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Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
As you probably know already, wow have became an anti-normal play-wow (Nearly all players play instances now and not the "real" wow). I am playing wow at my friends house and i just realised; Why playing instances?
Me: Why playing instances so much?
My friend: To get good items.
Me: But if u only are playing instances what do you need the items for?
My friend: To play more and better instances.
I mean, playing instnces is just wasting time. Ok, you should play to get items FOR playing the real wow, not to play better instances. Say what u think about this, and tell Blizzard to fix this in their next wow game!!!:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
As you probably know already, wow have became an anti-normal play-wow (Nearly all players play instances now and not the "real" wow). I am playing wow at my friends house and i just realised; Why playing instances?
Me: Why playing instances so much?
My friend: To get good items.
Me: But if u only are playing instances what do you need the items for?
My friend: To play more and better instances.
I mean, playing instnces is just wasting time. Ok, you should play to get items FOR playing the real wow, not to play better instances. Say what u think about this, and tell Blizzard to fix this in their next wow game!!!:infl_thumbs_up:
Let's see WoW.. no, all the games in general.
"Why do you advance?"
"To get farther into the game."
"Why do that?"
"So we can get as far as we can."
It's a pattern. The styling of the pattern is what makes it fun.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
That and instances progress the story... and thats nice to be a part of right?
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I support Revolves idea. Ok its nice to see Illidan and even kill him . . .but still the main idea of WoW was Alliance vs Horde , PvP gaming in the Outdoors , not a silly Battleground where you kill , you die , you resurect , than you kill again. Innitialy WoW was a game of a insight of The World of Azeroth , where the mighty Heroes of the WarCraft Trilogy wagged wars , and fought with each other for survival. Who is the person wich entered The Ruins of Lordaeron , and listening at the voices heard the last movie of the Human Campaign in Wc3 RoC , i mean who didnt liked that. Who didnt thought "wow Stratholme , the city wich Arthas purged" and so on. Only gamers who were like "Kewl a new MMORPG wich i can try , i heard is made by Blizzard . now i have something new to keep my life busy".
But in time it seemed that WarCraft didnt create WoW . . .more like WoW is now WarCraft. . .i doubt we will have the same feeling when playing future Wc4 Campaings , with this lore all messed up.
Anyway back to the general idea. . .Blizzrard opened a tone of istances because on theyr surveri they noticed that wow players spend more time in istances , than in Battlgrounds:
"So give the people what they want , they got bored because they couldnt get better items than Tier 2 , make Naxxramaxx."
"Wouldnt they prefere to go kill feel some real WarCraft action , raid Ogrimmar just for fun?"
"Neah , it will increase lag on server and we cannot handle that , lets put some special arenas where they can get some special PvP items and waste alot of theyr time and money for us."

Money distroyed The Myth of WarCraft
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I support Revolves idea. Ok its nice to see Illidan and even kill him . . .but still the main idea of WoW was Alliance vs Horde , PvP gaming in the Outdoors , not a silly Battleground where you kill , you die , you resurect , than you kill again. Innitialy WoW was a game of a insight of The World of Azeroth , where the mighty Heroes of the WarCraft Trilogy wagged wars , and fought with each other for survival. Who is the person wich entered The Ruins of Lordaeron , and listening at the voices heard the last movie of the Human Campaign in Wc3 RoC , i mean who didnt liked that. Who didnt thought "wow Stratholme , the city wich Arthas purged" and so on. Only gamers who were like "Kewl a new MMORPG wich i can try , i heard is made by Blizzard . now i have something new to keep my life busy".
But in time it seemed that WarCraft didnt create WoW . . .more like WoW is now WarCraft. . .i doubt we will have the same feeling when playing future Wc4 Campaings , with this lore all messed up.
Anyway back to the general idea. . .Blizzrard opened a tone of istances because on theyr surveri they noticed that wow players spend more time in istances , than in Battlgrounds:
"So give the people what they want , they got bored because they couldnt get better items than Tier 2 , make Naxxramaxx."
"Wouldnt they prefere to go kill feel some real WarCraft action , raid Ogrimmar just for fun?"
"Neah , it will increase lag on server and we cannot handle that , lets put some special arenas where they can get some special PvP items and waste alot of theyr time and money for us."

Money distroyed The Myth of WarCraft
1. I just want to get this off my chest and say your signature has much to say about your point of view.
2. If WoW was all about PvP and waging wars, they wouldn't have quests, nonetheless instances. WoW is an RPG, not a hero arena.
3. WoW retconned itself in. Chances are, it can retcon itself out.
4. If WoW didn't create an active storyline, it wouldn't have 8 million players paying 15 dollars a month. It would have 62 bored people with nothing better to do. You're not exactly making a point of view against instances. You're pretty much setting up this point of view against storylines.
5. If you are against resurrection, are you suggesting people get a new account every time they die?
Level 15
Jun 11, 2007
Sry for answering your questions, Edhel-dur.

1. Maybe he did the signature AFTER he posted?
2. Yes, they have quests. But how many are doing them? Look for a group quest. How many YEARS would it take before someone helped you? That's what i mean.
3. Retcon out? Soon, many players will stop playing wow cause they got tired of doing the same thing all the time. Then, they will come with something new. More instances?
4. Yes, the wow storyline is the best i have ever seen, and knowing more lore from instances are also fun. They call wow "A world" not "A game".
5. --

Don't be to much offended, i really like wow, but not this new instance-sickness.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Sry for answering your questions, Edhel-dur.

1. Maybe he did the signature AFTER he posted?
2. Yes, they have quests. But how many are doing them? Look for a group quest. How many YEARS would it take before someone helped you? That's what i mean.
3. Retcon out? Soon, many players will stop playing wow cause they got tired of doing the same thing all the time. Then, they will come with something new. More instances?
4. Yes, the wow storyline is the best i have ever seen, and knowing more lore from instances are also fun. They call wow "A world" not "A game".
5. --

Don't be to much offended, i really like wow, but not this new instance-sickness.
1. It doesn't matter when, exactly, he made the signature. It's still hard to appear from an unbiased point of view with one like that.
2. I do quests.
3. Were we ever discussing how WoW will die? The "retcon out" part was in response to edhel's theory of WoW mincing lore ruining wc4.
4. IMO they could use more cinematics and voice acting.
5. --
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
1. --
2. 1 of 8 millions?
3. Yes, it may take a while, but if Blizzard don't fix the instance problem players will get tired of playing and it may be now, or maybe 5 years, but they fust ´fix it.
4. --
5. --

1. You lose.
2. Quest take place in instances as well, so, according to you, every one dose instances, so, everyone dose quests. Some you need a quest just to be able to go in the instance. Plus, you can get great money and exp when doing quests, when you cannot get a group for an instance, you are questing. Every one dose it.
3. Instances are not a problem, they are the core of leveling. Leveling would be very boreing without them. They will keep WoW alive, if anything.
4. You lose.
5. You lose.
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
1. I just want to get this off my chest and say your signature has much to say about your point of view.
2. If WoW was all about PvP and waging wars, they wouldn't have quests, nonetheless instances. WoW is an RPG, not a hero arena.
3. WoW retconned itself in. Chances are, it can retcon itself out.
4. If WoW didn't create an active storyline, it wouldn't have 8 million players paying 15 dollars a month. It would have 62 bored people with nothing better to do. You're not exactly making a point of view against instances. You're pretty much setting up this point of view against storylines.
5. If you are against resurrection, are you suggesting people get a new account every time they die?

1. I think i earned my signatuer because i played WoW both on Blizz and on pirate server for a long time without getting adicted and also I would remind that no one can give a fully objective opinion about anything.

2. Man , i dont wanna ofend anyone , but WoW is full of robots . . .i dont know whos more of a robot , the player or the Boot he uses to make money for his character. Like 90% of the players are in a daily rutine . . .that i cannot belive is calling playing a game. . .its like calculating 2+2 over and over again.I didnt say that we should delete the istances. . .i sayd make the PvP more atractive so you could have another choice. Make real profesions wich give you money and nice items , a bigger variety of item getting. There is a MMO called Silkroad , what i like about that game is that when u get X level you can choose to become either thief / hunter / trader. Its a very nice concept , you should look into it.

3. Retcon = ? (sorry i dont know)

4. About my point of view . . .i am setting on all of the aspects of WoW , any problems?
About the storyline , yeah its nice , some new WoW Lore is very nice , but some things are just messed up. In Wc3 there was the storyline , and based on the storyline the game was build. Ofc Blizz sayd , it should include x number of races. . .but if i rememebr corectly in TFT the main campaings if only for 3 races while the orcs have a separate bonus campaing. While in WoW they said something like. . ."We need to balance stuff (and by doing so removing any characteristcs of the two factions)." You guys probably know about why Blood Elves @ Horde and so on.

5. I am not angainst resurection , i am angaist resurection in BGs. I mean , when i left Blizz , BGs were still Chaotic , everyone was killing left and right , people didnt have startegies , no one was helping, you wouldnt receive any healing ,etc. But i think having a certain number of resurections in certain Bgs would indeed destroy the whole gameplay of curent AV but it woul raise anorther one , hopefully with strategies and so on , not just kill stupidly on sight. Also i would think that if Blizz would encourage PvP , a balance between raiding and istancing would apear. Lets say that Blizz would show a statistic for every realm wich would show wich faction is winning in terms of HK and other. . i really think that players will slowly mobelize and a sence of real Honor will apear amongs the gamers , a kind of Honor wich would say "Lets get those sons of a
!@#$%^ ! For the Horde (or smthing). That would give real gameplay and a better game feeling i might add. You wouldnt just be sad for loosing a PvP , it will get you Angry :D. This will really build up the communety of WoW gamers from ppl who dont have a actual life to people with pride (ofc in time not suddent). On the private server on wich i play now. . .i admit that many things dont work like in wow. . .but what really is nice is that we do alot of PvP Raiding. Why ? , because of Honor , the Honor to "kill" your oponents faction. On our server if you like get to kill the cities owner and stay like 2h in their city = you like praticly won the day. Ofc i dont expect this happening on blizz , because it will produce huge lag , but what i would like to happen on Blizz in terms of PvP is Castle Sieges. . .when a Guild is controling a area wich will result in some nice Bonuses , that could happen in some of the contested teritories. Like in Lineage 2, nice stuff. I dont say that WoW is not a good game , it is the best MMORPG ever , but it still SuX because ROBOT PPL PLAY.

No problem man. :)
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
1. I think i earned my signatuer because i played WoW both on Blizz and on pirate server for a long time without getting adicted and also I would remind that no one can give a fully objective opinion about anything.

If you were not addicted, why did you play for so long?

2. Man , i dont wanna ofend anyone , but WoW is full of robots . . .i dont know whos more of a robot , the player or the Boot he uses to make money for his character. Like 90% of the players are in a daily rutine . . .that i cannot belive is calling playing a game. . .its like calculating 2+2 over and over again.I didnt say that we should delete the istances. . .i sayd make the PvP more atractive so you could have another choice. Make real profesions wich give you money and nice items , a bigger variety of item getting. There is a MMO called Silkroad , what i like about that game is that when u get X level you can choose to become either thief / hunter / trader. Its a very nice concept , you should look into it.

Who brought up bots?

3. Retcon = ? (sorry i dont know)

You lose.

4. About my point of view . . .i am setting on all of the aspects of WoW , any problems? About the storyline , yeah its nice , some new WoW Lore is very nice , but some things are just messed up. In Wc3 there was the storyline , and based on the storyline the game was build. Ofc Blizz sayd , it should include x number of races. . .but if i rememebr corectly in TFT the main campaings if only for 3 races while the orcs have a separate bonus campaing. While in WoW they said something like. . ."We need to balance stuff (and by doing so removing any characteristcs of the two factions)." You guys probably know about why Blood Elves @ Horde and so on.

I'll go with that, but the part about ally and horde "removing any characteristcs", I don't think so. Horde is still horde and ally is still ally, both striving for thier own goals.

5. I am not angainst resurection , i am angaist resurection in BGs. I mean , when i left Blizz , BGs were still Chaotic , everyone was killing left and right , people didnt have startegies , no one was helping, you wouldnt receive any healing ,etc. But i think having a certain number of resurections in certain Bgs would indeed destroy the whole gameplay of curent AV but it woul raise anorther one , hopefully with strategies and so on , not just kill stupidly on sight. Also i would think that if Blizz would encourage PvP , a balance between raiding and istancing would apear. Lets say that Blizz would show a statistic for every realm wich would show wich faction is winning in terms of HK and other. . i really think that players will slowly mobelize and a sence of real Honor will apear amongs the gamers , a kind of Honor wich would say "Lets get those sons of a
!@#$%^ ! For the Horde (or smthing). That would give real gameplay and a better game feeling i might add. You wouldnt just be sad for loosing a PvP , it will get you Angry :D. This will really build up the communety of WoW gamers from ppl who dont have a actual life to people with pride (ofc in time not suddent). On the private server on wich i play now. . .i admit that many things dont work like in wow. . .but what really is nice is that we do alot of PvP Raiding. Why ? , because of Honor , the Honor to "kill" your oponents faction. On our server if you like get to kill the cities owner and stay like 2h in their city = you like praticly won the day. Ofc i dont expect this happening on blizz , because it will produce huge lag , but what i would like to happen on Blizz in terms of PvP is Castle Sieges. . .when a Guild is controling a area wich will result in some nice Bonuses , that could happen in some of the contested teritories. Like in Lineage 2, nice stuff. I dont say that WoW is not a good game , it is the best MMORPG ever , but it still SuX because ROBOT PPL PLAY.

This is one of the kinds of games where you play it like you want to. Limmiting the rezes in bg would not alow you to play how you want. You wanna zerg? Go for it. Thats why you pay $15 a month. When blizz makes wow free, I'll play how they want.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
1. I think i earned my signatuer because i played WoW both on Blizz and on pirate server for a long time without getting adicted and also I would remind that no one can give a fully objective opinion about anything.
"For a long time without getting addicted"... Of course...
2. Man , i dont wanna ofend anyone , but WoW is full of robots . . .i dont know whos more of a robot , the player or the Boot he uses to make money for his character. Like 90% of the players are in a daily rutine . . .that i cannot belive is calling playing a game. . .its like calculating 2+2 over and over again.I didnt say that we should delete the istances. . .i sayd make the PvP more atractive so you could have another choice. Make real profesions wich give you money and nice items , a bigger variety of item getting. There is a MMO called Silkroad , what i like about that game is that when u get X level you can choose to become either thief / hunter / trader. Its a very nice concept , you should look into it.
If you have nothing to say about instances, this isn't really the right place to talk about it, is it?
3. Retcon = ? (sorry i dont know)
4. About my point of view . . .i am setting on all of the aspects of WoW , any problems?
About the storyline , yeah its nice , some new WoW Lore is very nice , but some things are just messed up. In Wc3 there was the storyline , and based on the storyline the game was build. Ofc Blizz sayd , it should include x number of races. . .but if i rememebr corectly in TFT the main campaings if only for 3 races while the orcs have a separate bonus campaing. While in WoW they said something like. . ."We need to balance stuff (and by doing so removing any characteristcs of the two factions)." You guys probably know about why Blood Elves @ Horde and so on.
Redirect to number 3.
5. I am not angainst resurection , i am angaist resurection in BGs. I mean , when i left Blizz , BGs were still Chaotic , everyone was killing left and right , people didnt have startegies , no one was helping, you wouldnt receive any healing ,etc. But i think having a certain number of resurections in certain Bgs would indeed destroy the whole gameplay of curent AV but it woul raise anorther one , hopefully with strategies and so on , not just kill stupidly on sight. Also i would think that if Blizz would encourage PvP , a balance between raiding and istancing would apear. Lets say that Blizz would show a statistic for every realm wich would show wich faction is winning in terms of HK and other. . i really think that players will slowly mobelize and a sence of real Honor will apear amongs the gamers , a kind of Honor wich would say "Lets get those sons of a
!@#$%^ ! For the Horde (or smthing). That would give real gameplay and a better game feeling i might add. You wouldnt just be sad for loosing a PvP , it will get you Angry :D. This will really build up the communety of WoW gamers from ppl who dont have a actual life to people with pride (ofc in time not suddent). On the private server on wich i play now. . .i admit that many things dont work like in wow. . .but what really is nice is that we do alot of PvP Raiding. Why ? , because of Honor , the Honor to "kill" your oponents faction. On our server if you like get to kill the cities owner and stay like 2h in their city = you like praticly won the day. Ofc i dont expect this happening on blizz , because it will produce huge lag , but what i would like to happen on Blizz in terms of PvP is Castle Sieges. . .when a Guild is controling a area wich will result in some nice Bonuses , that could happen in some of the contested teritories. Like in Lineage 2, nice stuff. I dont say that WoW is not a good game , it is the best MMORPG ever , but it still SuX because ROBOT PPL PLAY.

No problem man. :)
Werewulf said:
You know..paragraphs do save lives..
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I wont argue anymore , pointless. I will just say this. If i drink beer for 3 years that doesnt mean I am addicted. . .I sayd that i play wow for 3 years , but not all day , i simply play 2-3 months of wow. . not daily , more liek weekly , and that doesnt make any1 an addict , and when i say robots i mean lifeless people with no imagnation. End of story. /ignore
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
one thing i would say is that i have played wow almost everyday for the last month, even if it is just to stick some stuff up at the AH. but as soon as my game time runs out im not gunna be ripping my hair out and running about to get a new gamecard. fact is im paying £7 for the gamecard and one month of play, im gunna use that month to the fullest, but when that month is done, it is done.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I wont argue anymore , pointless. I will just say this. If i drink beer for 3 years that doesnt mean I am addicted. . .I sayd that i play wow for 3 years , but not all day , i simply play 2-3 months of wow. . not daily , more liek weekly , and that doesnt make any1 an addict , and when i say robots i mean lifeless people with no imagnation. End of story. /ignore
Guerilla posting much? Is this becoming a current phenomenon to make a rebuttal and then say you're done with the debate, as if that completely shields you from your flaws? To hide yourself from the truth by pretending it doesn't exist?

Anyhow, that wouldn't qualify as playing WoW for a long time, that would qualify as having WoW installed on your computer for a long time.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
Don't feed the troll.

Anywho, my favorite story-line instance would be deadmines. I'm on Blackrock, level 29 Tauren Shaman, and I still go there for some good fun with friends. I just like destroying VanCleef and his party of adds. great fun. Just last week Smite's Mighty Hammer dropped and I was so damn happy.. until I went to RFK the following day and found this bad boy: Mwahaha!

Still, the day I loot Gorehowl will be the day shamans truly become OP. :grin:

On a side note, my cousin went to SFK the other day three times. two out of those three times she picked up Shadowfang. She sold both for 150g.. at level 21. That's her friggen epic mount right there. So jealous.
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
How much do epic mounts cost again?

To much. -_- But 300g from 2 shadowfangs is not enough, if I remeber correctly it is somewhere from 600g-800g. But I have not been on WoW for about 5 months now, nore do I feel the need to check thottbot right now, so I can't be sure.

So long as we are on Fave instannces, SM and Mara. Sm has so much lore, and you see the Scarlet Crusade up till 60, so it's a nice lil' starter to get you to know them. Mara has great drops, layout and exp. Plus it's long, most instances are to short for mah.
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
meh, 640g - 300g.. I was merely suggesting how incredibly lucky she was when the drop rate for the Shadowfang is around a 2% drop.

SM is such an incredible instance IMO also. The story is great, bosses are superb, and lots of nice high level drops. I remember back on my warrior I use to run Armory every night just to get a glimpse of looting Ravager, Herod's Shoulders, or Berserker Helmet. Great loot.

I might just run that tonight..
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