I need icons for my following heros
the portrait
the skill icons
and i also need a hero model
my hero is as follows
let you imagination run wild ppl
send you icons and models to [email protected] or post them here or both
Avatar of Fenrir
Scourge Hero
Fenrir is a wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is bound by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and devour Odin during the course of Ragnarök. Fenrir has the ultimate pwer to bring destruction and chaos to the world. Imprisoned by chains of Gleipnir, created by Odin to bound him till the battle of Ragnarok. The Lich King meets with Fenrir and provides him with the ability to create an avatar to aid the scourge seeing as Fenrir is addicted to wrecking havoc.
Basic Info
Strength: 21 + 1.8
Agility: 20 + 2.5
Intelligence: 13 +1.8
Movement Speed: 310
Level 1: (Base)
HP: 475
MP: 212
Damage: 45-47
Armor: 2.5
Attack Speed: 1.45
Level 25: (Base)
HP: 1484
MP: 630
Damage: 137-139
Armor: 12.5
Attack Speed: 1.5
Chilling Howl
Mana: 30/50/70/90
Cooldown: 20/25/30/35
Fenris summons forth an icy wind that disorients and damages enemies. The wind decreases enemies attack speed and movement speed.
Level 1 - Damages the enemy for 100, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 10%, AoE 100 units around Fenris
Level 2 - Damages the enemy for 140, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 20%, AoE 150 units around Fenris
Level 3 - Damages the enemy for 180, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 30%, AoE 200 units around Fenris
Level 4 - Damages the enemy for 220, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 40%, AoE 250 units around Fenris
Ván 'Hope
Mana: n/a
Cooldown: n/a
When Fenris attacks, he is able to unleash a deadly attack causing the enemy to flinch
Level 1 - 20% for 10 damage and0.1 sec stun
Level 2 - 20% for 20 damage and0.1 sec stun
Level 3 - 20% for 30 damage and 0.2 sec stun
Level 4 - 20% for 40 damage and 0.2 sec stun
Chains of Gleipnir
Mana: 30/50/70/90
Cooldown: 30/40/50/60
Fenris constricts a target enemy using the chains by which he was bound. The damage dealt depends upon how much health Fenris has lost one minute prior to the casting of the spell plus damage per second. While casting this spell Fenris is unable to move
Level 1 - Deals 150 damage on impact and 5 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 2 - Deals 200 damage on impact and 6 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage on impact and 7 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 4 - Deals 300 damage on impact and 8 HP per second for 10 seconds
Avatar of Destruction
Mana: 50/100/150
Cooldown: n/a
Letting lose a howl of rage, Fenrir pours his destructive power into his avatar, causing it to become incredibly powerful. However, this destructive power comes at a price, wearing out Fenrir's incarnation. Fenris is able to use this skill for as long as he wants but loses more hp the longer it lasts
Level 1 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 40%, Fenris loses 5 HP per second
Level 2 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 70%, Fenris loses 10 HP per second
Level 3 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 100%, Fenris loses 20 HP per second
Special thanks to 5p45T1kM0nk3 without whom i would have been a quitter
Also a big thanks to VU-Nit for proof checking and removing crap skills and replacing them with better one
the portrait
the skill icons
and i also need a hero model
my hero is as follows
let you imagination run wild ppl
send you icons and models to [email protected] or post them here or both
Avatar of Fenrir
Scourge Hero
Fenrir is a wolf, the son of Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Fenrir is bound by the gods, but is ultimately destined to grow too large for his bonds and devour Odin during the course of Ragnarök. Fenrir has the ultimate pwer to bring destruction and chaos to the world. Imprisoned by chains of Gleipnir, created by Odin to bound him till the battle of Ragnarok. The Lich King meets with Fenrir and provides him with the ability to create an avatar to aid the scourge seeing as Fenrir is addicted to wrecking havoc.
Basic Info
Strength: 21 + 1.8
Agility: 20 + 2.5
Intelligence: 13 +1.8
Movement Speed: 310
Level 1: (Base)
HP: 475
MP: 212
Damage: 45-47
Armor: 2.5
Attack Speed: 1.45
Level 25: (Base)
HP: 1484
MP: 630
Damage: 137-139
Armor: 12.5
Attack Speed: 1.5
Chilling Howl
Mana: 30/50/70/90
Cooldown: 20/25/30/35
Fenris summons forth an icy wind that disorients and damages enemies. The wind decreases enemies attack speed and movement speed.
Level 1 - Damages the enemy for 100, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 10%, AoE 100 units around Fenris
Level 2 - Damages the enemy for 140, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 20%, AoE 150 units around Fenris
Level 3 - Damages the enemy for 180, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 30%, AoE 200 units around Fenris
Level 4 - Damages the enemy for 220, reduces attack speed and movement speed by 40%, AoE 250 units around Fenris
Ván 'Hope
Mana: n/a
Cooldown: n/a
When Fenris attacks, he is able to unleash a deadly attack causing the enemy to flinch
Level 1 - 20% for 10 damage and0.1 sec stun
Level 2 - 20% for 20 damage and0.1 sec stun
Level 3 - 20% for 30 damage and 0.2 sec stun
Level 4 - 20% for 40 damage and 0.2 sec stun
Chains of Gleipnir
Mana: 30/50/70/90
Cooldown: 30/40/50/60
Fenris constricts a target enemy using the chains by which he was bound. The damage dealt depends upon how much health Fenris has lost one minute prior to the casting of the spell plus damage per second. While casting this spell Fenris is unable to move
Level 1 - Deals 150 damage on impact and 5 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 2 - Deals 200 damage on impact and 6 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage on impact and 7 HP per second for 10 seconds
Level 4 - Deals 300 damage on impact and 8 HP per second for 10 seconds
Avatar of Destruction
Mana: 50/100/150
Cooldown: n/a
Letting lose a howl of rage, Fenrir pours his destructive power into his avatar, causing it to become incredibly powerful. However, this destructive power comes at a price, wearing out Fenrir's incarnation. Fenris is able to use this skill for as long as he wants but loses more hp the longer it lasts
Level 1 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 40%, Fenris loses 5 HP per second
Level 2 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 70%, Fenris loses 10 HP per second
Level 3 - Fenris' damage and attack speed increase by 100%, Fenris loses 20 HP per second
Special thanks to 5p45T1kM0nk3 without whom i would have been a quitter
Also a big thanks to VU-Nit for proof checking and removing crap skills and replacing them with better one