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Ideas for reusing old dungeons at high lvl.

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Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
So since the last post i made about this was posted in another subject, i decided to make a new thread. It is about, as the title says, the possibility of using Dungeon 1-2 for high lvled stuff. So here it is:
To make it true-to-lore, you could use the existing dungeons for high level quests.

The first quest i wrote was this quest for dungeon 1: The player speaks to a captain in Mytargas, he tells the player about a traitor who planned to overthrow the current "people in charge" before he was discovered. He has fled, apparently hiding somewhere close to Riversdale. The quest is to talk to riversdale townsfolk. The Player, talking to the townsfolk, then learns that the guy and his most trusted allies were seen heading for the bandit caves (Dungeon 1).

At the railroad part of D1, the place near where the final boss is currently at, there is a pretty large area to the left not used by any mobs or anything. In this area, a neutral bandit npc will be standing. If the player, being at least lvl 35, talks to the bandit, he gives a little speech about how stupid it was of the player to come - that sort of bad-guy thing. After the speech, two other bandits are summoned (they had been hiding), one a healer, one a damage dealer (the last one would then be a tank), and they are all bosses. A tough fight will start, and, after the bandits are dead, the player goes back to Mytargas to claim the reward.
The bandits should of course drop bossworthy stuff for high levels since they are pretty tough to kill. But since they are not part of a full high level dungeon (high leveled players can just rush through the dungeon to sergeant and then kill the remaining 3 mob groups before going for the 3 bandit bosses) the gear they drop shouldnt be the ultimatively best, only second best. ;)

Finally, to make the quest fit into the gameplay of farming for items, people who have already completed the quest can still trigger the dialog and start the fight again. People who are lower than lvl 35, and who have not completed the quest first (unless they are at the stage where you are send to kill them), they cannot trigger the fight and the bandit will just tell the player to "piss off kid" while being invulnerable.

What i didn't write before was this quest-idea i had for Dungeon 2:

A fame-obsessed mage, has, without any evidence to backup his belief, come to the conclusion that the key to removing the plague lies in the depts of the cave inhabited by a long forgotten creature. In the cave, an ancient altar is located (the one at the forgotten one boss) and this altar should, according to the mage and if used correctly, be able to remove the plague entirely due to its magical power combined with his knowledge of curing spells. The mage is located in the sewers where he lives out his eccentric life.

The 2nd quest gameplay-wise:
Some townsfolk in Mytargas have complained about strange loud noises coming from the sewer entrance.
The player goes to check it out, and he finds the mage. There the player finds out that the mage has been testing spells on the mushrooms down there, but to no effect. The mage tells the player that he have found a solution to the plague.
He sends the player to Dungeon 2 where the player fights the forgotten one, and only afterwards it will be possible to activate the altar.
When the altar is activated, the mage teleports in, congratulating the player on killing the forgotten one. He goes to the altar, casts a spell on it and, too late, finds out that it is cursed, thereby turning him mad.
He says some crazy things to the player and then a fight breaks out.

After the fight, the mage will drop high lvl gear and the player can return to a captain in Mytargas to gain only a small reward since nobody actually knows anything about this mage.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
It doesn't make any sense to me.

It sounds like matching anything to everytihng, and i think best idea to keep old dungs alive, if it's even nessesary is just addin Heroic mode switch at entry circle.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Why do you think that?
There is already an altar in D2, so why not give it some lore, it seems perfectly matching to me.
For the first quest, i also dont understand what your point is. The bandits are pretty well-organised to have a whole cave established with their 3 leaders. Therefore i think the quest fits lore by making the bandit faction have more of an influence on the game world than simply being generic and mindless "evil types" in a random huge cave.
The things you are saying are the only things here that could be matched on anything.
Look at the Dungeon 2 as it is now for instance, it seems kinda random since it doesn't have any apparent connection to the story - doesn't it?
Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
Well, when you just defeated hordes of undead monsters, and a big fire creature... I don't think fighting bandits should be tougher than that...


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
And why would undead monsters necessarily be stronger than some highly educated/skilled humans? The players are humans(or elves or whatever) themselves, and they are strong at high lvl, so why shouldn't human bosses be able to achieve a similar power?
Personally i find it kinda boring to fight nothing but "powerful demons" with no personalities except "kill kill kill". Don't get me wrong, i like it in some amount, but not if its the only type of adversaries there is
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Also, this mage story... this is like forcing idea to be worth of use.

Well organised bandits... well.. we cleared d1 and their ruler, why should we go back there kill em again and kill much more stornger 'agent of mytargras'?

about altar, i think it was just place where once some1 was sacrifacing victims for this creature.

Sewer idea is ok, but loacation is pretty bad for boss fight, reither addin a quest, some np and masakre decoration --> quests --> for new area and/or d4.
but tbh it's simple sewers and just mushrooms, better idea would gaia spores mutant and alchemist in new loactions, cos this content dont rly need upgrade, maybe except this heroic mode for dungeons, but as Tode said, he will maybe add this in future.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
The whole point of this thread was for existing areas, so that the developers dont have to create new areas for everything. I still think my ideas are better and more interesting than a generic heroic mode.
I like an RPG to be, at least to some extent, a game that actually lives up to its genre name. Roleplaying Game, there isn't much roleplaying in pressing a button to suddenly change some weak bandits to strong ones.

But again, if people want Gaias to be very streamlined like all other RPGS on the market, then go ahead.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
Again absolubly pointless note ;p

Heroic mode is for more experienced player to have their chalange, and for cool and awesome storyline are quests and all what we have met for now.

Ideas are fine but still too common for me, like adding something just to add not to make any sense.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Absolutly no point? What are you stupid?

I wont even discuss this with you since you clearly aren't capable of discussing things without reducing my arguments to "absolutly pointless".
Level 8
May 6, 2010
how it sounds?

lets add a boss to d2 whos is stronger than fire lord just becouse there is altar, and actualy to bring players in we could use sewer musrooms...

lets add boss in d1, another bandit but much more stronger and a..... who cares we killed ruler, he surely came back to cave to reval himself and make us come to caiva again.

It's stupid for me, and sorry if i insulted you.
Level 4
Jan 22, 2010
i actually like this alot, pretty cool
im always a supporter of new ideas and more things added to a map because it can get slow and boring pretty quick, i like small detailed storyline scenarios, i feel alot are forgetting the storyline part and just worrying about bragging. lol


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
I'm glad i'm not alone in my opposition to complete grind-feasts :). If it should make even more sense, the mage could be a brother of the mages leader (the one who sends magicians to the planeworld-thing), which is the reason why he is very powerful.
Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
I like the idea, but, most people wont find interest (I for one..) In going to Mytargas, walk around there for 5 minutes, clear D2 first, and then you get to fight a boss. And, if you got the choice between fighting a bandit or a undead creature, I hope for your sake you would go for the bandit, because, this is like you'd all of a sudden put the wolfs in D4 without adding anything special to them. Since we've been presented with the actual threat of Gaia, the Bandits sounds like a bad idea to be part of the end game. Maybe if you think trough the whole idea again and find a better way. Add a connection to the poison.

If you're gonna add a heroic mode and make it 100% just for the challenge, I'm fine with that, but I wouldn't mind if there is a way to activate heroic mode in all dungeons, Maybe completing D4 and you get a choice between pouring X into Y and if you do that Gaia gains more power. But, think about this after D4, this will probably just stress todes anyways, and please, stop hate on eachothers ideas, It's silly and childish.

Say what you think about the ideas, no need for argue.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
No one is hating anyone, saying that is only something you do to make yourself look mature >_>.

About the bandits, you have to remember that these are not ordinary bandits, but noblemen gone-bads'. And once again, why does every powerful thing have to be a demon or undead? Why is an animated corpse necessarily that powerful? :)
Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
Well, for example, a nobleman gone bad would be like a ordinary squire wouldn't he? And, can I then solo him as a crusader? No..? I dunno why you think that a bandit should be harder than a big fat fire lord. Magician idea is good, but bandit wont look good.
Level 8
May 6, 2010
There is nothing wrong in hc, it's future to add more chalanging encounters.
Also there is nothing against story line, reither it would be ridiculous to fore add some silly bosses.
I would say fans of gaia would visit old dungeons anyway just to refresh memory with this place, and hc is good idea to make entire gaia zone a worthly chalanage to progres in.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
While this will probably be considered "spam" , I'm glad Gaia's Retaliation has once again gained the attention and respect of fellow Hive members. Whether or not dungeons will be "reused", is of no importance to me, for one thing will never change : Gaia's Retaliation is the best (O)RPG Warcraft III has to offer! Cheers Zweibel, Muzzel, the team and all people that support this wonderful map!
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