I need someone to make these abilities

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Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Make all these Hero abilities. Just set the stats of the abilities to anything and I'll edit them myself. +rep

Hero 1
Ability 1 (Whipcrack):
Makes surrounding allied units' attack speed faster and movement speed faster but also damages the allied units' life. Lasts for a certain amount of time. Attack speed and movement speed increases as you upgrade the spell but the damage remains the same.
Ability 2 (Quake) :
Slams the ground and stuns(but does no damage) close enemy units + summons a unit. Stuns longer and summons more powerful units as you upgrade.
Ability 3 (Fear Aura):
Enemy units have decreased armor and attack speed. Decreases more armor and attack speed as you upgrade.
Final Ability (Mighty Blow):
Greatly damages(like almost instant kill) the next unit the hero attacks. Can be turned on/off but not like an autocast or passive skill.

Ability 1 (Eye of Kilrogg):
Creates a mobile eye that can travel instantly anywhere. As it lasts, it also drains the Hero's mana. At first it will drain like 5 mana per second but as you upgrade it, it lessons to 1 mana per second.
Ability 2 (Tornado):
Summons a mobile tornado(much like the Naga Sea Witch's except this isn't invulnerable and lasts lesser). Lasts longer as you upgrade it.
Ability 3 (Inferno Totem):
Creates an immobile totem that lasts for 5 seconds. It explodes when the 5 seconds are up but does nothing when it dies. The damage becomes greater and the totem's life is increased as you upgrade the skill.
Final Ability (Incite Chaos):
Gives you control of an enemy unit under level 5 for 60 seconds. When the 60 seconds are up, the unit is transferred back to it's original player.

I know it's too much, but I'm just not sure how to make these myself :((((
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Hero 1
Ability 1 (Whipcrack):
Makes surrounding allied units' attack speed faster and movement speed faster but also damages the allied units' life. Lasts for a certain amount of time. Attack speed and movement speed increases as you upgrade the spell but the damage remains the same.

Event - Unit starts the effect of an ability
Condtion - Ability Being cast equals to whipcrack
- Set temppoint = position of triggering unit
- Set tempgroup = Units within 300 of triggering unit equal to unit is an ally of owner of triggering unit
- Pick every unit in tempgroup and then
-----create 1 dummy unit for owner of triggering unit at temppoint
-----order last created unit to Orc - Bloodlust picked unit
-----add 1 sec expiration timer to last created unit
-----Cause triggering unit to damage picked unit dealing whipcrack damage
- Custom Script : call DestroyGroup(udg_tempgroup)
- Custom script : call RemoveLocation(udg_temppoint)

2 (Quake) :
Slams the ground and stuns(but does no damage) close enemy units + summons a unit. Stuns longer and summons more powerful units as you upgrade.

Use warstomp, set damage to zero. Create a trigger that detects when the warstomp is cast, and then spawn your unit using Create unit action.

Ability 3 (Fear Aura):
Enemy units have decreased armor and attack speed. Decreases more armor and attack speed as you upgrade.

Add a devotion aura (that gives out nega armor ofc.) and endurance aura to a disabled spellbook. then add to the unit. These spells can be leveled up through trigger when the dummy spell is leveled up.

Final Ability (Mighty Blow):
Greatly damages(like almost instant kill) the next unit the hero attacks. Can be turned on/off but not like an autocast or passive skill.

Use immolation. When the unit damages another unit, detect it with a DDS. When you have detected it with a trigger, deal the almost instakill damage.

Ability 1 (Eye of Kilrogg):
Creates a mobile eye that can travel instantly anywhere. As it lasts, it also drains the Hero's mana. At first it will drain like 5 mana per second but as you upgrade it, it lessons to 1 mana per second.

Give the Eye a blink ability with global range. Periodically check if the eye still lives and drain the hero's mana.

Ability 2 (Tornado):
Summons a mobile tornado(much like the Naga Sea Witch's except this isn't invulnerable and lasts lesser). Lasts longer as you upgrade it.

Use another summoning ability and summon the Tornado unit in the OE. Can be done without triggers.

Ability 3 (Inferno Totem):
Creates an immobile totem that lasts for 5 seconds. It explodes when the 5 seconds are up but does nothing when it dies. The damage becomes greater and the totem's life is increased as you upgrade the skill.

Unit is summoned -> start a timer -> timer expires -> check if totem is still alive -> make explosion

Final Ability (Incite Chaos):
Gives you control of an enemy unit under level 5 for 60 seconds. When the 60 seconds are up, the unit is transferred back to it's original player.

Use charm. Use a timer then when the timer expires, check if the unit if still alive, then if it is , use the change owner action to revert it back to its previous owner.

Download: Whipcrack

find leak for me
  • Settings
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Buff_Ability = Buffs
      • Set WhipcrackAbility = Whipcrack
      • Set Const_Whip_Range = 300.00
      • Set Const_Whip_Range_Add = 0.00
      • Set Const_Dmg = 100.00
      • Set Const_Dmg_Add = 0.00
      • Set Whip_AttackType = Normal
      • Set Whip_DmgType = Normal
  • Whipcrack
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to WhipcrackAbility
    • Actions
      • Set Whip_Cast = (Triggering unit)
      • Set Whip_Level = (Real((Level of WhipcrackAbility for Whip_Cast)))
      • Set Whip_FinalDmg = (Const_Dmg + (Const_Dmg_Add x Whip_Level))
      • Set Whip_FinalRadius = (Const_Whip_Range + (Const_Whip_Range_Add x Whip_Level))
      • Set Whip_Point = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set Whip_Player = (Owner of Whip_Cast)
      • Set Whip_Group = (Units within Const_Whip_Range of Whip_Point)
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in Whip_Group and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Set Whip_Picked = (Picked unit)
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Whip_Picked is A structure) Equal to False
              • (Whip_Picked belongs to an ally of Whip_Player) Equal to True
              • Whip_Picked Not equal to Whip_Cast
            • Then - Actions
              • Unit - Cause Whip_Cast to damage Whip_Picked, dealing Const_Dmg damage of attack type Whip_AttackType and damage type Whip_DmgType
              • Set Whip_TargetPoint = (Position of Whip_Picked)
              • Unit - Create 1 dummy for Whip_Player at Whip_TargetPoint facing Default building facing degrees
              • Set Whip_Dummies = (Last created unit)
              • Unit - Add Buffs to Whip_Dummies
              • Unit - Set level of Buff_Ability for Whip_Dummies to (Level of WhipcrackAbility for Whip_Cast)
              • Unit - Add a 0.50 second Generic expiration timer to Whip_Dummies
              • Unit - Order Whip_Dummies to Orc Shaman - Bloodlust (Picked unit)
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Whip_Point)
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Whip_TargetPoint)
              • Custom script: call DestroyGroup (udg_Whip_Group)
            • Else - Actions


  • Whipcrack.w3x
    20 KB · Views: 75
^It would be good to note that this would not stack with Bloodlust, in case that's important.

ya... im using bloodust to increase atk spd and movement spd...
im not sure how to increase atk spd or movement spd by trigger
it sounds danger as it's like it changes the unit's speed permanant (maybe)
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