run due to much higher probability of drawing something to kill it with. It maintains board control throughout the game ^)^, so there is no need for something like Blood Knight to raise odds. Blood Knight is practically useless in all cases, it just slows the deck down. That's one dead card in your hand in almost every game that you draw it =). Better to not go for extremely rare combos.
Two power overwhelming is good, but that raises the probability of having it in the early game. It's a card that only really ever gets useful towards the end of the game, so only one is included in the deck as a way to supplement the other kill cards that are useful earlier in the game as well.
Amani Berserker seems good, but it is too slow (argent squire is better). It is more for a deck that trades and has less taunt (standard zoo trades to maintain board control, this one taunts to maintain board control and forces the opponent to trade, which increases the dps dramatically). It's also practically useless late game, it's only ever useful in the first 3 turns.
Doomguard also seems like a solid play, but it's only ever good if you have no cards in your hand. Losing 2 cards can be devastating, especially considering that there are no useless cards except for Argent Squire in this deck (Argent Squire is only for turn 1-2). This means that Doomguard can't be played early on, but rather way later. Leeroy Jenkins can be played early with no problems. The same goes for Felguard. I've played Felguard on turn 2 with no issues, this deck doesn't need mana. A turn 2 felguard also maintains very deep control of the board and is very difficult to remove, especially when it gets buffed up. So Doomguard is good sure, but it can't be used early in the game, meaning that it is more probable to draw a bad hand and lose control of the board. If the board is lost at the beginning of the game, the chances of you winning are almost nil. If the board is controlled early game, the chances of you winning are very, very high. Doomguard is better on spike decks, not on a deck like this.
Shieldbearer is very excellent against early 3+ damage weapons. With only 2 1 mana taunts, you are gambling against decks that have 3+ damage weapons that they can drop. It also protects Flame Imp and Young Priestess against early agro. However, it is only useful early game. Late game it doesn't do much. Most standard zoo decks run 2 shieldbearers and 2 void walkers. I replace the 2 shieldbearers with 2 felguards, which are useful even in late game and can be played very early.
Except for Shadowflame, I've considered and tested the cards you have recommended ^)^.
Try the deck out as is and then try putting in Doomguard and see what happens ^)^. You'll see what I mean : p. Doomguard can really bite you when you are holding The Dark Knight too. The Dark Knight is an EXCELLENT way to maintain board control mid-late game and keep the face open for hitting ^)^.
The card I'm really considering is King Mukla
, but I don't have it /sad face. I'd love to replace the Argent Squire with it. If anyone could try it out and tell me how it is, I'd love to hear about it.