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RPG- NEO-GENESIS V1.O (Soy nuevo en esto)

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Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
Muy buenas a todos, hablo español por lo que mi ingles es malo. La verdad es primera vez que comparto algo aca, nunca he hecho un mapa ni subido nada, tampoco me se las normas del foro asi que si posteo algo mal por favor indiquenme. Resulta que intento crear mi primer mapa RPG, nunca he usado detonadores pero he logrado los basicos funcionen (tales como hacer que aparezcan los heroes, elegir los skills personalisados de cada uno y los objetivos) quisiera saber si mas adelante alguien con conocimiento avanzado en AI y detonadores podria tomar mi mapa y modificarlo. Les dejo unas capturas.

- Cree 9 clases de Heroe, Guerrero, Cazador, Brujo, Mago, Demonio, Asesino, Caballero de la Muerte y Druida. Al seleccionar una clase, apareceran 20 modelos por clase, del cual elegiras uno, y a este lo personalizaras escogiendo tus propios hechizos (que se encontraran en un edificio que spawneara en el centro del mapa segun la clase que elijas) Necesito ideas y de ser posible apoyo, pues no conozco de detonadores.

Very good to everyone. The truth is the first time I share something here, I have never made a map or uploaded anything, I do not know the rules of the forum so if I post something wrong please indicate me. It turns out that I try to create my first RPG map, I have never used detonators but I have achieved the basics (such as making the heroes appear, choosing the personal skills of each one and the objectives) I would like to know if later someone with advanced knowledge in AI and detonators could take my map and modify it. I leave you some captures.

- Create 9 classes of Hero, Warrior, Hunter, Warlock, Wizard, Demon, Assassin, Death Knight and Druid. When selecting a class, 20 models will appear per class, from which you will choose one, and you will personalize it by choosing your own spells (which will be in a building that spans in the center of the map according to the class you choose) I need ideas and if possible I support, because I do not know about detonators

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Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
You want ais for which purposes?

And when will we be able to test?
You said it was a RPG but it barely gives any information.

Sorry I refer to a not very good use of triggers, but I am ready for the role that I think is ready in a week. I will upload it and when I do, I hope that someone with real knowledge in AI or the triggers can correct or correct the mistakes you have made. Thank you for reading.

(sorry for my bad english)
Level 6
Oct 25, 2018
You want ais for which purposes?

And when will we be able to test?
You said it was a RPG but it barely gives any information.


I just uploaded the ALFA version (I indicate because the map is not even in its 50% development) but it would be good if others see the process so that they give me their opinion and advice ... I am not very good at this, and I would like to know if someone can contribute to create a multiplayer version of the RPG (originally created thinking only 1 player, but incorporate a start at the bottom left corner of the map in case someone at some point gave me their support and taught me how to multiplayer ) I leave the link there below ... the class of "DRUIDA" is unplayable, I will change it by warlock
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