You know, if you want to go back and forth and refute arguments. Its usualy a good idea to have some evidence to support your claim. You're first point had a claim, but it was incorrect:
Ok. I was playing a game of DotA, and I thought I'd use that satyr unit from the Night Elves. My 'role in combat' is clearly a lone one, assassinating lone heroes and whatnot.
I find myself up against a sole water elemental reskin named 'Enigma'. No matter how many times I get a back attack in, no matter how many allies I pull from other lanes (even with 2 other heroes, he still couldn't be killed), no matter what I did, he'd just stand there continually casting Death and Decay. And a stupidly strong version at that. Now, I used my hero as he was ment to be played and still got nowhere. His items were no better than mine and I still lost.
you say that your role is a lone one, which is incorrect, at least for the first half of the game. Your job is to sneak up behind other heroes while you are permanently invisable and take them by surprise with help from your teammates slowing them with your cloud, if you couldn't take him out with 2 other heroes, then your team was either fighting him right next to a tower, or was not doing their job properly. In addition, Rikki maru is not an early game hero, where as enigma is. Late in the game, Enigma becomes significatly more weak, and riki maru significantly stronger. This is usualy the case with agility and inteligence based heroes.
I don't think you understand, there IS no destinction between blacklist and banlist, banlist is; not. a. word.
oh no I understand perfectly. But what on earth does that have anything to do with dota?
The map is messy, what more do you want?
perhaps an example? the map looks pretty clean to me. please correct me if I am wrong, with a convincing argument.
Really? You must be worse at DotA than I am. 90% of items in DotA have no use.
ok, so tell me. What items do you deem unbalanced and what items do you deem useless? because really, you shouldn't be buying the same item everytime, you need different items for different situations depedning on what hero you are and hat heroes you are up against. For example, you should have gotten a ring of health with rikki maru if you ere up against a ranged inteligence heor like enigma. Enigma should have no buisness killing you with invis and a ring of health. The ring of health will let your level up quickly, enabling you to stay in battle longer and soak up more experience.
I think I'll stand by my origional comment.
why should I believe your original statement if you have no evidence to support your claim?
How many games of DotA have you played? The combine feature takes a good minute of combat time every time you have to search for that damn combination item. The game lasts say, 45 min so that's just over 2% of your play time JUST to combine a single item. God only knows how much it'd add up to in a full match...
If you know where the recipie is, and what items you need for it, you can combine your items in town before you are done healing. Infact, you can be working on your different combine items and build them slowly throughout the game, gaining partial benefits from the components until you have enough money to complete the combined item.
You can master the item combination system in DotA with ease but not see that the terrain is crap?
I guess not. However, at least I back up what I say with a valid point.
The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war.
Nuff said.
I was refering to your use of "stratergy" as opposed to "strategy"
Again, those heroes are balanced, you just don't seem to realize that different heroes are more powerful at different times in the game. Generaly speaking, early, mid, and late. Riki maru is a Late game hero, where as enigma is an early to mid game hero. Meaning, you wont be very successful going up against enigma early game. next time, try swithcing lanes with someone and fight some weak ranged agi hero.
Getting good at DotA takes 2 games. Play the first and take note as to what heroes are horribly imbalanced, and on the second game play as them.
try joining non-public games, and see how well you do with all your "imbalanced" heroes. I also find it interesting that you say that dota has a steep learning curve, and the item systems is cumbersome, yet you say that you can become good at dota after 2 games. you seem to be contradicting yourself.
I have no idea what those are. If finding them gives any kind of combat advantage, then they shouldn't be in there.
If you don't know what those are, then it is fairly obvious you don't understand how dota works on a larger scale and therefore your acusations and claims that dota is a horrible game are unfounded through lack of expereience with the game.
I don't want this to degenerate into a flame war, so for my part I'm going to end on this afterword
I agree, I dislike flamewars, so far this has been a civil conversation. If you do not wish to respond, that is fine.
If you like DotA then so be it. I don't go around DotA games bashing people in them, so I don't expect any DotA fan to bash the DotA haters in a DotA hater's thread. Deal?
Ok, If you find satisfaction in bashing dota with other dota haters without any opposition, then I apologize and I will leave you to your dota hating thread. However, realize that this thread was posted on a "maps" forums which reads "Want to share your great map? Come here to discuss a map or get general map and triggering help." I am disscussing a great map, but out of courtousy to you, I will not post in your thread anymore. Unless you would like to discuss this map further, which I would be more than happy to do. Because I am a mapper myself, I would love to know why you think the terrain is crap and messy, and how you think it could be improved.