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Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
Hola, desearia saber si pueden ayudarme indicandome como puedo generar el siguiente trigger.

Es un mapa en el cual el Jefe enemigo persigue a los jugadores, la idea es correr y escapar de el, similar al "Corre que te violan!" xD , mi idea es que este heroe sea un Zombie y que al matar a cualquiera de los jugadores, del cadaver del jugador nazca un zombie menor... que sea propiedad del jugador muerto; es decir el jugador pasa de ser un perseguido a un perseguidor volviendose enemigo de las unidades restantes que aun estan corriendo y aliado del heroe enemigo zombie, ayudandolo a cazar a los demas. El punto es que ya genere el trigger que hace que nazca un zombie del cadaver del jugador muerto, para el jugador que fue asesinado usando el:
Evento: una unidad muere
Accion: crear un Zombie Menor para propietario de la unidad asesinada en la posicion de la unidad asesinada.

Jugador: Volver al propietario de la unidad asesinada aliado del jugador asesino.

Luego de eso no puedo conseguir que las siguientes unidades muertas (zombies de los jugadores que vayan muriendo) se hagan aliados del zombie menor producto del primer asesinato. Si puedo hacer que sean aliados del heroe Zombie y ataquen a las demas unidades que aun siguen con vida, pero pasa que si un zombie menor se topa con otro de otro jugador se comienzan a atacar entre si. Como puedo establecer sean aliados desde ese punto?

Hello, I would like to know if you can help me by indicating how I can generate the next trigger. It is a map in which the enemy Boss pursues the players, the idea is to run and escape from it, similar to "Run who rapes you!" xD, my idea is that this hero is a Zombie and that by killing any of the players, from the player's body a minor zombie is born ... that is owned by the dead player; that is, the player goes from being a pursued to a pursuer becoming enemy of the remaining units that are still running and ally of the zombie enemy hero, helping him to hunt down others. The point is that I already generate the trigger that causes a zombie to be born from the corpse of the dead player, for the player who was killed using the:

Event: a unit dies
Action: Create a Minor Zombie for the owner of the dying unit in the position of the dying unit.
Player: Return to the Player owner of the dying unit allied to Player owner of killer unit.

After that I can not get the next dead units (zombies of players who are dying) to become allies of the minor zombie product of the first murder. If I can make them allies of the hero Zombie and attack the other units that are still alive, but it happens that if a minor zombie hits another player's other they start attacking each other. How can I establish allies from that point?
Last edited:
Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
Your explanation was a bit unclear but I get it, you're originally Portuguese (Or Spanish?)

What I understood is that, the second player who is killed, becomes the enemy of the remaining players, but never an ally for the Zombie players who died ? If that's the case, I suggest you create two player groups. A group of the ALIVE players, and a group of the Zombie players.

Here is how it is :
- I assume The Zombie Boss is Player (12) and is a computer. We do this :
  • Initialization
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player Group - Add Player 12 (Brown) to ZombieGroup
- Then, we add every human player to a Player Group that is exclusive for alive players, like this.
  • Actions
    • Player Group - Add Player 1 (Red) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 2 (Blue) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 3 (Teal) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 4 (Purple) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 5 (Yellow) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 6 (Orange) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 7 (Green) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 8 (Pink) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 9 (Gray) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 10 (Light Blue) to AlivePlayerGroup
    • Player Group - Add Player 11 (Dark Green) to AlivePlayerGroup
- As you can see, these triggers are under the event of "Initialization", so the groups are set before the map even starts. The Zombie Boss belongs to ZombieGroup player-group. And the players are added to AlivePlayerGroup player-group.

- After this, when every player is caught and killed, he is added to ZombieGroup, but also removed from AlivePlayerGroup. Like this :
  • Player Group - Add (Owner of (Dying unit)) to ZombieGroup
  • Player Group - Remove (Owner of (Dying unit)) from AlivePlayerGroup
- Once this is triggered, you need to change the alliances. The new zombie should be an ally with every zombie player and should an enemy to every alive player. This simple trigger should do :
  • Actions
    • Player Group - Make AlivePlayerGroup treat ZombieGroup as an Enemy
    • Player Group - Make ZombieGroup treat AlivePlayerGroup as an Enemy
- Make sure you make the alive players enemies for zombies, but also zombies are enemies for alive players. It should be a reciprocated trigger. Otherwise, they will end up like your map, they will attack each other. In case anything happens and they attack each other, these two triggers will reassure that players from the same group won't attack each other. It's as simple as this is :
  • Actions
    • Player Group - Pick every player in ZombieGroup and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Player Group - Make (Player group((Picked player))) treat ZombieGroup as an Ally
    • Player Group - Pick every player in AlivePlayerGroup and do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Player Group - Make (Player group((Picked player))) treat AlivePlayerGroup as an Ally
Hope this helps, please make sure you do exactly as it is. It's been long since the last time I touched the World Editor lol, so if anyone sees a flaw let me know.
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