IDE Style on the World Editor!

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Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
Hello everyone.

I'm here to give an idea about, I do not know if Valve will do but it can be good. That would be the creation of software, like Hammer, I no know up the rules or the Valve authorizes. Can create maps to DotA 2 game, with a similar interface with World Editor. And adding extra features, that the Hammer has not. As Object Editor and Trigger Editor (commands on Lua converted into clicks). And also script editor with autocompletion suggestion.

Comments, criticisms, suggestions and doers are welcome. I know Worldsmith, but I think not is available.
Level 19
Aug 8, 2007
I looked at WorldSmith (which, by the way, is fully available) but it's nothing more than a glorified KVP editor. More comfortable with just loading the KV's in Sublime.

But this won't happen. It's been thought of but it isn't right for dota 2. Not only are the workshop tools still in beta (and still will be for a year or so), they're perfectly user friendly enough. In fact, they're probably the most user-friendly game environment you'll find. Building tools to make people skip learning how to use the workshop tools is much less efficient than just teaching people how to use the tools. Not to mention that there's still a ton of framework code that needs to be written in order for some good dota games to be made (Missile, my wip Quest library, etc.)

Plus, the lua KV pair editor is much more powerful than the object editor, the only quirk is that you have to know the names for all of the data you want to editor. Once you get comfortable, than its much nicer.

And also script editor with autocompletion suggestion.
Level 3
Dec 16, 2014
I've never tried Worldsmith, but I understand its a community made tool for making Dota 2 maps (before the official SDK was released?)
Even if the current official SDK tools (for Dota 2) are marked as "alpha" they are pretty far along, so don't let the name hold you back!
Compared to the "old" hammer there are still a bunch of features/functions not yet implemented, mostly non-dota2 related stuff, i.e. functions and features used for making FPS games (in the old engine) - some which could, but not necessarily applies to Dota 2 custom games,
Level 3
Nov 3, 2014
Sublime with DotaKV/LuaDota + ModDota Tutorials + the GameAPI page is all you will ever need to make any sort of scripting.

I don't think a proper iteration of WorldSmith will happen anytime soon, and to be honest, it would just be a noob friendly tool for stuff we can already do with the links mentioned above.

Building tools to make people skip learning how to use the workshop tools is much less efficient than just teaching people how to use the tools. Not to mention that there's still a ton of framework code that needs to be written in order for some good dota games to be made (Missile, my wip Quest library, etc.)

Well said.

Do you have a github repo for this quest library you are working for?
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Level 3
Nov 3, 2014
Meh, ill make one for the sake of having it but it won't be updated often since
1) It's like 3 different folders I have to merge
2) Never been a huge github person anyway (tried it back for the 2013 and 2014 bb seasons)

That's great man, thanks!

A bunch of modders in the community are using github for keeping track of projects and help others, I personally do updates pretty much daily :)

I might be able to help you with the graphics of the UI, I was interested in a Quest System lib a couple of months back but you have it pretty much figured out already
Level 9
Jul 7, 2011
I found the link to download the software. After a stressful search (for me), I found. I enjoyed the program interface, however is still incomplete the editor, I think that he will add more features. But the what is missing: Trigger Editor, Effects of skills as damages ms slow and / or the, UI, etc. And still has some errors as I can not fill some fields, without the text mode, the mana cost, cooldown, etc.

But I liked the program, get very similar to interface with of the World Editor. If he keeps the project, may up that I do a service, and try to make money and donate to the project. :)

Download Link:
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