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Importing working DISBTN's [Reviewed: General Frank]

Level 25
Apr 13, 2006

Using this topic you will understand:
  • What are the icons for.
  • What type of icons there are.
  • How to import them
  • How to make them work.

What are they for
The Icons are Warcraft 3 Buttons. All the spells, items and units in the game have their own "image" that is called Icons, they simply represent this item or spell on your bar so you can see or use them:


What type of Icons there are
There are 9 type of Icons in Wc3, but 3 of them are DIS, ill explain this later. All of them are for random uses:

  • [*]BTN - standart Icon
    [*]DISBTN - BTN in pause (Means its darker and is unbale to use)
    [*]PASBTN - the Icon that is unable to use anytime (Usually is used for aura)
    [*]DISPASBTN - same as DISBTN, but for PAS
    [*]ATCABTN - Autocast Icon (Right-clicking on it will enable autocast - unit will use it when he is in need of it)
    [*]DISATCABTN - same as DISBTN, but for ATCABTN
    [*]ATTATBTN - Icon used for Attack type of unit
    [*]UPGUPBTN - Same as ATTATBTN, but with bar for uprage level.
    [*]Scorescreen - Icon for the scorescreen


How to import them
This thread will show you, how to import icons, but It would also work for other type of files. First, lets open up the import menu:


Press import file button:


Import all the icons that you need (I imported DISBTN and BTN, as those are the most important in the game - BTN for the game, DISBTN for the pause menu, you can also import others, but I will explain how they work):


Double click on BTN. Mark the "Use custom path" and instead of what's written there, and write ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\X (X - name of the picture, like BTNOk.blp - DONT FORGET .BLP!). Do the same with DISBTN, but write ReplacebleTextures\CommandbuttonsDisabled\X:


Now use as icon the BTN button, It will work great in game, BUT:

If you did something wrong or misspelled, the DISBTN icon will be fully green in the pause menu, so try to do it carefully and rightfully:


For ATC and PAS all the rule as for BTN will work just like this.
Last edited:
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
You might add an explanation of how the icon system works, including what the difference is between a BTN and a DISBTN and that sort of thing.
I think that you could probably add some more to this to make it a more well-rounded tutorial.