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Importing spells

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Level 4
Dec 14, 2009
I´m now importing spells to my new map (downloaded from THW). When Icopy the second+ spell it give me something from the first for example Condition (trigger from spell 2 (copied to my map)):

(Abiliti being cast) Equal to (Spell from spell1 trigger) or
Create 1 (Unit from spell1) for .....

And there are a lot of that triggers and I must lot triggers rewriting and founding them.

How can I do that it will be the same as it was in the original map

(Sorry fro terrible English)
Level 4
Dec 14, 2009
hmmm.. why don't you just copy the buffs, abilities, units from the spell made into your map? then just enable that auto add variable and copy the triggers into yours again..?

I have done it. But when I´m importing the second spell from second map copy spells/units/buffs and whehn I copy triggers it give to triggers copied from SECOND spell thinks from first spells for example:
Trigger copied from spell SPELL2
Spell begins caast Equal to SPELL 1!
Unit - create unit (unit from spell1!)

Thats the problem I must rewritting many triggers.
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