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Help!!! Triggers stopped working at any moment (like Map Initialization) [Too many triggers!]

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Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
Map in development link
Gladiador Survival 1.0 - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com

I am creating a map of Gladiators ... as my native language is Spanish, it is created entirely in that language ... so if there is a Latino friend or who knows how to speak in Spanish and can give me a hand I would be grateful ... It happens that inside the map that I am developing (the one that I leave in the link) when starting the triggers of "Relics" it works correctly for Player 1, but as for Player 2 there is no case that they work. Also from the point where you create that trigger the Map Initialization is useless, it does not work and neither can I create new triggers, because even if they are well written, they do not start. Analyze each and every one of the triggers and their variants and I can not find the error. Something super important is that I stop working the trigger from one moment to another, because in the morning when the probe started, and today early to open the editor (without achieving absolutely nothing) no longer ran .... highlight that I have made an immense amount of Items that bear the model of the object in question on the character and a skill that will be granted; all items are made based on a mold, so all have the same mechanics and should not work some and not others. Please, seriously if someone who understands the language can review it and see if it works (Relics P2) I would be grateful. The map is just in progress so the other 10 players are not configured, just started.

Estoy creando un mapa de Gladiadores...como mi idioma natal es el español, esta creado totalmente en ese idioma... por lo que si hay algun amigo latino o que sepa hablar en español y pueda darme una mano estaria agradecido... Pasa que dentro del mapa que estoy desarrollando (el que dejo en el link) al iniciar los triggers de "Reliquias" funciona correctamente para el Player 1, pero en cuanto al Player 2 no hay caso que funcionen.Tambien desde el punto en que cree ese trigger el Map Initialization no sirve de nada, no funciona y tampoco puedo crear nuevos triggers, porque aunque esten bien escritos, no arrancan. Analice todos y cada uno de los triggers y sus variantes y no encuentro el error. Algo super importante ademas es que dejo de funcionar el trigger de un momento a otro, ya que en la mañana cuando lo probe arrancaba, y hoy temprano al abrir el editor (sin alcanzar a hacer absolutamente nada) ya no corria.... Cabe resaltar que he echo una cantidad inmensa de Items que al portar otorgan el modelo del objeto en cuestion sobre el personaje y una habilidad que se le otorgara; todos los items son hechos a base de un molde, por lo que todos tienen la misma mecanica y no deberian funcionar unos y otros no. Favor, en serio si alguien que entienda el idioma puede revisarlo y ver si funciona (Reliquias P2) estaria agradecido. El mapa esta recien en progreso por lo que los otros 10 players no estan configurados, recien comence.

Esos son los que no arrancan y si se fijan son identicos a los de Player 1 que si funcionan
Those are the ones that do not start and if they are fixed they are identical to those of Player 1 that if they work


Obviously Player 1 and Player 2 do not share variables, for example the Hero of player 1 (Unit Variable = HeroeP1U) and Hero of player 2 is (Unit Variable = HeroeP2U) so with the objects, Player 1 (Item Tipe = ReliquiaCristalP1) or Player 2 (Item Tipe = Relic CristalP2). I did the same with the more than 50 items with included models that I added for each player.

Obviamente Player 1 y Player 2 no comparten variables, por ejemplo el Heroe de player 1 (Unit Variable = HeroeP1U) y el Heroe de player 2 es (Unit Variable = HeroeP2U) asi con los objetos, Player 1 (Item Tipe= ReliquiaCristalP1) o Player 2 (Item Tipe = Reliquia CristalP2). Hice lo mismo con los mas de 50 items con modelos incluidos que agregue para cada jugador.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
[QUOTE = "Daffa the Mage, post: 3329538, miembro: 225806"] Supongo que su hilo se eliminó debido al límite operativo. Recuerda tener este problema con mi escritura de AI también. [/ QUOTE]
What is the operating limit? and how can I solve it? :( I have more than 100 triggers on my map ...
¿Cuál es el límite de operación? ¿Y cómo puedo solucionarlo? :( Tengo más de 100 activadores en mi mapa ...
Please use English, the rules stated that posts here are mandatory to be in English.

What is the operation limit? And how can I solve it? :( I have more than 100 triggers on my map ...

op limit is the limit of code that can be run before a trigger is forcefully terminated. Around 3M if memory preserves.

Mind showing all triggers that runs at Map Initialization?

Each trigger initiates a thread for operating its codes. I recommend utilizing ExecuteFunc as it resets op counter, but you need to split bigger ones to multiple functions to allow the reset.
Level 6
Oct 25, 2018

My map has 942 Triggers and 110 Variables ... that's a lot or a little compared to the maximum allowed? because many triggers stopped working after this ... How can I fix it? I have only configured 2 players out of a total of 10 so I estimate I would need at least a total of 4000 triggers and 530 variables ...

Mi mapa tiene 942 Triggers y 110 Variables... eso es mucho o poco con respecto al maximo permitido? porque muchos triggers dejaron de funcionar luego de esto... Como puedo arreglarlo? solo he configurado 2 players de un total de 10 por lo que estimo necesitaria al menos un total de 4000 triggers y 530 variables...
Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
Please use English, the rules stated that posts here are mandatory to be in English.

op limit is the limit of code that can be run before a trigger is forcefully terminated. Around 3M if memory preserves.

Mind showing all triggers that runs at Map Initialization?

Each trigger initiates a thread for operating its codes. I recommend utilizing ExecuteFunc as it resets op counter, but you need to split bigger ones to multiple functions to allow the reset.
Please use English, the rules stated that posts here are mandatory to be in English.

op limit is the limit of code that can be run before a trigger is forcefully terminated. Around 3M if memory preserves.

Mind showing all triggers that runs at Map Initialization?

Each trigger initiates a thread for operating its codes. I recommend utilizing ExecuteFunc as it resets op counter, but you need to split bigger ones to multiple functions to allow the reset.

How can I show all the triggers at the beginning of the map? I'm really new, creating them, I guess I handle the basics, but I have no idea how to work with codes or where to look for what you ask me: c

That's inefficient. If you try to utilize player group instead of making trigger per player perhaps you can optimize the number of triggers used.

I can not think of how to make a group of players when for each item managed by X Hero, events happen that only affect that hero in question (each item gives a skill and provides an armor model to the hero, RPG type). of 50 items, I can not allow the item that carries the HeroeP1 to affect the HeroeP2, since the item would only benefit the bearer. Considering that, I can not think of how to apply the group of players here. As for the language, the map is for me, I never thought of creating one to upload it to the hiveworkshop, rather to play it with my close friends, that's why it's not in English ... the error of triggers was an improvised, that's why ask for the help here, and if you mean that the post is in Spanish ... well, I've been translating it and placing it in English in the same thread ... I do not know what to do with the map, get stuck

No se me ocurre como hacer un grupo de jugadores cuando por cada item manejado por X Heroe, suceden acontecimientos que solo afectan a ese heroe en cuestion (cada item da una habilidad y aporta un modelo de armadura al heroe, tipo RPG) Como tengo mas de 50 items, no puedo permitir que el item que porta el HeroeP1 afecte al HeroeP2, ya que el item solo beneficiaria al portador. Teniendo en cuenta eso, no se me ocurre como poder aplicar el grupo de jugadores aqui. En cuanto al idioma, el mapa es para mi, nunca tuve pensado crear uno para subirlo al hiveworkshop, mas bien para jugarlo con mis amigos cercanos, por eso no esta en ingles... lo del error de triggers fue un improvisto, por eso solicite la ayuda aqui, y si te refieres a que el post esta en español... pues yo lo he estado traduciendo y colocando en ingles en el mismo hilo... no se que hacer con el mapa, quede estancado
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Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
Please avoid double posting :)

Anyway, is the linked map public? I might be able to take a look once I'm available.
Please avoid double posting :)

Anyway, is the linked map public? I might be able to take a look once I'm available.

Yes, I publish it precisely to see if they can help me understand what happens ... none of the triggers that it creates from that point ... only the ones I already had at the beginning
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