[Trigger] Hungry, thirst, fatigue and disease sistem

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Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Estoy creando un sistema sobre estos cuatro pilares, con uniones entre ellos. No sé si es la sección correcta (noob en Hive) Por lo tanto, si no es así, pida a los moderadores que la pasen a la sección correcta. Continuemos con esto, habiendo ya aclarado lo básico.
  1. Hambriento: esto es fácil. Cada minuto recibes 1 punto de hambre. Si grabas 10 puntos, mueres. Cada 3 puntos de hambre verá una alarma y perderá puntos de hambre al comer (sorpresa)
  2. Sed: es lo mismo que el hambre, pero recibes un punto de sed cada 40 segundos y los pierdes al beber (otra sorpresa)
  3. Fatiga: Aquí comienza la dificultad. La idea es recibir puntos de fatiga, pero algunas acciones (pelear, correr tanto, etc.) deberían darle más puntos. No se como hacerlo Si registra 500 puntos, muere y solo puede reducirlos descansando (una habilidad). Puede descansar en cualquier lugar, pero algunos lugares (su cama obviamente) reducen sus puntos de fatiga más rápido. Yo tampoco se como hacerlo
  4. Enfermedad: Aquí comienza la unión de pilares. Puede contraer una enfermedad si come o bebe algo crudo o mal preparado. Las diferentes enfermedades tienen diferentes efectos (la mayoría termina matándote) y antídotos.
Y continuando con esto, algunos alimentos dan o reducen sus puntos de sed, y algunas bebidas descansan o le dan puntos de hambre, pero es fácil y sé cómo hacerlo (esto es extraño).
Así que, terminando, ayúdame con esto.
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Level 24
Feb 9, 2009
All three of these systems can make this easy (be sure to credit Bribe if you use them!):
- Unit-Indexing - store fatigue information on each individual unit by their custom values
- Is unit Moving? - track when a unit is moving to add fatigue
- Damage Engine - track when a unit is being taking or causing to add fatigue

Here's a short demo using those three systems:


Oh, you seem to have switched languages on me...


  • Fatigue Demo.w3x
    39.2 KB · Views: 32
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Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Oh, really thanks for the quick response and the sistem.
The good thing is that it is a LOAP / rpg, so the most likely thing is that you only drive one unit.
I will clearly grant the credits for Bribe, and a good extra for you
, you seem to have switched languages on me
No, i wasn't. Was the autocorrector (i hate it, but i can't turn off It) but it's true that my English is lousy. What's the problem?
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Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
I think the systems are well installed, but I'm not quite sure how to establish the connections between system and system, and I tried to do it by several methods (even tried to create triggers exclusively for that), and I don't get it. Also, it's important to keep in mind that you will only drive one unit (per player, without counting possible summons), although I do not think that is a problem. It seems to be somewhat related to the Unit Indexing, but as my knowledge of triggers of such difficulty, both in GUI and in JASS, they are practically null.
Anyway, it isn't necessary to wring your head thinking about it, after all I asked Bribe himself, that being the creator of the system will know my error and how I can correct it.
Level 11
Dec 16, 2018
Now i can't, and maybe i'll do more of the map before send It. First I want to see the answer of Bribe, but if he don't answer me, i'll be pleased todo send the map. Really thanks for your interest, is really good see this kind of answers
Edit: About the demo, i can't open It because muy Warcraft version is really, really old (1.26)
Edit 2: About the pastebein, I, like the new member that I am un Hive, I'm not sure what It is or how It works. If you explain it to me (and it's not too much trouble) I will be really grateful
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Now i can't, and maybe i'll do more of the map before send It. First I want to see the answer of Bribe, but if he don't answer me, i'll be pleased todo send the map. Really thanks for your interest, is really good see this kind of answers
Edit: About the demo, i can't open It because muy Warcraft version is really, really old (1.26)
Edit 2: About the pastebein, I, like the new member that I am un Hive, I'm not sure what It is or how It works. If you explain it to me (and it's not too much trouble) I will be really grateful
If their map is using Damage Engine 3.8 and no 1.29+ triggers, it should run fine on 1.26. I'll have a look at the demo map he published (soonest after Christmas).
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