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Imperium Galatica 2

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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Im attempting to recreate the old space conquering game "Imperium Galactica 2"

Basic Layout
-subject to change-
Three-fourths of the map will be covered by space/solar systems that will contain planets to colonize. The rest of the one-fourth of the map will be seperated from space and broke in squares for how many planets I put down. *I'de show a screenshot but my map got wiped when hard-drive whent out *

Their's three tech-tree's consisting of -Buildings-Spaceships-Tanks-. A trigger will take in account how many research buildings you have for that tech-tree and will determine what technologies you can research and apply.

Income will use the hidden citizen trigger. I would like to make it more complex other then *number of citizens x 5* or something. I would like a integer array to store how many planets of what types you have and give more money for certain planets that your race alone likes. Say a rocky planet gives humans 50,000 for a month, it could give 100000 for a different race.

To capture a planet you must destroy all military defenses on the planet. If theirs tanks on the surface you'll have to bring in transport and land them on the planets square of land and destroy all the tanks and fortifications, then you take control of the planet.

*Working on*
Spying-Spy units will be heros. They will have a variety of missions they can be sent out to do. Depending on the difficulty of the mission, x amount of exp is given out for completion of the mission. The higher lvl your spy the better chance of success and survival.
Example 1-Stealing Research-Your spy will set out automatically on a stealth ship from the planet to designated planet, land on that planets surface and get within range of a research building, cast a spell, acquire an item marked with a technology, board the stealth ship and return to your planet where you use the item to automatically give you the research , EX: Antimatter Ray.
The spy is vulnerable at any time, if theirs an enemy nearby with an advanced radar, it can detect the stealth ship and blow it up. The final way your spy can die is only by another spy. Spies will be invisible to any unit except other spies and probably 1 or 2 more different types of land units. Can't have spies on each planet to protect you from an assassination of your leader that will automatically give control of the enemy planet to you but will have an extremely low success rate.

A working trade system where users ships/tanks that are up for trade are able to be purchased by other users. Will somehow work out a way.

Diplomancy-Basic Wage war or create an alliance will be made. Ability to give ships/tanks/money/research in an attempt to warm up to an enemy to make an alliance when wouldnt happen without encouragement.

Thinking as I go along. I have acouple more ships to model and alot more buildings to model plus I need to give them appropriate skins.

*I will edit the skins later, those are just 2 basic skins to get the models showing*


  • IP2.jpg
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Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
You noticed? Yea i worked from the bottom up leaving the bottoms very flat. The top is fairly flat to but not as much. Ill round them out a bit when I catch up on my homework. At least you cant complain about the file size lol.

The one the left will be a small fighter so its details wont matter to much, the pointy one is an avg destroyer and the funky looking one is the battleship

Models will be:
Fighter-model 1
Advanced Fighter-model 2
Heavy Fighter-model 3
Heavy Destroyer model-4
Cruiser model-5
Heavy Cruiser-model 5
Battleship-model 6
Space Base-model 7
Advanced Space Base-model 8
Heavy Space base-model 9
Terraformer Ship-model 10
Colonization Ship-model 11
Mobile Space Base-model 12

I think thats all the models i need. The models like the destroyer-heavy destroyer will be the same model but the heavy type will be slightly larger with more firepower-defense.

Bigger ships,space bases and mobile space bases will have a cargo that can carry fighters. Fighters will be slow compared to the bigger ships so to as not to slow down your fleet you can stow them away in larger ships and unload them for battles.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
think fighters would be faster, except when larger ships would use an ability to go faster for a time, that's usually the plus side to small ships on games is that they are the fastest! lol
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Yep your right lol. In the real game the fighters were the first units to enter combat. Im thinking about making them slow because they would be faster but being so small they wouldnt be able to travel as far as large ships you would think but idk. Ill have to think about it.
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