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Icecrown UI

This is the UI I made for the tex contest #18. You can thank I3lackDeath for reminding me to upload it, else it would've been rotting in the contest section.

Moderator Edit: All files merged into single bundle

lich, king, undead, lich king, arthas, icecrown, ice, frost, freeze, dead, scourge, northrend, ui, user interface, interface, cold

Icecrown UI Inventory Cover (Texture)

Icecrown UI Tile01 (Texture)

Icecrown UI Tile02 (Texture)

Icecrown UI Tile03 (Texture)

Icecrown UI Tile04 (Texture)

Icecrown UI TimeIndicatorFrame (Texture)

14:41, 24th Mar 2012 M0rbid: Approved. A great work that only has a few minor bad points. The background for the icons does not look all that great compared to the rest. Apart from that a top UI that definatelly deserves approval. Nice that you...




14:41, 24th Mar 2012
M0rbid: Approved. A great work that only has a few minor bad points. The background for the icons does not look all that great compared to the rest. Apart from that a top UI that definatelly deserves approval. Nice that you uploaded into the section.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I just got to say I'm impressed. Looks way much better than Blizzards, but yeah Blizzard did their best and I love them for it.
Oh and it can be used for the Northrend stuff or just a chill like race, or some other idea.
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Level 4
Aug 3, 2021
Excellent Ui. Keep up the good work! It just need widescreen support too.
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