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Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
And you know what sucks? I've been working on a thing about Eastern Europe and had it DONE..........................

and now there's a new country.


Kosovo actually was always been a part of Serbia. While Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia were all republics, which were tied up for several historical reasons, Kosovo and Vojvodina were just autonomous provinces, thus still part of the Serbia. Furthermore, before the WW2, on Kosovo there were much more Serbs than Albanians. But because many refugees from Albania because of the dictatorship of Enver Hoxha and the huge rate of natality, they gradually outnumbered Serbs there. Especially after the Tito's death and crumbling of Yugoslavia. Due of some primitive culture elements such as blood feud and tribal constitution they began to threaten Serb inhabitants, so many of them were forced to leave their homes to save their life. Even to Albanians, the Kosovars are merely bandits and thugs.

So how would this newborn country even live? It has the lowest GDP in Europe where daily income of a family is often even below euro! Is also widely known its criminal activity and drug dealing.

There are plenty of ethnical groups which would deserve indipendence even more. Basks, UK countries, Kurds, ... Why does Kosovo then? The answer is clear. If you can see there are even more US flags than albanian ones when you see all this ceremonies. This is just US attempt to set Bondsteel military outpost in the strategically important position and to exploit natural riches stored there. And because high level of corruption in the area, is very easy to manipulate the situation. Note that US (and also EU) with one-sidedness declaration of indipendence will break the UN law.

This happens mainly because the Russia after the drunken incompetent loser Boris Jelcin got finally a strong leader who surely does not want to submit to western manipulation, so the US and NATO needs to press harder (*cough anti-ballistic system in Poland *cough) to not lose too much influence on the world. The main reason of demonization of Serbia is really its strong connection to Russia.

So the Kosovo will never be indipendent, it will just change owner.
Well, not now, but hopefully later it will be more profitable.

The only advantage right now would be in the long term: it's subtle, but separating would allow Quebec to maintain it's culture. We're not being invadedor anything drastic, but over time whatever uniqueness there is in Quebec, like the language, might just fade away.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Well, having Kosovo liberated is carzy. There are already enough mini-Ethnic countries in former Yugoslavia and in the rest of the Balkans. Do you want to memorize about 15 more mini-countries in geograohy? No. Do you want a little revolution to be wide-spread in Southern Europe? Hell no!
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
The only advantage right now would be in the long term: it's subtle, but separating would allow Quebec to maintain it's culture. We're not being invadedor anything drastic, but over time whatever uniqueness there is in Quebec, like the language, might just fade away.
Who cares? English is alot easier to learn than french anyway :p

It's funny though when you ask people why they're sovreignists, and they reply with some random nonsense about the government being bad to us :'<
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Hmm I just heard that Serbia is removing its embassys from all nations that allows Kosovo to become a independent nation...Like..Every muslim country will vote yes have they have decided to vote yes and like US , GB , Germany , France etc have voted yes and they will just ruin theiarr relations with the world.I hed they were trying to burn down some U.S Embassy : /...
Anyways I dont get why every serbian gets so mad over this?
People in Kosovo are poor and they spend like 15euro per day as an average per family.Wouldn't it be better to let them be independent and let them have jobs & better life?
It will bem mutch better if their controled by the EU or the USA as the most people say because like I dont think they want the Serbian Police to murder & prison people like they did in the 1990+.

Btw Mechanical man...It isnt hard to understand why there are so many thugs & thieves...Like 50% of the country dosen't have a job and what shall they do then?
Sit down and die?They are trying too feed their familys and give them better lives.
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Btw Mechanical man...It isnt hard to understand why there are so many thugs & thieves...Like 50% of the country dosen't have a job and what shall they do then?
Sit down and die?They are trying too feed their familys and give them better lives.

I am speaking about crime on higher level. The whole "government" (I can't say that a government anyway), Hashim Thaqi & Co. is involved in international criminal relations. Of course then is so hard to find a job and have a decent living standard.

You are saying about violence by Serbian police, but why you do not say anything about terrorizing Serbian population on Kosovo, why do you think they were massively selling their property and escaped from Kosovo?

And do not worry, is not about muslims. Yes, the Turks will vote for as they are US poodles, but Iran, middle-east ... I don't think so :wink: Is not about Islam, is about western vs eastern block.

For: Germany, Italy, France, UK, Austria, US, Turkey, Albania, Afghanistan
Against: Russia, Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Cyprus
US, Turkey, Afghanistan
Turkey, Afghanistan

This is surely the joke of the year. :grin:
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
If you haven't heard....The Kosovo Governement aren't allowed to decide what ever they want...EU will accept or decline their Decisions....So Noez there will be no curroption or anything...Anyways The thing you said about the Terrorisation is maybe because of that Kosovo has suffered alot and they take out their hate on them...

And Russia says no because of that they have so many provinces them selves so if they would say yes then every province of theirs would like independence too..

Btw why is Afghanistan a joke?They have the rights to vote for what they want.
They said yesterday that all muslim countries decided to vote yes ...Since that Kosovo are muslims or something like that.
Of course they cannot decide what they want (is this you were fighting for, is this the independence?). The EU and US will dictate what they must do, so they can gain as much as possible, while not really caring much about inhabitants.

WHY IS A JOKE? Afghanistan is not even a country (thanks to NATO). Their vote has much value as a ... Texas. To your knowledge, the US have a main word there, who cares about the inhabitants.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Yeah Mechanical Man is right becasue always before saying something he uses brain for difference you firelord !!!
Kosovo never belong to Albania man, every fool knows that ! Hmm.. you Albanians who has escape in European countries you think you are smart. Why you don't back on Kosovo when talk so much about this ? yeah I didn't forget you are now in Finland or whatever.
Level 14
Nov 4, 2006
Dude...Kosovo dosen't belong to Albania or never will...And Albania Is in Europe..
Why I dont go back?Im born in Sweden and am educated there and Im only 14 years old.

Discussion has ended ...Since that non of us can handle this subject with out getting mad...Btw Im not angry...I just dont understand why some of you act so hostile?

Anyways I wont reply to your posts so HF!
Serbians triggered WW1. There were many serbians in WW2. Why couldn't they just start WW3? It would be west vs east blocks, like it was central forces vs antanta. So what am I saying? Albanians are "self producing" like rabbits. Many albanian families have up to 11 children! What the heck? Yeah. That is true. In Skoplje (the capitol of Macedonia) there is more albanians than macedonians! wtf again? Albanians also want a part of Montenegro, and they will get that as well, as their criminals can pay bilions of dollars a day to US, so that US supports them. Albanians want to take over the balkan. What is next? Greece? Let future tell us.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Well guys, people have been fighting over that particular region for hundreds of years. The bad blood, fighting and killing continues to this very day. Let's hope that someday they'll sort it out peacefully.

At any rate, let's not drag this real life war into our Hive. I've said this many times in the past and I'll say it again:

[rainbow]Discussions about religion, politics and sex are best conducted at websites that specialize in that subject matter.[/rainbow]

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