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I don't think this is a virus

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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yeah, once I had same thing with AVG saying this, but it sayed this only once checking mini-game mapping contest thread... and never happened again.

Oh, it said this said is infested, it's may be a physing site or some social engineering site, whatever that means... and as I understand, it could have been just reported by somebody for lulz or accidentally...
"http://dl.hiveworkshop.com/1f0a2886483b3bfdbc3d2d9ec4769773/4d98d284/1/tools_248/cJassSetup.exe "

This is where it says the virus is.
If the program works anything like JNG then it could recognize it as a trojan I believe (the way the programs work appears very much like a virus), but it says the file is a keylogger. Could we get someone to check that?
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I get the same warning. Although it's just "caution" now instead of "warning." It happened shortly after ralle switched to the new server (at least that's when I started noticing it). More likely than not, it's just one of the ads... again.


Hundred percent not. These Tribalfusion ads are harmless, since most of them are related to some american social information sites... or wahtever that's called... and there are no new ads...
Now, erm, yes, Jass is often tough to be a virus by the anti-viruses... now people, stop accusing AVG, Norton and whatever else to be a piece of shit... that's not the solution... now seriously, I have no idea why would anti-viruses think THW is dangerous...
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'd much rather my antivirus pick up safe content as a virus than let viruses through as safe content, wouldn't you?

Only answer you need:
Actually these are not bugs. Just that those programms inject themselves into other software, like WE, just like viruses do. So, that makes sence why they detect them as viruses.

In short, don't worry the site isn't infected it may just be listed as a carrier of malware due to the hosting of a program that does the above (e.g. newgen or in this case cJass.exe).
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
No, not just Norton reported this, plus this happened only once... you know I think that was just a false alarm that got fixed...

Virus ads? Yes, Ralle once needed more funds for Hive, so he enabled not just Tribalfusion, but yieldmanager and bidvertiser ads. So bid one had some unthrustaly ads, so Ralle removed it after figuring out the source of problem. Later he needed some funds again, and those in charge of ads promised there will be no more problems like that... but then there was some... adultish advertisement, so Ralle said "Son I'm dissapoint" and removed those again. Hopefully forever.
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