UTH needs all sorts of things, definitely not a buff though. It is arguably pretty poor for what it does, but because it synergizes with other hunter cards so well it is an indispensable hunter card.
Hunter is strong, but it lags behind other classes in its limited flexibility. It has literally nothing going for it if you aren't using beasts with the exception of buzzard + UTH for card draw.
That is why the only working hunter decks you will see is aggro which depends entirely on the opponent not having much to play in the first few rounds and a mid game control hunter which has arguably higher consistency but will still lag behind stronger control decks.
That being said uth is still OP, UTH, Buzzard and Scavenging Hyena are likely the most stupidly broken cards in the game.
What I'm afraid of is that as we go along hunter will keep on falling behind because of the lack of beasts while other decks will come up with a new build with every new expansion.
We will see how this trend will go with Naxxramas, but bad IMO. Considering only about one or two cards from Naxx may possibly be beasts.