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Increased attribute bonuses per rank?

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Level 4
Jan 1, 2008
Attacking Trigger #1.
Causes 200 damage plus an additional 2xStrength damage.

This would be one rank, let's go with Rank 1.

But, is it possible to make it so that Rank 2 it increases the strength bonus?

I.e: Causes 250 damage plus an additional 3xStrength damage.
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

what is "rank" - Your Trigger Name is "AttackingTrigger" so I would guess you mean "level"?

You can create a trigger with:
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
    • Then - Actions
    • Else - Actions
.. and add in the If - Condition what rank is required
Level 4
Jan 1, 2008
Seas =)

what is "rank" - Your Trigger Name is "AttackingTrigger" so I would guess you mean "level"?

You can create a trigger with:
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
    • Then - Actions
    • Else - Actions
.. and add in the If - Condition what rank is required

Can you make a sample?
Well, let's say you have your ranks in a variable of type Real.
So, for "Set Rank = (Rank + 1)" = 1, it will go
200 + ((Rank + 1)*(Strength of (Triggering unit))) (This will result 200 + 2*Strength, when Rank = 2 will result 200 + 3*Strength). If you need greater amount (from x2 strength to x5 strength for example), you will need to save a variable of type real with the numbers you want, and call them:
200 + (Variable[x])*Strength
Level 4
Jan 1, 2008
Well, let's say you have your ranks in a variable of type Real.
So, for "Set Rank = (Rank + 1)" = 1, it will go
200 + ((Rank + 1)*(Strength of (Triggering unit))) (This will result 200 + 2*Strength, when Rank = 2 will result 200 + 3*Strength). If you need greater amount (from x2 strength to x5 strength for example), you will need to save a variable of type real with the numbers you want, and call them:
200 + (Variable[x])*Strength

Sample? n_n.
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