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i nid help with these spells

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Level 2
Apr 15, 2007
When a spell is targeted (both directly and AOE) at the hero, he has an X chance of teleporting behind the casting hero, escaping the spell as well as sapping X mana from the caster.

Level 1: 15% chance of teleportation, 10% mana sapped
Level 2: 20% chance of teleportation, 20% mana sapped
Level 3: 30% chance of teleportation, 30% mana sapped

oh, and if the percentage values seem to high to you, by all means go ahead and change them ^^ I don't really want it to be too easy to avoid spells so I'm not really sure on this one.

Feather Flow
[Target: Trees]
With the lightness of a feather, the hero rushes towards a tree so fast that his image appears to follow him (a kind of dash of some sort), and when he hits the tree he rebounds at a 45 degree angle for a distance of X. If he hits another tree, he can rebound again, for the same amount of distance but the rebounds (everything other from the first dash) can only be done X amount of times.

Level 1: Distance: 300, 1 rebound.
Level 2: Distance: 350, 2 rebounds.
Level 3: Distance: 400, 3 rebounds.

Heaven's Wrath
An opening in the clouds causes a ray of intense light to shine directly on the ground. Units that are in a 1000 range of the light be they foe or friend get blinded, which makes them have a X chance of missing for X seconds after the light is gone, and all units within that range are drawn into the light, dealing X amount of damage to each unit be they friend or foe, and any enemy unit that touches the light will be instantly killed. If that unit is a hero, X% of his life converted into damage will be dealt towards the hero.

Level 1: 40% chance of missing, 50 damage to units, 20% of targeted hero's life.
Level 2: 50% chance of missing, 100 damage to units, 30% of targeted hero's life.
Level 3: 60% chance of missing, 150 damage to units, 50% of targeted hero's life.

Esshimaradar's Glory
With the mighty magical ancient blade of the fallen Warlock Esshamaradar (this hero's father), the hero strikes the ground, sending a magical force so strong that it cracks the ground open so deep that the magic of the sword can call upon the souls of the dead - Esshamaradar's fallen allies, to seep out of the cracks as spectral forms. X souls come forth from the crack and damage the nearest enemy unit for X damage. The tails of the souls contain a magical essence that diffuses into the air of the living, and when the tainted air is breathed in (with a X% chance), the victim would be magically stunned for X seconds, and due to the natural processes of living bodies that make them unable to expel all the air fast enough, slow the victim after it has recovered from the stun for X seconds.

Level 1: 5 souls, 40 damage each, 40% chance stun, 2.5 seconds slowed, -50% movement and attack speed.
Level 2: 10 souls, 80 damage each, 60% chance stun, 4 seconds slowed.
-60% movement and attack speed
Level 3: 15 souls, 100 damage each, 80% chance stun, 5.5 seconds slowed.
-70% movement and attack speed

Please feel free to lower any of the values if it seems too unbalanced^^

Exobiotics Matrix
A web of unknown but extremely sticky and living matter is expelled from the hero's mouth, which stuns the targeted victim, ally or enemy, for X seconds and jumps to any nearby enemy unit within a range of 250, stunning it as well for a renewed countdown of X seconds. It can jump for a maximum of X times, and any unit who tries to walk through any line of the web will receive X damage and be X% slowed for X amount of seconds.

Level 1: Stunned for 1 second, bounced web 1 second, 50 damage, 20% slowed (movement speed and attack speed) for 2.5 seconds.
Level 2: Stunned for 2.5 second, bounced web 2.5 second, 75 damage, 30% slowed (movement speed and attack speed) for 3.0 seconds.
Level 1: Stunned for 4 second, bounced web 4 second, 100 damage, 40% slowed (movement speed and attack speed) for 3.5 seconds.

[the spectral forms are the undead shades^^]

so what happened is I have absolutely NO idea where to start, so can someone teach me or even better just give me the trigger to learn from^^
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
Imo, JASS is much harder than GUI however that dash spell would be very hard to do in gui and it would look very choppy, like the hero is teleporting at a distance of 10 or so periodically, and not really dashing.
Level 2
Apr 15, 2007
thanks for all the replies^^
could this be achieved .. say by making triggers that create and destroy a model within a one second time basis?
Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
I'd have to experiment a little, i'v never tried a spell like this before. Ill post again if i finish it.

EDIT: Ill try again tommorrow, this has me stumped atm and ill be gone for the rest of the day.
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Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
the Evasia skill can work, maybe not if its actually supposed to take no damage from the spell, and maybe not on AoE spells either(ive never tried AoE, so) but it goes something like this(i included that the Mana Sapped deals damage, like Mana Burn, and that it is 10%/20%/30% Chance to succed)

Trigger 1 : The Actual Skill

Unit - A unit begins casting an ability
((Unit-Type of (Target unit of ability being cast)) equal to (Hero)
Set (Unit1) = "Target Unit of Ability Being Casted"
Set (Unit2) = "Casting Unit"
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
(Integer1) is less than or equal to (Integer 2)
(We will get to this in the other trigger)
Then Actions:
Set (Real1) = (Mana of (Unit2))
Unit - Move (Unit1) instantly to ((Position of Unit2) offset by 50.00 towards ((Facing of Unit2) - 180.00) degrees
Unit - Set Mana of Unit2 to ((Percentage mana of (Unit2)) - (Integer2)
Set (Real2) = (Mana of (Unit2))
Set (Real3) = (Real1 - Real2)
Unit - Cause (Unit1) to damage (Unit2), dealing Real3 damage of attack type (Your Choice) and damage type (Your Choice)
Else Actions:
Do Nothing

Trigger 2 : Setting the Chance of Succes

Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
Set Integer1 = (Random integer number between 1 and 10) <- I dont know if it can become 1 or 10, but if it cant, just change them to 0 and 11
Set Integer2 = (Level of Evasia for (Your Hero))
(For Multi-Instancable, you must copy these triggers for each and every player and make new variables for each and every player, but there might be a way to avoid it, this is just my solution)

I think that should cover it, but if it doesnt work, or if anyone can see it right now, please tell if there are any mistakes, i would like to not make them on my maps :)
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Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
I tried finishing the feather flow spell but for some reason it does'nt work either. This is what I have, hopefully some more advanced spellmakers or map makers will be able to spot what i did wrong. The problem: the dasher only moves about 80 rather than 250 + (real(level of (feather flow) for (dasher 0000))) x 50. I changed it to 350, but he still only moves 80.

  • Feather Flow INIT
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Ability being cast) Equal to Feather Flow
        • Then - Actions
          • Hero - Create Boots of Speed and give it to Dasher 0000 <gen>
          • Set BootsofSpeed = (Last created item)
          • Set Point = ((Position of Dasher) offset by 350.00 towards (Facing of Dasher 0000 <gen>) degrees)
          • Region - Center DasherTarget on ((Position of Dasher) offset by 350.00 towards (Facing of Dasher 0000 <gen>) degrees)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
          • Set Point = (Center of Dasher Target <gen>)
          • Unit - Order Dasher to Move To (Center of Dasher Target <gen>)
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
          • Trigger - Run Feather Flow Detect Trees <gen> (checking conditions)
        • Else - Actions
          • Do nothing
  • Feather Flow Detect Trees
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Destructible - Pick every destructible within 180.00 of (Position of Dasher 0000 <gen>) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Distance between (Position of Dasher 0000 <gen>) and (Position of (Picked destructible))) Less than or equal to 180.00
            • Then - Actions
              • Destructible - Kill (Picked destructible)
              • Set Rebounds = (Rebounds + 1)
              • Set Point = (Position of Dasher 0000 <gen>)
              • Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Position of Dasher 0000 <gen>) using Abilities\Spells\Orc\WarStomp\WarStompCaster.mdl
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
            • Else - Actions
              • Hero - Drop BootsofSpeed from Dasher 0000 <gen>
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • Rebounds Greater than or equal to (Level of Feather Flow for Dasher 0000 <gen>)
        • Then - Actions
          • Hero - Drop BootsofSpeed from Dasher 0000 <gen>
          • Item - Remove BootsofSpeed
        • Else - Actions
          • Wait 0.12 seconds
          • Trigger - Run (This trigger) (checking conditions)
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Just a suggestion on the actual abilities themselves, a few of them are overpowered, including Evasia. Also, I think you're putting too many effects on a single ability, keep it clean and simple, people don't want to have to read half a page to understand what their ability does.
Level 2
Apr 15, 2007
Originally posted by Shados
Just a suggestion on the actual abilities themselves, a few of them are overpowered, including Evasia. Also, I think you're putting too many effects on a single ability, keep it clean and simple, people don't want to have to read half a page to understand what their ability does.

Thanks for the constructive criticism^^ I guess they're a tad too overpowered, but they're meant to be like high level spells and I'm only including a few so I think it should be alright, what do you think?

And to Razorbrain and Confucioussay, thank you!
Level 11
Jul 12, 2005
Razorbrain, your trigger is a mess. You don't need a second trigger for setting the chance value and such...
  • Events
  • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
  • Conditions
  • Level of Evasia for (Target unit of ability being cast) is greater then 0
  • Actions
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
  • If - Conditions
  • ((Level of Evasia for (Target unit of ability being cast)) * 10) is greater then (Random integer between 1 and 100)
  • Then - Actions
  • Unit - Move (Target unit of ability being cast) to position of (Triggering unit)
  • Unit - Set mana of (Triggering unit) to (Mana of (Triggering unit)) * (1-((Level of Evasia for (Target unit of ability being cast)) * 10))
  • Else - Actions
Note that, you cannot detect if an AoE spell hits a unit! So this one works for unit-targetted spells only!
The others are pretty comlicated... I recommend jass.
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