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[idea gathering] AOS - What do you expect?

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Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
Hi there
some of you might remember me for my ideas, that were full of self-overestimation and always tried to catch the scy ^^

but here i am again, planning to create an AOS.
I know very well, that AOS-Maps have been created over and over again. Therefore i'd like to know from you,

> what you want from an AOS.
> What an AOS shall have, to exeed all those already created.

I do NOT want hero- item- or other ideas the only consider a small part of an AOS. i'd like more generall ideas like "I love the possibility to combine items - you shall have that or your map'll never be played!"
stuff like that please

nevertheless, once i'm ready to start the beta phase of my map (within the Alpha, i do everything i want to have in the map) i'll open up a post in wich you may post your ideas more detailed - then i'd like to hear about heroes and items - but please not before then.

please tell me what you want from an AOS so i can fit your wishes.

- Raszul
Level 8
Feb 10, 2006

1 - The ultimate purpose of game is NOT eliminating other teams (be creative)
2 - Multitude of computer players who can make and break alliances, depending on gameplay.
3 - Computer players build new bases (unlike 1 base per team as seen in dota)
Level 2
Sep 19, 2006
I would actually love to see an AoS map be a throwback to the original starcraft Aeon of Strife from which they evolved from.

For all you that don't know, the original Starcraft AoS had scripted events (like company ambushes, and reinforcements).

It also had mass upgrades (standard for "rpgs" in starcraft) to your hero, which eventuall allowed for complete and utter overpowering of the individual crap-troops.

Thirdly, there was a "mercenaries" shop that allowed purchasing of warriors to assist in the massing of kills. In fact, a favorite tactic of mine was to be the Devouring One, mass armor upgrades (65 in fact), then purchase 11 Zerglings, then goto town on the enemy.

Fourth, there were the Executors, or "supercreeps" that could reduce an unsuspecting player to a bloody stain in the matter of moments. Executors were the company leaders, and you'd see one every 10-20 crap-troops.

Finally, the map wrapped everything together so that there was always action going on, and that the player felt like a true, glorified warhero from all those movies and stories.

So, that's what I would like to see; an AoS map, and not a DotA map.
Level 6
Feb 18, 2005
Ok, i thought about the stuff you posted.

currently i'm going to create the AOS with the following features:

  • AI - interactions
    Within the map, there will be an AI-Script that does not only control the creeps, as in DotA, but also tries to act a little bit like a monarch would - trying to max the tax income from the pobulation living infront of the castle. It will also build defence structures and rebuild them.
  • Mercanaries
    It oposition to the classic way players are not automatically part in on of the forces.
    They are asked whether they want to ba a "loyal follower" or a "mercanary". mercanaries get offerings from the kingdoms, depoending on the kingdomws need for a merc as well as on the mercs "danger rating"
    Also enemy mercs can get offerings to betrey their side. Mercanaries are mostly single-fighters wich grants them a greater choice of fighting-type heroes. They can not hire creeps from the side they aer serving.
    They can also get fired if they are no longer needed.
    "Loyal Soldiers" are more like officers for their side. therefore they have a greater choice of heroes that are some kind of supportive. In addition they can hire creeps from their side. They have the advantage of having an ensured income, but they do not get a 'per kill bounty' as the mercs do - except for hero kills.
  • Hero Building
    For the map i thought of some kind of hero building system. But i disliked system that treated heroes only as models. therefore each hero has some specifics that only that hero has. in additon to that, he/she can learn spells and skills from different schools. (like Spell-School of Fire, ... of Ice or the Fighting-School of Swords)
  • Items
    Of course i will implement an item-combo system.
    But i do not yet know, whether i shall use some kind of "crafter"-units. if i would, they were, in addition to crafter-heroes, the only way to combine items. Also item-combining would take quite some time. (like several-ingame-hours or so)
    Also i will implement legendary items. these can either be accidentaly created by any crafting process (only more complex ones) or be creatd, following some unique recepies (that means each part does only exist once - and will be droped when the wearer dies)
  • Neutral Forces
    Instead of using a stationary trader, i will add, in addtion to some basic shops in the villages and castles, add a trader that is traveling along a route through the whole map. he will rest on some places, offering his goods, but no one can be shure that he is still there in a few minutes. (may depend on the amount of items bought on that spot, as well as on the number of units around there + some random value)
    Nevertheless there will also be the usuall 'secret shops' or more like the usuall off-road shops.

    Also i will add some (i guess 2) robber-gangs, that raid the traveling trader as well as heroes that runn around off-road. I do not know, whether they will 'live' within the map, or enter it from time to time...
  • Quests
    From time to time, each side will offer quests. these quests can be taken by any hero or hero-group. Most of these quests will be like "aquiring item XY" or "destroying the building XY" or "protecting XY on the way to YZ". maybe sometimes "get rid of hero XY" or stuff like that.

if you have any more ideas, than those already listed, please tell me.
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
for the traveling merchant u can use wat ive been tryin to do. A blademaster thats in whirlwind, and then mb when he stops at a point he stops whirlwind (bladestorm or w/e his ult usually is.).
Level 7
Dec 17, 2005
Maybe some races of neutral units that build their own bases outside of the others and occasionnaly create raids on teams. If your team kills the creeps that raid your base you have a sort of 'advantage' over the other team since they have to continuasly fight them.
Varied herooes, not herooes with the same abilities repeated but mixed up. (like 4 blink strikes in dota and like 10 storm bolt type moves heck theres even two finger of deaths)
an actual story behind the aos.
Allow upgradeable units, they are always fun AOSs
Level 3
Oct 17, 2006
Check out some of the older AoS's like SatE or one of those, at least the heros are a bit more interesting then the masses of dull ones that DotA gives
Level 7
Dec 17, 2005
I personally like Battle For icecrown, an old aos from long ago. It had many new and different ideas for the time, like flying herooes, changing paths, an actually SECRET Shop and really high levels of herooes. Although most herooes were practically useless and some were obviously overpowered (flying ones were gotten from random however) it was and still is a great aos. I have sent it to Epic War for those who want to see it.
Level 2
Apr 28, 2005
Well, in the current map I'm working on, Called Siege Of The Undercity, a couple of things I made different than most of the AOS maps I see out there...

-Rescource gathering. The computer controls outposts that harvest the rescources for your team. If your rescource outposts are destroyed, you will have your gold and lumber supply cut in half. Also, several gold mines liter the map, guarded by creeps. If you clear the mines, and purchase a building contract, a group of builders will depart to the site to construct a new outpost, increasing your income by 50%.

Also, the main unit or structure you must destroy in my map is either Sylvannis or Jaina, instead of buildings, you must kill heroes. Who reside in their fortresses which you are laying siege to. Also, I have several portals channeled by Necs and Priests. They lead to your outermost outposts. If the priests are assassinated, then the portal dies, cutting off transportation.

Those are some of the things I added.
Level 2
Mar 29, 2006
i think i would like:

-Custom spells, its boring if you only use the normall spells.

Things i already like alot:
-The mercenairy system, i woul luv to be a merc just so i can betray them because some1 else pay better :twisted:
-Traveling shop guy
-the raids i would think it will be funny ^^
Level 3
Oct 17, 2006
Thestanman said:
-Rescource gathering. The computer controls outposts that harvest the rescources for your team. If your rescource outposts are destroyed, you will have your gold and lumber supply cut in half.

Thestanman said:
Also, the main unit or structure you must destroy in my map is either Sylvannis or Jaina, instead of buildings, you must kill heroes. Who reside in their fortresses which you are laying siege to.

If you check on other maps they are in there, I like both of them, but will you have the gathering properly defended? Also the hero has to be uber for that to work, getting XP from every kill on the map that your team does or something, to make sure one uber hero couldn't be abile to kill it without creeps or anouther hero to help. >>' Sorry if I am just wasting time saying that...
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