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What do you want in an AOS map?

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Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
Hey guys, long time no see
I'm creating a series of LOTR maps loosely based around the movies, but also trying to fit into some conventional multiplayer game types. For example, the Minas Tirith Tower Defence, Helms Deep Hero Seige, and this one i'm creating, The Last Alliance AOS.

This map will be based on the first battle on the Fellowship, the 'last alliance of elves and men' attempting to overthrow the enemy. I was wondering, having only ever played AOS a few times and not actually liking it much myself, what people look for in AOS maps. A large range of heroes? Interesting items? Stategically oriented terrain? Lots of units?

:) any help appreciated.
=][= Bort
Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
While you're at it, why don't you say what you like most in:
Tower Defense
Hero Seige/Defence
Mini Games
Team RPG's
Capture the Flag
any map type i've missed.

Keep in i'm going to add a few custom models, coz really, theres only so many times you can use that damn 'arthas with sword' model, and peasants as hobbits look kinda whacked... yeah. :). Help please, they'll be good maps.
=][= Bort
Level 22
May 11, 2004
I personally like the large, chaotic style. I also like it when the normal enemies actually pose a threat to player heroes, not like DOTA where the mobs are nothing more then a cash source for players and have no chance of penetrating the static defenses on their own.

With fewer heroes, its easier to balance. Balance it one of the most important things. Thats what adds to replay value and to less pissed off players who will never play it again (again Ref: Dota).

Give players incentiive to buy each of the items, not 4-5 shops of useless items where players only buy a combo of maybe 2 or 3 items total.

Terrain is next more important. Make it nice, vibrant, somewhat complicated but not to the point where it hinders the flow of the mobs. Strategic terrain has been tried before in AoS maps, but never really worked well, since it was too important to keep your heroes in with the mob flows if one didnt want to fall behind in cash. Strategic placing of towers, on the other hand, is a nice tactic.

Also- try to make a set theme, not something seemlingly random, like footmen and night elves vs skeletons and naga.
VG sait it all....

Now for other maps than AOS you should make a LOTR Maze. (like escape gay heaven, shroom world etc.)

You could make it in the theme as "the mines of moria" and your the crew that runs around and tries to do diferent things acording to the actuall story! Make a bit like Escape Of Dimension 2/Scary Forrest 2. That would be mega cool :)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Terrain is next more important. Make it nice, vibrant, somewhat complicated but not to the point where it hinders the flow of the mobs. Strategic terrain has been tried before in AoS maps, but never really worked well

You call?! *loud breath* :twisted:

With fewer heroes, its easier to balance. Balance it one of the most important things. Thats what adds to replay value and to less pissed off players who will never play it again (again Ref: Dota).

That's the problem. Many people like this unbalanced games. Balanced games like Tides of Blood and such are rarely played.

Level 6
May 8, 2005
maybe, but when people have chosen a bad hero, they complain thats its unbalanced. and yell at us who know what heros to chose. especially in hvo.
Level 6
May 8, 2005
oh, i was referring to this:

Rui said:
That's the problem. Many people like this unbalanced games. Balanced games like Tides of Blood and such are rarely played.

balanced games are fun, but i never see tehm. maybe cuz dota takes up too much space.
Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
hey all
Here's how the map is going to work (fingers crossed):
Firstly you get to choose one of 5/6 heroes for each side. Each of these heroes has their own building from which they can produce specialty units: for example the Knight Commander can produce Knights, whereas the Ranger makes archers. All can also produce some other units (footmen, catapults, etc).

You have a 'list' of 10 or so of these units which will be produced every 20/30 seconds and automatically sent to attack where the rally point of the building is. So you can mass them in your base and control them yourself, or just let them go automatically and work on your hero. The less people playing, the more units you can each have (but not as many as if everyone was playing: keep it down for the heroe's sake).
Each hero will have a specific role (such as speed attack, magic offense/defence, range, staying power, assassination) as well as a counterpart on the other team. To add replay value, players who score over a certain ammount are presented with a player-specific code that will enable them access to special heroes (named heroes like Gandalf, Aragorn, Lurtz or the Balrog).

I'm not going to be too focussed on items, havinghelpful tomes and passive rings/weapons etc, with a few other items, rather than heaps of offensive items.

If one of the teams' HQ goes below 50% health, or 30 mins pass, then the HQ's will come alive and move around the map: The evil HQ will be sauron and the good HQ Isildur. They will be very effective against units, but most heroes would be able to hold their own against them.

And obviously the theme will be around LOTR.

Sound good? if it does, no nicking off with my ideas!
=][= Bort
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