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I've been thinking of making a couple of scenarios based on the Ctulhu mythos, and I actually have some cheap unit ideas for before I figure out how to create or alter unit graphics beyond simple scaling.
Spider Brood Mother-Leng Spider
Sludge Creature-Formless Spawn
White Magnataur-Gnoph-Keh
Some Naga Unit-Deep One
Snap Dragon-Bokrug
Blue Fell Hound- Hound of Tindalos
Some units would have to be altered in terms of color or small adjustments.
Men of Leng- Greyish Orcs?
Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath- Recolored and altered Treant?
Ghast- Recolored Ghoul?
Then there are lots of units that would have to be made from scratch. (which would be very cool)
(for those of you who do not what the heck I'm talking about, I'll give a short description)
Gug- A giant, four armed monster, with a mouth that opens verticaly, instead of horizontally.
Shantak- A flyling lizard with a horse's head.
Flying Polyp- Another with a better explaination with a picture.